charlequin said:Blah blah blah yes I'm fully aware of all of this. It's still irrelevant to the point which is that that the Wii is not a system that one looks to for huge, unqualified successes of moderate-plus budgeted core games developed by third parties, because such successes do not exist.
You can see where I've said a few times that Wii's a pretty good choice for truly niche games that require very, very low sales before they meet a profit, but, again, if Wii core-gamer owners were collectively satisfied with ultra-niche titles we wouldn't be having this discussion. Instead, people also want relatively "big" games -- which is quite reasonable -- but the incompetence of third party publishers, combined with Nintendo's unwillingness to use money to counteract said incompetence, has allowed most or all of the window in which such titles might reasonably succeed on Wii to close.
Pretty much this. If you want these big games then clearly you need to buy a different system. Nintendo has never been keen on third party relations, and while they are showing signs of progress they are a long ways away of even being "passable" on that front. And the system seems to be more geared to cheaper and faster development as well as creativity and uniqueness in the relevant game space. If you want pick up and play games as well as quirky and unique titles then buy a Wii. If you want games that you have to play in a significant sitting as well as games that are cinematic and budget heavy then buy a PS3/360. It really isn't that hard. And to me this complaining seems more like stubborn Wii owners who refuse to step on a plate of new and appealing offerings (to them).
Does this make the Wii bad? Of course not, just different.
- You may not get the next Street Fighter game. But you get the next Versus game.
- You may not get Gust's and NiS's adventure into the 3D realm. But you get Vanillaware continuously pushing the 2D realm as well as Image Epoch trying to make a name for themselves.
- You may not get the biggest franchises in North America and Europe. But you get the biggest franchises in Japan.
- You may not get realistic or cinematic bloody and violent Mature rated games. But you get highly stylized and unique bloody and violent Mature rated games.
- You may not see much progress in 3D. But you see many other forms of gaming coming back including 2D.
- You may not get the consistency of huge shooters and WRPG's. But you get tons of variety of games from smaller developers as well as many other genres making a comeback.
- You may not get too many significant multiplats. But you get many significant exclusives.
My case and point is that the Wii is a very different platform from the Xbox 360 and PS3. It is in no way inferior but more so just different. It may have some significant drawbacks when compared to the other two consoles but it also has some significant strengths against them as well. It doesn't matter what you wish the Wii to be or what you think it should be. What matters now is what the Wii actually IS, and you have the choice to either accept it and be happy with it or move onto another platform.
MAYBE Nintendo can fix their flaws next generation and have a console that fixes all of the Wii's current weaknesses as well as contains it's current strengths. But I wouldn't hold my breath on it.