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NPD Sales Results for May 2009

poppabk said:
Its not about emulation, the point is that online interactivity, chat tech, user ID's are all software based, they have little to nothing to do with hardware. They could have been implemented last gen (and to a certain extent they were).

It's more accurate to say that they're OS-based. But it doesn't matter if developers do all the work emulating these features within the game. People won't care unless it's standard across the platform (outside of a small, dedicated minority, of course).

Azih said:
You have no evidence of this. Risk free my ass.

So apparently the games last generation were all risk-free and didn't cost any money to make? :)


Shin Johnpv said:
Which with effort (online and community features) can be done pretty closely on Wii.

No! Almost all the effort on online and community features on the 360 and the PS3 has been borne by Microsoft and Sony. XBL and PSN are not created by third parties AT ALL, they just have to come in and take advantage of the entire infrastructure and interface created by the platform holders. They have nothing even remotely similar on the Wii because Nintendo just does not care.


Shin Johnpv said:
That still doesn't answer what technical advantage the HD twins offer for a shooter over the Wii other than better graphics. I'm still waiting to hear a real answer to this. People can claim AI but I personally haven't played a game yet where I've gone fuck that AI is amazing, it all seems like the same shit to me. People claim physics but has rag doll physics actually made a change in gameplay?
Red Faction Guerrilla


Azih said:
You have no evidence of this. Risk free my ass.

What's less risky? Going the blockbuster route and hoping to god you never have a bomb, or spreading out your budget across a variety of titles drawing off franchises and game styles that were popular on the PS2 and use those to create a climate of low-cost development?

Seriously: There is nothing about the Wii that inherently makes it contrary to traditional games. Nintendo has shown this by releasing quite a few traditional games on the system throughout the Wii's life. They wouldn't do this if they intended it to simply be the 'Wii ____' machine.

The only reason we've reached this point is because of how 3rd parties approached this generation, with these stupid stereotypes about what can and cannot work on a Nintendo console.

EDIT: Never claimed it was risk free, just that the risk is remarkably less. Hell, I'm not even stating that developers should only make games for the Wii. I'm suggesting that there should have been an approach that included all systems to build a healthy climate for games on the cheapest option for development.


That still doesn't answer what technical advantage the HD twins offer for a shooter over the Wii other than better graphics
Better AI, More enemies, More Dynamic environments, more organic physics, More players online simultaneously, larger more seamless environments.


Vinci said:
What's less risky? Going the blockbuster route and hoping to god you never have a bomb, or spreading out your budget across a variety of titles drawing off franchises and game styles that were popular on the PS2 and use those to create a climate of low-cost development?
Depends on the platform. 360 owners demonstrated that they migrate from game to game based on good demos. On the other hand there is no evidence that franchises and game styles popular on the PS2 would be popular on the Wii.

Seriously: There is nothing about the Wii that inherently makes it contrary to traditional games.
Except for perhaps the audience. Which is the only thing that matters.

Nintendo has shown this by releasing quite a few traditional games on the system throughout the Wii's life. They wouldn't do this if they intended it to simply be the 'Wii ____' machine.
Nintendo releases games on the Wii in the same manner they released games on the GC and N64. Spaced out to maximise selling windows. It's as effective in creating an attractive third party ecosystem on the Wii as it was on the GC and N64.

The only reason we've reached this point is because of how 3rd parties approached this generation
There are no obligations or responsibilites on 3rd parties at all. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE THIRD PARTIES. All Obligations and responsibilites fall on the PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE PLATFORM.



sonicmj1 said:
If Nintendo doesn't feel the need to facilitate that (understandable, given their position), that's fine. If drawing those sorts of games was a priority to them, though, then as the platform-holders, they have to be the ones to take steps if other companies won't.
I don't think Nintendo feels the need to bail out the third parties. I don't think you'll ever hear of Nintendo giving Eidos a moneyhat because they're too big to fail.

Nintendo will let them fail, and the ones that are left will be wiser.
Azih said:
There are no obligations or responsibilites on 3rd parties at all. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE THIRD PARTIES. All Obligations and responsibilites fall on the PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE PLATFORM.

Third parties are responsible for staying in business.

RE: Top 20 glad to see Tsunku keep on ticking.


Azih said:
Depends on the platform. 360 owners demonstrated that they migrate from game to game based on good demos.

This is both the blessing and the curse of being HD Flavor of the Month. (...someone should really trademark that term):

If your demo is good and the hype is just right, your sales figures explode out of the gate. If the game isn't #1 on the NPDs for that month, it's damned close. Forum discussions and blogs pop up proclaiming said game the Game of the Forever, etc., etc. After that, the second month rolls around, the old Flavor of the Month either clings to the bottom of the T10 or drops completely as the new Flavor replaces it, and then by month 3 it's never heard from again.

