what are you saying, there? are you implying i have a sony bias or something?
well news flash....i actually have a good amount of money in microsoft.
if anything, i should be biased *towards* microsoft. but as you'll see from my posts, i remain as neutral as possible.
we're talking about total software spend. the ps4 has a greater digital presence with more digital games, and more f2p games.
so it's natural to assume that the greater retail spend on the xbox one would be at least partially offset, given the ps4's greater installbase.
No, but it's a strange post as there is no evidence to suggest higher digital sales on PS4 than Xbox One. Many people say otherwise that Xbox One has a greater digital presence than PS4. EA for one has said EA Access has surpassed their internal expectations in sales, which offers discounts on digital goods. Games like FIFA, which EA online revenue increased year by year helped by Ultimate Team is more popular on Xbox One for example. PS4 has more games than Xbox One and a greater install base yet the latter sells more retail units; your thinking is nowhere a correlation let alone an assumption.