Trying out Pokemon Bank and Pokemon Yellow and seeing if it works between these two games (Yellow to XY via Pokemon Bank).
Edit: doesn't...I should've known. Probably a software update will fix this issue in the future.
Oh wow! You gave it a lot more thought than me haha. I was keeping it as simple as possible so that more people would hopefully decide to join our Nuzlocke cause.I'm down, I'll update my progress as I play. I use additional rules though, I'll list them here (in bold) and explain below...
1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in Bill's computer permanently.
2A. You may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances.
2B. If the first Pokemon I see I've already caught (even if its dead) I catch the next new Pokemon.
3. No save scumming.
4. No items in battle (besides Pokeballs)
5. I'm playing Yellow so Pikachu must be in my party at all times, if he faints its game over.
6. I must nickname all of my Pokemon, the weirder/stranger/funnier names the better.
7. Safari Game Bonus, I count the whole area as 1 but since its so random I get 3 chances to catch Pokemon, duplicates clause still applies (rule 2B).
8. I can use gift Pokemon but receiving one counts as catching one in a given area.
9. I cannot trade Pokemon
As for the explanation...
2B - So its known as the duplicates clause and I use it for 2 reasons, First is that it limits your overall roster of Pokemon as eventually you will run out of Pokemon that you can catch. Second is that it prevents you from getting like 12 Rattata's which just isn't fun at all imo.
4 - No items in battle means no healing/status removal items or boosting items (those were in Gen 1 right? I can't remember its been a looong fucking time) it makes the game a shit ton harder because on some fights if you've got a Pokemon who can absorb a strong hit you can just spam hyper potions until the enemy runs out of those powerful moves, it just seems super cheap to me. I CAN use healing MOVES in battle (like Roost in later games, I really don't remember what if any healing moves are in gen 1, softboiled maybe?) but no items.
5. I've never done a Nuzlocke on Yellow so I thought this might be a fun extra rule, it limits my roster much more and gives Pikachu a 'leader' status in which if he dies I game over (instead of my entire party wiping).
6. I've always though nicknaming was a common nuzlocke rule, just more fun and gets you more attached to your characters.
7. I call this a bonus but it means I could get 3 Pokemon or 0, Safari game is such a random chance and since you can't battle like normal in most of my Nuzlockes if I only take 1 shot at catching anything I likely lose, making it a waste to go there (besides the items anyway)
8. So Gift Pokemon are fun, in Red/Blue its how you get Eevee, so if I get Eevee in Celedon City that all I can get in Celedon City, I can't fish nor can I get one via the game corner. This lets you potentially have some nice Pokemon and allows you to possibly choose a few Pokemon instead of just the fishing Pokemon you can normally get in a few towns.
9. No trading with friends or in game. I mainly use this rule to prevent getting an Onyx super early in Gold/Silver but I think it applies well here, the bonus exp alone traded Pokemon have is broken and it also makes pokemon like Alakazam unreachable who I think many of us would agree is insanely OP in gen 1. Kadabra is powerful enough IMO anyway to stand on a team as is.
It's less complicated then it sounds honestly and most of the additional rules are for very specific things instead of the broad rules most Nuzlockes use.
What filters are you referring too?Just realized when you hold LB+RB and press Y you can change between filters
What filters are you referring too?
Here's what I got today:
Code is already used BTW.
- Critical hit chance is based off your speed. Which is why Slash + Persian is a legit thing
- Blizzard has 90% accuracy, and can be bought as much as you want, so just stick it on whoever.
- Once Frozen, you will never defrost
- If Hyper Beam kills an enemy or Substitute, it doesn't need to recharge
- Waking up from sleep wastes a turn.
- There are no notable STAB moves for Bug, Ghost or Dragon.
- Because of the previous point, Psychic Pokemon basically have no weakness
- Focus Energy does absolutely nothing
- Never use Rage
- Critical hits ignore the stat ups of your enemy (as they still do). But also ignore your stat ups. A crit after a few Swords Dances does less damage than not critting. It also ignores enemy Stat Downs, so if you lower their defense (Screech or Leer for example), crits do less damage.
- Walking around the over world while Poisoned does damage and can kill your Pokemon
- Wrap/Fire Spin trap enemies for several turns while doing damage. It's basically like Sleep, except it does damage.
- Don't use Substitute if you're around 25% HP, because if you're at exactly 25%, using Sub will kill you
- Even 100% accurate moves can miss
Here's another one you might not know of: The Dragonair you can catch in the Safari Zone is a reference to an anime episode never aired in the West.Didn't even make the connection....Thanks! (Insert palm to the face emoticon here...)
I'm in for Pokemon Primeape version.
Can't wait to have those old TMs again like BODY SLAMand softboiled.
I've still got my Pokemon Master Guide laying around so I may bust it out for those Oak tips...
Poison is super effective against bug? Huh.
And the other way around, although you'll only encounter this if you use a Nidoran in Mt. Moon.Firemind said:Poison is super effective against bug? Huh.
Here's what I got today:
Code is already used BTW.
Playing with Nuzlocke rules. Just lost my Butterfree against Brock to Bide. RIP....
Has anyone tried uploading a duder to Pokemon Bank? I imagine you just do it at a Pokemon Centre, same as normal trading, right? I'm really interested to see what they do with the EV and IV stuff, how they convert a Pokemon from the Gen 1 and 2 maths to Gen 3 onwards.
The Pokemon Bank stuff hasn't been released yet, since it only transfers "directly" to Sun and Moon. When it is finally released, it will be handled through a separate app, as is typical for Pokemon Bank.
And the other way around, although you'll only encounter this if you use a Nidoran in Mt. Moon.
Oh, the good old days.
Wait. How do you do that Gameboy border?
Wait. How do you do that Gameboy border?
Why do people keep posting their team lists / LVLs in here? Is someone running a survey and collecting data?
Why do people keep posting their team lists / LVLs in here? Is someone running a survey and collecting data?
Oh man that's rough.Just lost my Pikachu due to a crit from a freakin pound from Clefairy from the 1st trainer in Mt Moon! noooooooooooooooooo!
I literally don't know how I am going to take on Misty now...shit!
Why do people keep posting their team lists / LVLs in here? Is someone running a survey and collecting data?
Oh man that's rough.
I suppose you can catch an Oddish/Bellsprout after Nugget Bridge and level it up?
Never forget:......I can't believe a guide from an "official magazine" made Prima look amazing and accurate.......
You need breeding for breeding farmsWould be cool if all RBY Pokemon had 6 31 IV stats. VC releases could become breeding farms
Just started, have gone for Red since that was the version I played back in the day. Is there a way to apply the 'colour' mode that you'd get when you played the original on a Game Boy Colour? Where the entire game is given a red colour palette?
Hold Start while the game is starting.
No. Orignial Game Boy games can inly be played in black and white on 3DS. You can, however, apply a green filter to make it look more like an original Game Boy.
No option for the extra colours unless you buy Yellow. I have absolutely no idea why Nintendo never bothered with the extra colours. Same goes for the GB Donkey Kong game. It's only in black and white when the game was completely optimised for the Super GamrBoy colours...