If your game hits Flavor of the Month status, great. You're probably going to recoup your massive investment and possibly even profit. If not, you're in trouble. Two or three consecutive misses and you're probably bankrupt.


Vinci said:
Seriously: There is nothing about the Wii that inherently makes it contrary to traditional games. Nintendo has shown this by releasing quite a few traditional games on the system throughout the Wii's life.
In percentages, how much better have "traditional" Nintendo games sold than their previous iterations on the GC?


That's the thing though, two or three of *any* kind of miss and a company is out of business. Being only as good as your last release is not something that is unique to gaming. And in *any* case the PC, PS3, and 360 all offer robust options for smaller online games now.


Azih said:
Depends on the platform. 360 owners demonstrated that they migrate from game to game based on good demos. On the other hand there is no evidence that franchises and game styles popular on the PS2 would be popular on the Wii.

So you're suggesting that the Wii's audience has never existed before? That many of its owners didn't own a PS2 or have any interest in gaming prior to the release of the system? And that it's better to take your chances spending gobs of money on a single title rather than spreading the same amount of money out across several games in hopes of creating a new IP and helping to promote a healthy game-buying climate on a console with relatively low development cost, which is advantageous to you?

Zachack said:
In percentages, how much better have "traditional" Nintendo games sold than their previous iterations on the GC?

You'd have to ask one of the Sales Agers. I don't keep charts filed away to pull out at a moment's notice.
Talamius said:
This is both the blessing and the curse of being HD Flavor of the Month. (...someone should really trademark that term):

If your demo is good and the hype is just right, your sales figures explode out of the gate. If the game isn't #1 on the NPDs for that month, it's damned close. Forum discussions and blogs pop up proclaiming said game the Game of the Forever, etc., etc. After that, the second month rolls around, the old Flavor of the Month either clings to the bottom of the T10 or drops completely as the new Flavor replaces it, and then by month 3 it's never heard from again.

If your game hits Flavor of the Month status, great. You're probably going to recoup your massive investment and possibly even profit. If not, you're in trouble. Two or three consecutive misses and you're probably bankrupt.

And yet, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty: World at War, and Halo 3 are all in the top 19 this month....


Speaking of, was there a big sale on COD4 something? Good to see Sacred 2 on there. Not surprised to see another shitty Wii Fit knock-off on there.
Kifimbo said:
No New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat :(

No Boom Blox :(

Not a single version of UP is surprising.

Sucks for Boom Blox, but Up came out at the very end of the month, so it might make the June list, especially with that cheap price.
The Wii doesn't need a price cut to outsell Microsoft and Sony, they need a price cut to match their guidance of 25 million sold over the fiscal year. Even with upcoming software, I don't believe they can sell that many units without a price cut.


Danthrax said:
not the point. people who played WaW — which has sold over half a million on the Wii —know what The Conduit is, are excited about it, and plan on playing it online just as full-force as they did with WaW.
You mean people who play WaW who also go on online message boards. The bulk of Wii's userbase is people who heard about Call of Duty. Not people who go "I wonder what the next big First Person Shooter for Wii is... let me check out IGN!"


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Azih said:
360 owners demonstrated that they migrate from game to game based on good demos.
How would we know this, and how would publishers know this? There is no database of demos as far as I know, and is there really a correlation with sales? GTA4 didn't have a demo and that seemed to do pretty well. Halo3 didn't have a demo and that seemed to sell pretty well as well. Gears of War? Gears of War 2? I don't remember if COD4 got a demo or not, maybe after release. Assassins Creed?
I know people like to believe that quality sells, but on all systems, hype/marketing/IP/licensing are king.


Kifimbo said:
Not a single version of UP is surprising.
I don't know how front-loaded these kinds of titles are, historically. Regardless, Up did not crack any platform-specific top 10 in May (excepting PC, which I don't have).


So Sacred 2 did 80k on the 360 alone. I bought it and was hoping for a little higher, but perhap over 100k with the PS3 version for the month I guess.
jvm said:
I don't know how front-loaded these kinds of titles are, historically. Regardless, Up did not crack any platform-specific top 10 in May (excepting PC, which I don't have).

Speaking of, where are the platform-specific top tens? Does someone else get the exclusive?


J-Rock said:
I still think it's too soon to call whether or not it'll see growth as Mario Kart Wii did from Mario Kart DS.
It will probably clear 5 and maybe 10 million easily, but 15 million+ (what Mario Kart Wii has achieved, and what I meant by "really, really huge") is still uncertain at this point.


dammitmattt said:
Speaking of, where are the platform-specific top tens? Does someone else get the exclusive?
I have them, but I don't feel comfortable pasting them en masse. Sorry, it just doesn't feel right given my co-operation with NPD.

