Americas not thrilled with the 3DS.
They aren't thrilled with the Vita, either, but your point is valid.
Americas not thrilled with the 3DS.
The game is more pricey in Japan though. Converted, it cost about $100. It has sold ~420k copies so far, so tha is ~40 million dollars. Obviously this isnt pure profit (stores get their share too,), but i think that this game will minimum break even at least.Relative to budget I can't imagine 300-400K Japanese sales means much.
hope you're being sarcastic.
They had 1.5 million @ target
It will reach 500k in Japan.
1 million in Europe and NA ? Doubt it but will be close if it has legs
Cheap 360 or PS3 super-slim consoles required.
StevieP said:You try telling that to the console manufacturers.
"Hey guys... we, um... can't really shrink the chips anymore without significant investment. So if you want to lower the price, we have to give up profitability at this point".
"Well... that sucks. Hey, what about a subscription model like cell phones?"
I forgot the 80k for last month was an estimate by jvm.Um, I'm not sure, since we didn't record DS numbers in the previous OP.
It's quite possible though.
They aren't thrilled with the Vita, either, but your point is valid.
3DS is up... hear that analysts? it's not going down, it's going up... as in, being a successful dedicated handheld gaming device.
alright cool.
Cheap 360 or PS3 super-slim consoles required.
Yeah, but that was almost an assured lost when the game had a 150 person core development team and a four year development cycle.
To put this in prospective, Resident Evil 6 has the same core development team size.
Japan is a small market.
Yeah, but that was almost an assured lost when the game had a 150 person core development team and a four year development cycle.
To put this in prospective, Resident Evil 6 has the same core development team size.
With a 35% increase that would put DS at 108k, correct?
I really really hope this is just generation fatigue.
Love to see the iPad sales over an equivalent time, and I'm not even an iOS guy.
Not sure why you felt the need to point out the Vita, but I didn't, because America hasn't heard about the Vita yet. When it finally releases here it's going to do great...wait what's that? Ohhh. Carry on.
Japan is a small market.
Speaking of Resident Evil , err i wonder how the hell did RE : Orc do sood in this market?
how the fuck is this gen going to last until holiday 2013? Christ.
Might just lose a bunch of people to disinterest.
Honestly, could be hurting the long-term viability of future generations by making this one last too long.
Software must be very low... didn't Prototype do just over 200k last month?
Second month and it's still fourth... ugh.
The market has completely collapsed.
Ouch! at Dragon's Bomba.
I swear this isn't a port wishing thing, but I already thought it likely that Capcom would port over Dragon's Dogma to Wii U. Now I think it is even more likely.
Despite its E3 showing, this market is wide open for Nintendo to take back control this holiday. They have the 3DS software lineup to do it, and a new box thing that plays Rayman and 50 Mario titles I hear.
You try telling that to the console manufacturers.
"Hey guys... we, um... can't really shrink the chips anymore without significant investment. So if you want to lower the price, we have to give up profitability at this point".
"Well... that sucks. Hey, what about a subscription model like cell phones?"
top 10 U.S. console game titles including: Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Max Payne 3, Prototype 2, Sniper Elite V2, NBA 2K12 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.