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NPD Sales Results for December 2014 [Up2: Nintendo Sales Notes]





Totally forgot about Hardline. Even though I didn't much care for the beta, it should win the month.


Bloodborne 700k
The Order 1000k

Worldwide maybe.

Just the states? Nah, no chance for The Order. Better chance for Bloodborne but I doubt it. Somewhere between 400-550k for Bloodborne and a little lower for The Order (because it's released at the end of the month). Plenty of time for word of mouth to spread though.

If The Order had multiplayer I would put it much higher.


XBO leading PS4 games in many software sales, that's surprising

Yeah that surprised me too. For them to have more software on the Xbox One sold in December versus the PS4 is actually pretty shocking given the lead PS4 has in the install base. I am sure MS is loving this because a lot of money is made off of the royalty fees that the hardware manufactures get from the software companies. For MS to take this in December is impressive.


Xbox leading in software sales yet the 2 best games on the system (Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2) failed to chart? If you are buying an Xbox for multiplatform games then you are doing it wrong. I guess it's hard to beat the combined sales of those cross platform games. I just hope people who picked up the white Xbox One bothered to download their free copy of Sunset Overdrive and see how awesome it is.
Multi million sellers announced at VGA by Alba can hardly be enthusiast only turf.
It's not really a multi-million seller as far as I'm aware. Edit: Erratum, the second Souls game did eventually ship 2M over an extended period of time.

It does about a million, million half or so shipped units. With NPD first months of around 350K for both Dark games. Despite much larger installed bases for the second title.

Because it's a relatively niche franchise.


Curious to know what Type-0 is sitting at. In Japan it's not doing so hot right now.

I'm in Aus and walked past the local EB Games and saw a big Type-0 display stand outside the shop for pre-orders so its getting retail viability in Brisbane if nowhere else :)
Yeah that surprised me too. For them to have more software on the Xbox One sold in December versus the PS4 is actually pretty shocking given the lead PS4 has in the install base. I am sure MS is loving this because a lot of money is made off of the royalty fees that the hardware manufactures get from the software companies. For MS to take this in December is impressive.

Hopefully offset the loss they probably ate selling units at that price. Plus some crazy good retail deals at the local stores. Many of which were eaten by the retailers I'd imagine.


3DS sales will not be based on new customers but how many current XL owners move to NEW. 3DS and XL had short life cycles because honestly they only ever had the same user base.

People went 3DS to XL. Now they want people to go XL to NEW whilst picking up new users on the way. Should do over 100k for the first few months of the year post NEW launch. Lower is a bigger worry due to its launch imo.
We don't, but they must not have been happy with the sales after going back to $400 considering they 180'd after less than 2 weeks.

what do you mean? I havent kept up with game news in a while so i am confused. they put it back to $400 and then 2 weeks later they went back?
Type-0 is probably going to do poorly even with the demo. Though I'll be one of the people that buys it, lol

I think Bloodborne will be (relatively) successful but reading some posts on gaf I get the impression people expect it to be much bigger than it is. The name doesn't help either. My roommate is a huge souls fan (200+ hours in DS1) and he didn't even know that Bloodborne was a souls-esque game! That shouldn't happen.
A crappy reskinned Battlefield 4 is going to sell tons more than Bloodborne in March, Bloodborne fans should go ahead and accept that

BB will have long legs. As someone who never got a chance to get into the DS games before, it's tickled my fancy. Will be among my first crop of games when the PS4 enters my life.
We don't, but they must not have been happy with the sales after going back to $400 considering they 180'd after less than 2 weeks.

I'm wondering if it was a reactionary measure to a potentially dismal lead over the PS4 for December. I can't really think of any reason to go back up to $400, then back down to $350.
what do you mean? I havent kept up with game news in a while so i am confused. they put it back to $400 and then 2 weeks later they went back?

X1 will be $350 starting tomorrow in the US as part of a promotion (which they didn't specify how long the promotion would last, so it is probably permanent)
I think it's going to be really close between Bloodborne and Type-0, but Bloodborne will get the edge. Obviously Battlefield will take the month though.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Wow the software sales is crazy.
XB1 is killing it on everything. Definitely didn't expect that.

On software sales? I've been saying it every month since launch month xbox always had higher attach rates. Clearly it was going to sell more as hardware sales increased
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