Perhaps Chris will post them on Wired?

Good gravy at the 500 errors...


jvm said:
I have them, but I don't feel comfortable pasting them en masse. Sorry, it just doesn't feel right given my co-operation with NPD.

Perhaps Chris will post them on Wired?

Good gravy at the 500 errors...
is excitebots or boom blox in the top 10 wii games..?


Vinci said:
So you're suggesting that the Wii's audience has never existed before?
I'm suggesting that it was an unproven quantity to developers just as the initial 360 audience was, just as the intial PS3 audience was.
that it's better to take your chances spending gobs of money on a single title
I'm saying it's better to cater to a audience that has proven it is open to a certain kind of game by making those games for them.
on a console with relatively low development cost,
You mean like XBLA and PSN?


poppabk said:
How would we know this, and how would publishers know this?
By taking a look at the games that have gone before.
There is no database of demos as far as I know, and is there really a correlation with sales?
Publishers have access to this kind of data and more

I know people like to believe that quality sells, but on all systems, hype/marketing/IP/licensing are king.
Dead Rising, Condemned, Lost Planet, are all new IPs that got demo hype and did well.


Azih said:
I'm suggesting that it was an unproven quantity to developers just as the initial 360 audience was, just as the intial PS3 audience was.

So why deliver nothing but shit to the one system, the least expensive to develop for, and put all your titles on the most expensive systems to develop for?

I'm saying it's better to cater to a audience that has proven it is open to a certain kind of game by making those games for them.

Then why did 3rd parties latch only onto Nintendo's success with Wii Sports rather than looking at their success with their other titles? And why, from the beginning, assume that the system works any differently than prior ones did if its userbase is largely unformed at the beginning of its lifecycle?

You mean like XBLA and PSN?

So developers should give up the retail space for a number of their smaller franchises due to the rise in costs associated with the PS360? Why not try to build a market for such titles on a platform that's cheaper to develop for and would allow you to have your retail release? That actually could be groomed into another PS2 - where things weren't so specific about what can be successful and what cannot?

My problem with what 3rd parties did is that they went into developing for the Wii assuming that traditional titles would not sell on it. That's evident by their releases. But why would they assume that? Because it's Nintendo? Because it's the Wii?

Really, I'm trying to understand: What makes the Wii so dramatically different and alien from any console that existed before it?


donny2112 said:
Good! I'm glad we have an understanding. Wii COD3 outsold PS3 COD3 from launch, but Wii COD4 was not made. Discuss.
*shrug* I'm not an ActiBlizzard decision maker, but I will note that by the time CoD4 came out 360/PS3 cross development had become pretty damn economical, and it is possible that CoD4 made use of HD capabilities to such an extent that making a Wii version was judged to be more trouble than it was worth. Especially since it's such a multiplayer heavy title.


The top of the Wii chart is known, except for:

Hope that's enough to sate curiosity for now. Thanks.
Thanks for the top 20. NSMB and Mario Kart DS are unholy beasts. They just never stop. I'm still curious about Klonoa numbers, even though it's already apparent that they're shitty.


Azih said:
*shrug* I'm not an ActiBlizzard decision maker, but I will note that by the time CoD4 came out 360/PS3 cross development had become pretty damn economical, and it is possible that CoD4 made use of HD capabilities to such an extent that making a Wii version was judged to be more trouble than it was worth. Especially since it's such a multiplayer heavy title.

Yeah, there were definitely motivations to the decision, but lack of a proven userbase for their game shouldn't have been one of them.


Vinci said:
So why deliver nothing but shit to the one system, the least expensive to develop for, and put all your titles on the most expensive systems to develop for?

Then why did 3rd parties latch only onto Nintendo's success with Wii Sports rather than looking at their success with their other titles? And why, from the beginning, assume that the system works any differently than prior ones did if its userbase is largely unformed at the beginning of its lifecycle?

Honestly you've got a fairly large chip on your shoulder. I think a large variety of games have come out on the Wii, the titles that find success like Carnival Games and Guitar Hero, attract competitors.

Why not try to build a market for such titles on a platform that's cheaper to develop for and would allow you to have your retail release? That actually could be groomed into another PS2 - where things weren't so specific about what can be successful and what cannot?
There were different experiments, and the ones that worked better became the mainstray. Why do you insist on 3rd parties building or grooming markets? That's Nintendo's job.

Really, I'm trying to understand: What makes the Wii so dramatically different and alien from any console that existed before it?
Dude, Since the N64 Nintendo consoles have been kinda iffy for third parties.
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