Is the Mew glitch in the yellow version?
All glitches that were present in the original version of Yellow have been left untouched in the rerelease
Is the Mew glitch in the yellow version?
oh shit , there is already mod for this game
- Hold B to sprint (quad speed on bikes)
- All the Sprites from Gold Silver + Xp Bar
- works with poke bank
old vs modded
i think only work on CFW.
The german eshop has every language available. Should be the same for all EU.Quick question, I have an Austrian eShop account, is it possible to get the English (and glitchy) versions of RBY or am I saddled with the German language versions?
Apologies if the question has already been answered in the thread.
Because of you, Gary has won.I bought Yellow! When I owned it back in the day I got to the last Pokemon of the last member of the Elite Four and lost. Never could pick it up to try again.
Best thing for Brock with your current team is to get Nidoran to lv 12 so it knows Double Kick. Other than that, Mankey learns Low Kick at lv 9 and Butterfree will learn Confusion as soon as it evolves.Just getting started. So far my team is
Pikachu lvl 11
Nidoran Male lvl 5
Pidgey lvl 9
Caterpie lvl 3
I was thinking of leveling Caterpie up but can't seem to find one starting at a higher level. I would like ButterFree. know I read Mankey is decent for some fights, anything else that would be helpful? Trying to have a well rounded team.
oh shit , there is already mod for this game
- Hold B to sprint (quad speed on bikes)
- All the Sprites from Gold Silver + Xp Bar
- works with poke bank
old vs modded
i think only work on CFW.
Oh man, if I only knew about the Mew Glitch back in the day![]()
Where do you get the GBC border from? Is that possible on the 3DS?
So I understand the basics of the Mew Glitch and how to get Mew...what I DON'T understand is how people are able to use it to catch ANY Pokemon, especially those with high index numbers?
How are people able to catch Pokemon with really high index numbers while also still having enough unbeaten trainers in their game to carry out the glitch? Or do you just need ONE unbeaten trainer left in your game and then just do the Ditto Glitch?
EDIT: It seems to me, some of these index numbers are so high, that you're so deep into the game, I don't see how you can possibly have enough unbeaten trainers to carry out the glitch enough times to complete the PokeDex.
Pls help. Confused, longtime Pokemon fan with a real lust for all 151.
The trainer you fly away from is infintely recyclable for the glitch. You can also use the special stats from wild encounters. If you have a wild Ditto transform into your mon its special becomes that of yours.
I'll just post this little Easter Egg/Spoiler for those not aware of it. But I think you want to find it for yourself.
Thanks. Someone on reddit clarified this for me as well.
So basically, just never fight that trainer ever and it'll be fine.
So after you fight the wild Ditto and have it transform to whatever it is you want with the correct Special stat, how do you force the game to give you an encounter so you actually SEE the Pokemon you were glitching for? The redditor who was helping me mentioned "moving to any zone"
Does that mean when a route changes into another route, or when a route turns into a city, the encounter should activate?
To trigger the encounter you return to the route where you flew away from the trainer.
That's why I consider Game Boy and Game Boy Color to be the same generation. There are GB games that have color and GBC games that can be played on a regular GB. It makes no sense!Do you know what's mind blowing for me? Pokemon Yellow has colors. I played it nonstop on my Gameboy Pocket...
That's why I consider Game Boy and Game Boy Color to be the same generation. There are GB games that have color and GBC games that can be played on a regular GB. It makes no sense!
It's kinda weak the ds doesn't support super gameboy mode for red/blue
I just did this haha. I love how the tune is the same as the anime.
It's kinda weak the ds doesn't support super gameboy mode for red/blue
This is mostly a nostalgia trip. I wouldn't recommend these games to new players. If you didn't enjoy the ones you played, the franchise probably isn't for you.So I've always been curious about Pokemon games. I've tried a couple of times to get into the series, first with Black and Black2. Later with XY. Games failed to hook me. I love JRPG's, and collecting aspects hooked me with the SMT games.
Seeing as these games seemed to have triggered a lot of fans, would you guys recommend I try one of these out? And which version?
You playing Yellow? How did you get a Mankey before defeating Brock?Brock KO'd my Mankey when I wasn't paying attention. Going to pretend that didn't happen and Nuzlocke challenge starts now.
I didn't remember that you could catch Sandshrews in Yellow before Mt. Moon. That's a nice surprise, as I was already prepared to get a Jigglypuff. And it learns Slash as soon as level 17, he can become the MVP of the team if he doesn't die before that.
To this day I think Yellow is still the hardest Pokémon game. I mean, it's not that difficult, but by Pokémon standards it is.Yellow is quite amazing when it comes to early Pokemon. You can get Pidgey, Rattata, Nidoran Male, Nidoran Female, Mankey, Spearow, Caterpie, Metapod, and PIDGEOTTO in the wild before the first gym. Yes, there is a Pidgeotto in Viridian Forest, but it has a 1% appearance rate so get to shuffling.
Also the trainer in Brock's gym had a Diglett and Sandshrew. He wasn't playing around.
Of course I have huge nostalgia for RB, but Yellow really is a more interesting experience with all the changes and it actually provides a challenge.
I wish I would have known about the trick to instantly max Pikachu's happiness level as a kid. Would have made getting Bulbasaur in Cerulean that much easier.
Oak: Red, go ahead and take that Pokemon.
Blue: No, it's mine!
Yellow is quite amazing when it comes to early Pokemon. You can get Pidgey, Rattata, Nidoran Male, Nidoran Female, Mankey, Spearow, Caterpie, Metapod, and PIDGEOTTO in the wild before the first gym. Yes, there is a Pidgeotto in Viridian Forest, but it has a 1% appearance rate so get to shuffling.
Also the trainer in Brock's gym had a Diglett and Sandshrew. He wasn't playing around.
Of course I have huge nostalgia for RB, but Yellow really is a more interesting experience with all the changes and it actually provides a challenge.
Mankey appears on Route 22 in Yellow.You playing Yellow? How did you get a Mankey before defeating Brock?
Yellow is in color, unlike Red/Blue. (Unless you're in Japan.)I bought the Pikachu version, but is there no way to play this in Game Boy Color mode?
I always catch a Mankey in Yellow. Super useful, especially early on. Nidoran♂ also learns Double Kick at level 12, which is great against Brock.
Yellow is in color, unlike Red/Blue.
Yeah I just edited my post. Japanese Yellow isn't in color, sorry.Hmm... I wonder if this is a regional thing. I bought it on the Japanese eShop and it's a normal Game Boy game.
Did you buy the japanese version? If yes, then the answer to your question is no.I bought the Pikachu version, but is there no way to play this in Game Boy Color mode?