Ok, this topic is awsome.
Over half of this month's NPD-thread is derailed by dellusional Sony-fanboys.
So Wii didnt sell software?
Well, it certainly sold 500.000 units of WiiSports. A real game, like anyone knows who played it for more than 30 minutes.
Also, i love these contradicting fanboy-arguments. So on the one hand Wii is the crappy non-gamer system, that only casual-gamers buy (those, who only buy the console as a WiiSports machine), on the other hand trolls in here bitch about the sales of Metroid Prime 3, a hardcore game, as hard core a game can get. All that while MP3 is on course to surpass even the first MP-entry, even though one could have thought that after MP2 people would completely ignore the franchise.
After all is said and done, instead of bad-mouthing the Wii because of the MP3-"bomb", people should hope that the game sells more with time coming, just like they did with, you know, Bioshock. But Bioshock had the advantadge of not being released on a Nintendo-system, yeah, i know.
And then we have these XBox-fanboys, that call Reggie and idiot for saying, Halo 3 isnt a system-seller. Well, lets take a look at the sales numbers. XBox360 soll 200k units more than usual, thats certainly impressive, no doubt. But Halo 3 sold 3.3 million units. Three Point Three Million! With that amount of sold software you´d like to think that it´d have had moved a lot more hardware. Halo 3 was a system seller for a few people, but it certainly wasn THE system seller that one would have expected it to be, and Reggie was one of them.
At the end of the day, we have great numbers for Xbox360, Wii, Halo 3 and Metroid Prime 3. Some may spin the facts, but this is what they are. The only competitor you can bitch about is Sony. Bad software sales, really bad hardware sales. I dont tell you to do this, but its utterly annoying to see people spin the facts to bitch about something that just isnt bad, when some other things ARE indeed bad. NPD, or what i´d like to call it this month, "SpinAge"