They have piles of 3DS systems because they are selling lots. Just because a system is well stocked does not mean it isn't selling (see Xbox One).
I think he's trolling Sony fans
They have piles of 3DS systems because they are selling lots. Just because a system is well stocked does not mean it isn't selling (see Xbox One).
Any week? If you remove where they sold 0 units because they were all sold out then it wouldn't change a thing.But to be fair, if you remove a week (any week) from PS4 sales, it would likely turn things around or at least be a tie.
I wouldn't look to much into it.Nicely done, Microsoft. Xbox One is off to a great start.
Imagine the sales once titanfall and halo hit the shelves.
Sony has to release something big in 2014, ie a naughty dog game, or else I cant see it keeping up with the x1 in America.
Your rhetoric being that something not being "good" is equivocally "bad." That's what you're trying to say without saying it's a poor showing outright. The 3DS could be down YoY and still be relatively healthy.
A million is bad sales for 3DS. Nintendo handhelds clean up year round, and December is no different. 3DS is consistently performing poorly.
I think the main problem with handheld this generation is not only that they didn't expected smartphones, but I also think this might have been the generation where handhelds were the most expensive ones.
You have your view, I have mine. I happen to disagree with this.
So, is MS's 3 mil number looking a little iffy now? Or does this news confirm it?
There is this game made by Kojima studios that has a huge fanbase, its called MGS ground zeroes, heard of it? Plus Diablo 3 expansion will also be launching in March.
To be fair, Sony had a decade of dominance during the PS1/2 days and Microsoft was able to basically destroy Sony when the PS3 first came out.
This is definitely a win for Sony but it's not as big of a win as it could be.
Why would anyone do that? These consoles sale are limited by their supply. If PS4 had launched one week later, it would've had the same sales.But to be fair, if you remove a week (any week) from PS4 sales, it would likely turn things around or at least be a tie.
Comparative brand power of Disney/Pixar's properties probably helped a lot.
In 2012, 5.6M Nintendo handhelds were sold in the US.
In 2013, as the NDS has collapsed, if the 3DS "only" sells a million units in December, ~4.5M handhelds will have been sold.
A million units isn't "bad", but that's not a "good" trend.
Do you see PS4's in stock anywhere? The only thing Sony needs to do is figure out how to start stocking shelves more. That's it. Those worried about Sony in this thread are hilarious...
So what is the stock situation for PS4 gonna be like in the coming months?
We need to enter this:
You have your view, I have mine. I happen to disagree with this.
Yeah, I think Sony (and Nintendo) had to learn that 250-300 is not sustainable for hardware dedicated to gaming. These things need to come out at 169.99 at most and decrease quickly to get the attention of mom and dad who want some device to distract their kids. For gaming dedicated handhelds, you really can't dismiss how powerful that part of the market is.
But overall, I just think the market is moving on from handhelds dedicated to gaming. Most people have smartphones or tablets that do gaming adequately enough for their tastes, since they would not consider themselves "hardcore gamers." I just hope Nintendo can come up with some revolutionary idea to change the trajectory of gaming dedicated handheld hardware...
Actually most people saw the Xbox One's December victory coming(me included).
Some people thought XBO wasn't selling because there were so many on shelves. Those of us a little less biased could see that it had a very high chance of outselling PS4 that month. In fact, I fully expect Xbox One to win January as well. Sony still hasn't sorted out its supply issues. I guess that's the downside for having a console with worldwide appeal.
It always comes back to the resolution. ;PI guess we have to hold off on euthanizing the Wii U.
It's like a really sick pet, you almost hate to see it doing better because you know it's going to die horribly soon anyway. You just want resolution, whatever it may be.
lol, this is great. the dad should be smiling though
The PS4 being out of stock everywhere helped MS with the X1. Let's see how sells continue once PS4s are readily available at retail. Took another trip today, still no PS4s, but of course they had X1s on the shelf.
I wouldn't look to much into it.
We need to enter this:
There is this game made by Kojima studios that has a huge fanbase, its called MGS ground zeroes, heard of it? Plus Diablo 3 expansion will also be launching in March.
Titanfall will have some very strong competition, so anyone thinking it will destroy everything is spewing hyperbole.
I think that if Nintendo and Sony want that market to stay relevant, they have to feed it until they come with successors. Also, software price.
Guys, I just got back from the Target near me. They had piles of 3DS systems, but not one Vita in stock. I think things are about to turn around for the Vita. (crosses fingers)
We need to enter this:
None of my friends/family bought an Xbox One. Only 1 of my cousins got a PS4 for Christmas.When you take into consideration that the Xbox One is being sold at $100 dollars more than its competition, it is selling surprisingly well. The Xbox brand name still carries a lot of weight in North America. Over the Christmas season, there were a lot more people who I know in real life that bought XBox Ones over the PS4.
I told you guys the XB1 would start outselling the PS4. No one believed me.
So what other countries has MS manage to outsell the PS4 in?
I think that if Nintendo and Sony want that market to stay relevant, they have to feed it until they come with successors. Also, software price.
So what other countries has MS manage to outsell the PS4 in?
This is where Sony's anemic launch lineup kind of hurt them. They rode through November on hype, but when people were looking at software, Microsoft had three launch exclusives (two of which mostly well-liked by critics) and was already hyping up Titanfall in March.
Sony seems content to twiddle their thumbs until inFamous.
METAL GEARWhat's going to outsell it? Dark Souls II has great pull in the hardcore community, but it won't top Titanfall. Infamous? Launching on one console, I don't think so.
2012 didn't have a budget SKU launch or Pokemon.Yeah, and 2012 did not had 2 hyped as fuck next gen launches in Nov/Dec. That had to affect someway the 3DS. And the Wii U doing the greater month to date is also very good taking the 2 new twins in consideration.
lol, this is great. the dad should be smiling though
Why are people cheerleading for corporations.
So what other countries has MS manage to outsell the PS4 in?
So what other countries has MS manage to outsell the PS4 in?
My guesses...So what other countries has MS manage to outsell the PS4 in?
We need to enter this:
Glad it got this one year (definitely won't get another) considering it was the best 3ds year ever.