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NPD November 2012 Results [Up6: Black Ops 2, Halo 4, Most Wanted, Assassin's Creed 3]

420k Wii consoles sold withouth a lick of effort. How much time has it been since the device has received an important release? I don't count Xeno and Last Story because those are really old games in japan.

How much money does Nintendo makes from a Wii?


Ouch! That's WAY lower than I figured. 510k then (829k w/ Nintendo Land).

Nintendo better hope for record eShop sales...

eshop sales, psn sales, etc are never going to make up any kind of decent percentage of sales unless there is a dramatic change in price compared to in store copies


I guess i'm late to this but i'm not sure how I feel about the Halo 4 numbers. Yes, it was a week from BO2, but selling a sliver less than previous entries (including a non numbered one) with a larger tracking period and greatly inflated install base is interesting.


420k Wii consoles sold withouth a lick of effort. How much time has it been since the device has received an important release? I don't count Xeno and Last Story because those are really old games in japan.

How much money does Nintendo makes from a Wii?

there were a ton of bundles for the thing, and have been for a while. there's a skylanders bundle, a wii sports/sports resort bundle, a just dance bundle, the nsmbw bundle, and probably others... although i think the nsmbw bundle was removed for the wii sports one.
~50k for the second best selling game (Zombi U) is pathetic.

I just noticed those zombie u numbers, man. No srsly.

I still don't understand what Sony is doing....delaying PS4 to 2014 and launching a bunch of new ip's for this failing system. Wow next year is going to be bad, once Last of Us and Beyond bomb...

Are they really delaying until 2014? That doesn't make sense unless they mean mid 2014. Late 2014 and it might be curtains. Plus Last of Us is a new IP, and the $60 plot-driven genre may be a hit or miss at that price.
Pachter said:
The culprit, he says, was Wii U hardware sales, which came in about $50 million below expected
So with Nintendo projecting hardware shipments through March would be slightly less than Wii's, he expected Wii U's first month numbers to beat Wii's by something like 20%. Good job.
schuelma said:
I think the Wii U numbers look better in comparison to 2006 when you look at the Wii sales for this month- I assume they are much higher than GameCube 2006 numbers.
It might not make Wii U numbers look better, but certainly the Nintendo home console situation is better. GameCube was under 100K that month.
StreetsAhead said:
425,000 Wii Us with a projections of 5.5 for WW by March 31st...That's nearly one fifth of the way there! ;)

If NSMBU only managed ~240,000 though, 25 million non-bundled software units could be the tough nut to crack (especially if more games get delayed).
The software goal should be easier. They've forecast a lower software:hardware ratio than Wii had in its early months, and this time around fewer systems worldwide have a game bundled.
Crazyorloco said:
Microsoft might as well delay the next xbox to 2014 if it keeps selling like this.
Things peter out. Wii put up similar numbers in 2010, but by not having Wii U ready until late 2012 they ended up stuck with a relatively slow period.
Father_Brain said:
SSBM wasn't a GC launch title; it shipped two weeks after, so I don't think it would have been included in November 2001 NPD tracking. Strange, I know.
Correct. SSBM and Pikmin were both early December.
lunchwithyuzo said:
Wii shipped 3.19m in 2006, Wii U is projected to ship 3.5m in 2012.
Where do you get that? I'm only familiar with their through-March projection. Very strange if they say it will be higher than Wii for the first 1.5 months but lower with 3 more months added in.
Foshy said:
People probably confused it for the Wii U GamePad ;)
John Harker said:
k that made me laugh haha
I honestly would not be surprised if there was some of this going on. I noticed at a store near me they had Wii U games sharing a case with Wii games (unsurprising), but all uDraw games were placed between the Wii U games and the regular Wii games.
Curious a little if it wouldn't have behooved Nintendo to stick with Wii and DS for a few more years. Not saying 3DS or Wii U have bombed but Pikmin 3, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Kid Icarus could have been done as Wii titles and given it another good year, instead of sending it off to die with Skyward Sword.


I actually hope NSMBU doesn't do well. The game really seemed like a quick cash in without much effort put into it. Especially obvious was the music pretty much being recycled from the Wii game.
I actually hope NSMBU doesn't do well. The game really seemed like a quick cash in without much effort put into it. Especially obvious was the music pretty much being recycled from the Wii game.

It's not like we'll be seeing another 2d Mario the rest of the generation. Well unless Nintendo goes into desperation mode and starts pumping them out yearly.
there were a ton of bundles for the thing, and have been for a while. there's a skylanders bundle, a wii sports/sports resort bundle, a just dance bundle, the nsmbw bundle, and probably others... although i think the nsmbw bundle was removed for the wii sports one.
There were a ton of bundles for the other systems too :)

How much was the typical asking price for one of those Wii bundles?


There were a ton of bundles for the other systems too :)

How much was the typical asking price for one of those Wii bundles?

