The race to the bottom that Microsoft is participating right now, is a race you don't want to win.
The race to the bottom that Microsoft is participating right now, is a race you don't want to win.
But just how good is good enough?
I honestly cannot imagine PS4 leading another NPD if Sony keeps the PS4 at $399 if the X1 is low $300s with multiple games.
[360] 298k
[3DS] 500k
[PS3] 153k
[PS4] 910k
[WIU] 312k
[XB1] 1,091k
[PSV] 53k
The PS4 GTA V bundle is not (as of yet) on the yearly ranking on Amazon, so hard to tell. Not sure if it's becase of lack of update (The November ranking of Amazon was only recently re-adjusted), or simply lack of unit sold (under 300k nationwide is my guess).
Don't you think that you're a little optimistic? 2 million current-gen consoles sold in November seems a bit much for 1 year old consoles, and if MS sold ~1.1M units I think we would have some PR from them by now.
It's an interresting turn. The PS4 made the Xbone get a significant price drop and now it looks like the Bone may suddenly force the PS4 to match. It's a win/win for consumers.
MS is not going to keep $329 price point and free games after holiday season. Actually even $349 price point was meant to be limited to holiday season but they are pretty much forced to keep it now because otherwise sales would fall off the cliff. I still think that PS4 is competitive with $349 Xbox One.
MS is not going to keep $329 price point and free games after holiday season. Actually even $349 price point was meant to be limited to holiday season but they are pretty much forced to keep it now because otherwise sales would fall off the cliff. I still think that PS4 is competitive with $349 Xbox One.
Just anecdotal but, I just got back from Walmart a bit ago and it was odd. They seemed to have zero WiiU's but instead had PS4's in the WiiU section, with more PS4's going most of the way across the cases. Not sure what it means but it was odd.
People need to look at the big picture. Sony want to maximize the profit this year. It's the holiday season, they are gonna sell millions period. Sony shipped 4.9 millions PS3 in it second holiday(Oct-Dec 2007). They are definitely gonna ship more than that for the PS4. Putting them close to 20 millions console shipped worldwide by January 1st and definitely over 20 millions by March. Why take a profit hit when the PS4 is still selling a lot worldwide and they maybe lose 1 or 2 months in NPD. Especially when Japan will probably cover that deficit, let alone Europe, which is Sony biggest market.
nvm, post 17-18 with same question and answer lolVery few Wii-U's are shipped to stores and Sony is finally stuffign channes of PS4s since the sales boost. There were very few times during the PS3 era that we received large shipments of PS3s, but recently we've received several large shipments, including the new bundles shown here:
Walmart PS4 deal $399, 1 free game + $50 GC
Hopefully, now that sales have picked up on WiiU's we will start getting them again soon.
yeah, thanksGift card.
what does GC mean?
Never mind.
Never mind.
What does it mean?!A bit indecisive are we, Aqua?
A bit indecisive are we, Aqua?
Don't you think that you're a little optimistic? 2 million current-gen consoles sold in November seems a bit much for 1 year old consoles, and if MS sold ~1.1M units I think we would have some PR from them by now.
May or may not be relevant, but this post in the PAL thread from Mpl90 suggests 350K for XB1 and PS4 combined in the last 2 weeks of November (UK).
A rough US:UK multiplier of 5X would give 1750K for two weeks?
- granted, there has been a lot of good bundles in the UK, but even accounting for VAT US prices still seem to be offering the better deal.
Here are the adjusted Amazon rankings:
Nov. 2014 (Amazon)
#2 X1 AC Bundle
#11 PS4 GTA Bundle
#31 PS4
#48 PS4 Destiny Bundle
#79 PS4 LBP bundle
#82 X1 AC + Kinect
#100 X1 Cod Bundle
It looks like both bundles sold well, but I'm thinking the difference between 2nd and 11th is significant, because on the yearly rankings, the two are #19, and #75 respectively.
UK bundles were really insane for both consoles. Instead, in US we had big deals for Xbox One and "just" good ones for PS4. The situation's been quite different.
UK bundles were really insane for both consoles. Instead, in US we had big deals for Xbox One and "just" good ones for PS4. The situation's been quite different.
MS is not going to keep $329 price point and free games after holiday season. Actually even $349 price point was meant to be limited to holiday season but they are pretty much forced to keep it now because otherwise sales would fall off the cliff. I still think that PS4 is competitive with $349 Xbox One.
Pachter's Predictions:
XB1: 750K
PS4: 600K
WIU: 300K
How much is the BF increase from the previous week? I would assume the Week over week increase would only be close to 2x if the numbers before BF were already good.on the other hand, Black Friday is the real thing here, as opposed to the UK which only managed about a 2x increase over the previous week
Yeah, I'm thinking that XBox will be $350 w/ no games included for a while. I expect PS4 and XB1 to sell fair fairly evenly at those prices. Of course XB1 has a big drought coming up while PS4 has several big titles, so a lot will depend on how those are received.
Yeah, I'm thinking that XBox will be $350 w/ no games included for a while. I expect PS4 and XB1 to sell fair fairly evenly at those prices. Of course XB1 has a big drought coming up while PS4 has several big titles, so a lot will depend on how those are received.
Now that you make me think about it, what are MS titles for Xbox One's first half next year?
If Xbox dares to move the price back up it will suffer...
Ori, Evolve marketing deal (I think?), TW3 marketing deal, Screamride, and State of Decay.
Might be missing some stuff.
They gave up being profitable the moment they came up with these crazy bundles and deals.They will have to this deal right now can't be profitable.
Fable I think.
if they eat the losses and only look for market share (and think they make the money from subscriptions) they might deal with it...They will have to this deal right now can't be profitable.
They gave up being profitable the moment they came up with these crazy bundles and deals.
Yes but they did to "win" something and gain marketshare in the busiest season they can't keep selling console at a loss like this. Unless they like to bleed money.
Pachter must be wrong on this. 600k would be pretty disappointing for PS4.
Pachter's Predictions:
XB1: 750K
PS4: 600K
WIU: 300K
Please, GAF, be smart about this.
DO NOT make a new thread about his predictions. And if a site like VentureBeat picks it up for some stupid reason, DON'T bring it over to GAF. Threads about Pachter's predictions just lead to a whole bunch of nonsense that isn't conducive to proper discourse.
Pachter only channel checks a few stores and his predictions are NOT IN ANY WAY a reliable source. He predicts video game console sales for FUN. His real day job is to help investors make sound investment decisions.
And yes, Pachter deserves every penny he gets for the real work that he does every day.
They are also setting a bad precedent where people might start expecting such deals.
They will have to this deal right now can't be profitable.
I honestly cannot imagine PS4 leading another NPD if Sony keeps the PS4 at $399 if the X1 is low $300s with multiple games.
Pachter must be wrong on this. 600k would be pretty disappointing for PS4.