That is antithetical to virtually every company's philosophy in the industry. You apparently view a gap in a system's library as an opportunity to exploit; third parties almost certainly view it as a risk with no historical precedent to provide statistics and feedback.
Very few publishers are interested in blazing new trails -- as THQ put it, they are "risk averse," as Ubisoft put it, they "basically copy" -- they are interested in copying the few games that manage to break out. Wii Sports and Wii Fit are examples, and from last generation (and still going strong), Grand Theft Auto and Halo. So we get Wii Sports/Fit clones on the Wii, and FPS/Sandbox/Shooters on the 360 and PS3.
I'm not suggesting you're wrong, or that what you're saying is dumb. I'm just pointing out that this simply isn't how most companies work, and that isn't changing.