$129.99 for the wii sports/sports resort one and the just dance one. i think it's $149.99 for the skylanders one because it doubles as a starter kit. it's a bit different than the $300 assassin's creed ps3, or the $260 uncharted 3 ps3.


I'm not sure what to think. As someone who downloaded two games at launch, I think it's kind of hard to look at NPD and get a fair representation of sales. I don't think it's safe to assume >80% of consumers still buy ONLY retail.

ZombiU is such a great game with a lot of advertising. 40-50k is just awful.


Gold Member
I cant' help but wonder how significant digital sales were for the Wii U. There are certainly people out there who bought a Wii U with the desire to go digital only.


I cant' help but wonder how significant digital sales were for the Wii U. There are certainly people out there who bought a Wii U with the desire to go digital only.
PS3/Vita fans have been asking this for 2 years. MS releases Live game sales figures on their own.
Maybe Nintendo will eventually do the same. This would be a good time to start if they make a big difference in numbers. Soften some of the perception of Wii U not being popular.
I cant' help but wonder how significant digital sales were for the Wii U. There are certainly people out there who bought a Wii U with the desire to go digital only.

Highly doubt it's any substantial number. I'd guess the top game would be Mario and at most probably moved somewhere between 5,000-10,000 units through dd. I'd actually consider the higher end of that to be a generous number too.


I cant' help but wonder how significant digital sales were for the Wii U. There are certainly people out there who bought a Wii U with the desire to go digital only.

there's even extra incentive for deluxe owners (supposedly 75% of all WiiUs sold) in the form of the nintendo network premium 10% cashback deal.

NPD is definitely no longer giving us the full picture with systems from here on out. Wii-U, 3DS, and Vita have fairly competent DD framework in place now and the next MS and Sony consoles likely will as well.
$129.99 for the wii sports/sports resort one and the just dance one. i think it's $149.99 for the skylanders one because it doubles as a starter kit. it's a bit different than the $300 assassin's creed ps3, or the $260 uncharted 3 ps3.
Ahh, 130 then? More expensive than i thought.

The only thing left to know (and somethig that i've been insterested regarding sales) is who makes more profit? Sony selling a 260 PS3 or Nintendo with the 130 Wii.


I'm not sure what to think. As someone who downloaded two games at launch, I think it's kind of hard to look at NPD and get a fair representation of sales. I don't think it's safe to assume >80% of consumers still buy ONLY retail.
There's a GAF-propogated belief out there that the vast majority of gamers will always buy retail due to trade-in value of titles so long as digital offerings are presented at the same price.

That people will only buy titles digitally when they can get them at a drastic reduction from the retail price off Steam.

That most people still don't have high-speed Internet with which to download games even in an era where Minecraft XBLA has been the most-played game on the most-purchased system in North America this year.

For the most part, I don't buy any of that. People WILL buy equivalent-priced digital offerings of titles off digital marketplaces even if it means they can't trade them in.

HOWEVER... when it comes to Nintendo customers, I think >80% of consumers only buying at retail is being WAY generous. It's probably closer to >95%. Completely different beast of purchaser compared to Xbox, PSN and Steam purchasers because of how Nintendo has approached DRM and online purchases.

I believe the digital sales impact on the WiiU has been negligible at best... and that hardcore-centric GAF will skew this perception.


Gold Member
Wii U software sales are abysmal based on the information we have in this thread. Nintendo should be embarrassed.
Wii U software sales are abysmal based on the information we have in this thread. Nintendo should be embarrassed.

After a week? Nah, December is the month for that. I still think Nintendoland should have been packed into every console, and it may very well be in a few months depending on how sales of it/Wii U go
Highly doubt it's any substantial number. I'd guess the top game would be Mario and at most probably moved somewhere between 5,000-10,000 units through dd. I'd actually consider the higher end of that to be a generous number too.
From what we know, even NSMB2 did better than that digitally. 25,000 is probably a more realistic figure.
There's a GAF-propogated belief out there that the vast majority of gamers will always buy retail due to trade-in value of titles so long as digital offerings are presented at the same price.

That people will only buy titles digitally when they can get them at a drastic reduction from the retail price off Steam.

That most people still don't have high-speed Internet with which to download games even in an era where Minecraft XBLA has been the most-played game on the most-purchased system in North America this year.

For the most part, I don't buy any of that. People WILL buy equivalent-priced digital offerings of titles off digital marketplaces even if it means they can't trade them in.

HOWEVER... when it comes to Nintendo customers, I think >80% of consumers only buying at retail is being WAY generous. It's probably closer to >95%. Completely different beast of purchaser compared to Xbox, PSN and Steam purchasers because of how Nintendo has approached DRM and online purchases.

