it doesn't miss if you use an accuracy boosting item (X accuracy I think it is ?)
I think RBY speedruns abuse that fact
You also have to be faster than the other Pokemon for it to work. If you're not, then that strategy doesn't work unless you also use an X Speed.
Anyway, I just caught both Tauros and Scyther this afternoon just before I was going to give up on them. Nice! I'm going to insert Tauros into my current team, replacing Charizard. Scyther I'll just be keeping for transferring to Sun/Moon.
Basically 20 hours in at this point and I still only have 5 badges, simply because I had been trying to get certain Pokemon. I think I'm going to do the Pokemon Mansion next and then head to the Power Plant.
How are you supposed to know that a Moon Stone will make certain Pokemon evolve? I saw it online for a Pokemon I have, but does it say it anywhere in the game or do you just have to get lucky and try it?
Also, is the game gated by beating gyms? I just got to Misty's gym, but I'm wondering if I could just keep going until the next town if I wanted to or if it would stop me.
In these games, you're only ever gated (in terms of progression) by HMs and certain key items. After you've beaten Misty, you can go to Vermilion next as long as you've done Nugget Bridge and gotten the S.S Ticket as you need to get HM01, Cut, on the S.S Anne in Vermilion. I mean, you can skip Nugget Bridge and come back to it but you'll be gated from the 3rd gym until you get Cut.
It's after the first three gyms and you've gotten past Rock Tunnel that nothing really gates you other than needing the Poke Flute for the Snorlaxes (which forces you to do the Lavender Tower). It all depends on what you want to do after Rock Tunnel that will determine what is gated to you. For example, if you want to Surf to Cinnabar you need to do the following:
-Beat the Rocket Hideout in the Game Corner to get the Silph Scope
-Proceed to Lavender Tower to get the Poke Flute with your now obtained Silph Scope
-Either take Cycling Road to Fuchsia or the route from Lavender Town. Either way requires the Poke Flute for a Snorlax.
-Beat Koga, now you can surf from either Pallet Town to Cinnabar or Fuchsia to Seafoam Islands to Cinnabar.
So, it boils down to what I said: key items and HMs, which some gyms restrict you from using HMs outside of battles.