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NPD Sales Results for December 2014 [Up2: Nintendo Sales Notes]


For one second, do you honestly believe Bloodborne will outsell Battlefield? Seriously?

Battlefield will outsell it but honestly I have no idea how it will perform. Might find a gap for itself I suppose but Hardline just doesnt strike me as fitting the franchise or its gun play.


You know The Last of Us was a new ip. I know a lot of Uncharted fans purchased that game. The same can be said for souls fans (with the upcoming Bloodborne). I believe it will sale 3 to 4 million in 2015.

The shooter market is FAR FAR FAR larger than the souls market.


But was it bundled inside the box? If it was a physical freebie outside the box then it sure as hell counts. Just like Destiny on XB1 when it was free for the week promotion.

NPD doesn't count software bundled in official skus. And that week promotion is considered retailer promotion.


Type 0 is a new game for US market. And there is FF XV demo.

It's new, but it's also a spinoff. Look at how Lightning Returns flopped. Other spinoffs have also been pretty hit and miss. The brand also isn't as strong as it used to be.

I also think you're also overestimating the power of the demo. These days gamers are used to stuff like free trials, Steam sales and PlayStation Plus. Paying for a demo is antiquated.


The shooter market is FAR FAR FAR larger than the souls market.

I think Destiny's second expansion lands in March as well. That might take a bit of sales away from Battlefield.

What the hell are you talking about? GTA V PS4 didn't sell zero copies. You act like it bombed or something.
Woah, nice overreaction. I was responding to someone who was making the point that GTA5 sold less on PS4 due to the bundle. Those of us who bought the PS4 before the bundle also bought the stand-alone game. So it's not like GTA5's numbers on PS4 should be heavily skewed by the bundle. I'm sure there's a ton of bundled copies, but likewise there's a ton of non-bundled.
I think Sony can kiss their 100k monthly wins goodbye, but I don't think Xbox One will ever outsell the PS4 again without the benefit of the holiday season combined with insane promos.
That's what it looks like. XBO can carve a somewhat healthy niche in NA. Of course, to do really well overall and make up for lost sales everywhere else besides UK they need something like 2-3 million+ over PS4 in NA each year including this one. That won't ever happen.

I think they can stay around 250-350k within PS4 in NA this year tho, maybe next year too. That assumes they do everything right from now on tho and that means a lot more than just bundles and price drops.


But was it bundled inside the box? If it was a physical freebie outside the box then it sure as hell counts. Just like Destiny on XB1 when it was free for the week promotion.

I believe it was bundled inside the box. But I'm not sure how much of December those PS4 bundles were available.

On Demand

No shame in being wrong.

Just need more reasoning to why these games will be such huge sellers.

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are very popular on PS3, 360, and PC. I'd imagine most of that fanbase is somewhat interested in what looks to be another, superior, Demons Souls.



For one second, do you honestly believe Bloodborne will outsell Battlefield? Seriously? Stating something that anyone with a brain knows will happen doesn't make me a console warrior, so go peddle that garbage elsewhere

I am not saying that Bloodborne will sell better than BF, I just don't know why being a fan of Bloodborne matters in what you were saying? So what? Are fans of Bloodborne's saying that it will sell better than BF?
If the Xbox One continues with this good momentum, then we can start postulating in Microsoft possibly overtaking Sony in NA. But with the monster year possibly ahead of the PS4, I think it's foolish to jump in with the return of the king memes.
wut the fuk

Exactly! Couldn't agree with you more.

Why do I feel that you spent an hour typing that out, put on your Sunday suit, then pasted it? Dunno. Just do.

This is the great thing about NeoGaf, some agree with me, some dont, and some just have fun. I love you all just the same.

Honestly, most every month this year, the PS4 versions of Multiplat games have outsold the Xbox One versions. And the month just after the Xbox One console outsells the PS4 for the first time in a year (November) and during the month of December when it outsells the PS4 for the second straight month, is it really hard to believe that the Xbox One outselling the PS4 by nearly 500.000 consoles in those two months WOULDN"T lead to a software ass kicking for the Xbox One over the PS4 in December?

BeforeU and Arkham, if you have a better explanation for why you think the Xbox One dominated the PS4 in December Software sales, please share. As I said, outselling the PS4 by 500,000 consoles was a big part of that. New console owners need some new games. <<Takes off leisure suit and puts on pajamas, lol>>


So the Xbox One, The All-in-One Emmy winning Entertainment System, managed to win the christmas period, but didn't sell enough to beat the PS4 for the whole year. Will be interesting to see whether they can keep any momentum or whether they crash now that they raised their prices again. I expect the latter, though I also expect that MS will lower the price again quickly.


If the Xbox One continues with this good momentum, then we can start postulating in Microsoft possibly overtaking Sony in NA. But with the monster year possibly ahead of the PS4, I think it's foolish to jump in with the return of the king memes.

Dumb console war memes are what GAF does best.

Miles X

So the Xbox One, The All-in-One Emmy winning Entertainment System, managed to win the christmas period, but didn't sell enough to beat the PS4 for the whole year. Will be interesting to see whether they can keep any momentum or whether they crash now that they raised their prices again. I expect the latter, though I also expect that MS will lower the price again quickly.

Er .... dude.
Isn't the point that the console offering Bloodborne and Battlefield should have more traction than the console with just Battlefield?

No, because what I was replying to had nothing to do with XBox One. Someone seriously posted Bloodborne would be the best selling game in the March NPD's, my reply is that simply is not going to happen. People are trying to turn this into some console warrior PS4 vs XBO bullshit when it was only ever about Bloodborne not being the top selling game in March.

Also, I'm not a believer in the big sales potential of Bloodborne like some on here are.


So the Xbox One, The All-in-One Emmy winning Entertainment System, managed to win the christmas period, but didn't sell enough to beat the PS4 for the whole year. Will be interesting to see whether they can keep any momentum or whether they crash now that they raised their prices again. I expect the latter, though I also expect that MS will lower the price again quickly.

They've already announced a promotional price of $349 starting tomorrow with an open-ended...end...


If the Xbox One continues with this good momentum, then we can start postulating in Microsoft possibly overtaking Sony in NA. But with the monster year possibly ahead of the PS4, I think it's foolish to jump in with the return of the king memes.

Yep. January will be really interesting. I expect Microsoft will lose January thanks to the bizarre decision to raise the price back up. February though who knows?
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