I believe the digital sales impact on the WiiU has been negligible at best... and that hardcore-centric GAF will skew this perception.
I think this is a fair and reasonable asumption on your part Ubertag. I could totally see this.
After a week? Nah, December is the month for that. I still think Nintendoland should have been packed into every console, and it may very well be in a few months depending on how sales of it/Wii U go
The real "Wii U" is the 350 one and Nintendo Land is a key factor of that SKU. I use the real qualifier because theres no way Land, the bunch of plastic stuff and the extra memory amount to 50 dollars. So i bet it's the most profitable SKU for NIntendo.
From what we know, even NSMB2 did better than that digitally. 25,000 is probably a more realistic figure.

Well, if a number came out for that game that was higher, it was probably due to the much higher userbase by that point. I'd also assume a portable would lend itself to more downloadable games that you can store somewhere instead of carrying around cartridges. I can say with almost 99% certainty that Nintendo did not sell 25,000 copies of Mario U through dd.
270k for 28 titles.

So the average for the top 11 after Mario must be like 20k or less. Must be like less 5k for the remaining 17.

Numbers must drop steeply.
The PS3 and 360 continue to show very strong sales even with the 360 going into what it's 8th year or something?

Depending on what MS/sony show for next gen i can definitely see them both improving. We'll see, i'm not sure all the doom and gloom is warranted for home consoles. This gen has been by far the biggest ever for home consoles and they are still selling really well.

PS360 sales still impressive in the US.The Xbox 360 will likely overtake the PS2.


However,PS4 and XB3 will have a hard time selling in EUR/PAL,JAP and other small markets: consumers and publishers showed little interest in HD consoles until 2009.We need, more than anything else, price cuts. Since the PS3 price drop in Aug 2011,global shipments jumped from 51.8 m to 70.0 m.

The problem with Sony not reporting numbers is we can't see how their YoY fall-off compares with MS 25-30% for the entire year.Its a shame because we are getting very close to the point where the streams will finally cross and the PS3 will overtake 360 in global (not NA) shipments.
Excluding the US,the PS3 outsells the Xbox 360 by 3 million every year.There were no substantial changes before the holiday season.Only thing is that EU-PS3 overtook US-PS3 a couple of months ago.Given current global trends,Sony should milk the PS3 a little longer in order to avoid unnecessary losses. I mean,PS4 in 2013 would be a waste of money.Price cuts and games (GTA,MGS,FF,FIFA,COD,LOU) will always beat new hardware.


I think this is a fair and reasonable asumption on your part Ubertag. I could totally see this.
I won't pretend it's not an assumption. I'd love to be proven wrong that Nintendo customers will flock to digital offerings just as readily as PC/Xbox/Sony customers have.
Goodness knows quality titles like Pushmo/Crashmo and pretty much anything from WayForward deserves an audience.
Given current global trends,Sony should milk the PS3 a little longer in order to avoid unnecessary losses. I mean,PS4 in 2013 would be a waste of money.

Yes, strike while the iron is cold has always been a winning strategy.
270k for 28 titles.

So the average for the top 11 after Mario must be like 20k or less. Must be like less 5k for the remaining 17.

Numbers must drop steeply.

No reason for anyone of those people to buy multiplatform titles on Wii U. At least we can see pretty clearly that Mario was driving Wii U purchases. I would hate to see this launch if it wasn't there.
Ubisoft were geniuses with AC3.

They tapped into a part of American history that tons of people are fascinated with that is NEVER represented in video games.

Really? I found it by far the most boring AC3 because so much of that history period is known and when you try to change it around or get dates wrong it really breaks the illusion. The previous games were able to change history because there are massive gaps in records so they could get away with it.
Bad news for Microsoft and Sony, it seems. Just left the nearest Best Buy about an hour ago, it had a mountain of unsold 360s and PS3s. Actually, almost two mountains of 360s.
On further thought, if we take that on average ZombiU, COD and Scribblenauts in between averaged ~50k...

The average for the remaining 25 titles would be ~5k.
Really? I found it by far the most boring AC3 because so much of that history period is known and when you try to change it around or get dates wrong it really breaks the illusion. The previous games were able to change history because there are massive gaps in records so they could get away with it.

I think he means in advertising. The game definitely didn't live up to my expectations, but sales wise Ubi struck gold, but there going to run this thing into the ground with AC 2013,2014, and 2015
In retrospect, I'm kind of shocked at how much 360 owners really loved buying software.

It is XBL and how everyones friends list are so open on their console. You see Jimmy and Johnny playing a game you weren't sure of then decide to try it out cause you like the same games they do. The online aspect and how close your friends are on the system has always been a huge boon for them pushing software.

It is like positive word of mouth without saying anything.


After 86 months:

DS - 50.6m
PS2 - 39.5m
360 - 36.6m

After 73 months:

DS - 44.9m
Wii - 40.3m
PS2 - 35.0m
PS3 - 22.8m

After 21 months:

GBA - 12.3m
Wii - 11.4m
PS2 - 9.8m
3DS - 6.4m
360 - 5.9m
PSP - 5.7m
DS - 5.6m
PS3 - 5.1m

NPD total hardware sales.
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