TruePrime said:
1. What the hell does this even mean? One Kuja outside having Silver hair wasn't anything like either Sephiroth or Ultimecia. Plus his female-like body and thong is nothing compared to the fact that Cecil always looked like a female in Amuno's work. So it wasn't only with the DS or Dissidia.
2. Kuja is awesome, outside of Vivi he is the only good part of FF IX.
3. This is bullshit, people like to think that FF 1-VI are so damn great (well I agree with V) but they also ignore that those games sold like crap compared to VII and VIII so they wheren't exactly the biggest in the series so even if they went back and did what you are asking they would not be doing any better then what XIII is doing sale's wise.
4. 4 Warriors of Light is a throw back, probably even more so then IX and it fucking tanked in Japan on DS where DQ IX sold over 4 million units so just one more peice of proof that all the people whinning for a throw back are doing it simply because they want it and not because it would actually do any better then XII or XIII was able to.
Kuja's bikini was lame. I didn't even comment on his god you love Kuja?! Oh the humanity.
All other FF's sold "like crap" compared to FF7 & FF8. Not surprising since those two were plastered all over every fucking channel, mag and god knows what else I'm forgetting here, before and after they released.
lol @ bringing up DQ9 because that is one oldschool as fuck series...and guess what?
It has not seen a decline in sales all these years! Imagine that! Take THAT oldschool fanboys/girls! lulz DQ9 even took
a step back in graphics!
Darthdevidem01 said:
Oh please spare me this.
FF8 was the "worst FF eva" when it releases, FF9 & 10 did 5 Million +
FFX-2 was the "worst FF eva" FF12 did 5 Million +
FF12 was the "worst FF eva" FF13 will do 5 Million +
I see a patter there, hope all you want to, don't complain when FF15 breaks 5 Million pretty easily.
The reality is FF8 had the first real backlash to the series (used copies flooded stores much like FF13 has), and the sales stopped growing and dropped pretty hard until it is now hovering at around 2 million or less, in JAPAN, where it matters most (if the series dies there, it dies everywhere. ). WW sales for FF7 & FF8 were also much higher than all the FF's that followed. No wonder you capped at "5 million +"
I don't think anybody really counts FFX-2 as a main entry...FF11 sure wasn't. FF12 got hate from people who loved FF10, and love from people who never gave a shit about FF until it "copied" WRPGs and people who hated FF10's guts. Just like FF10 got hate for its corridor shit, no airships, no worldwap and Tidus, while FF9 got hate for not looking "omgzsobadass" like FF7 & FF8. But none of those compared to the FF8 backlash. And that was before we had the "omg I hate JRPGs!!!1!1" crowd.
Another thing is FF8 had FF7's hype to help sell it , which FF13 did not have from FF12, nor did FF12 have it from FFX, X-2 or FF11. The series has remained stagnant and survived off the combination of the goodwill from fans who can't let go or don't want the series to die or hope the next one will get better or all of the above. On top of that you have all the (mostly young) newbies who join with each new installment to mask the decline that would show from those who DO give up and stop buying.
Just look at DQ and how healthy the series still is. It hasn't been thrown across the room several times like FF, and because of that DQ's fanbase isn't fractured to hell and full of fans demanding completely different things from DQ. Trying to expand is one thing, but doing stupid shit like Square did to FF only leads to an impossible to please fanbase and stagnant or declining sales. Just like what happened to Zelda.
Oh and dear god @ 4WOL. It's like it was made by (or tampered with) people who didn't want oldschool FF to ever get a second chance. Just wow. Mystic Quest has finally been dethroned!