PSN needs to be up and running smoothly for trophy notifications to occur apparently, which is dumb.
I'm still trying to figure out this fucking primary console bs. Can 1 PS4 be the primary console for 2 accounts?
PSN needs to be up and running smoothly for trophy notifications to occur apparently, which is dumb.
I'm still trying to figure out this fucking primary console bs. Can 1 PS4 be the primary console for 2 accounts?
So NFS rivals isn't connecting to the EA servers (I just finished the unskippable tutorial). Is there a way to get around it, or is it just the servers getting hit? Forced online is stupid if there is literally no way to play if the network is down
Oh, and the update system is silly. It doesn't seem to check for an update until you launch the game. So you almost instantly have to quit out and relaunch,nso it installs the latest patch.
And I thought online passes were going away now that we need to have PS+ for online. Yet ACIV seems to want you to register the Uplay passport to play online - they call it an online pass and if you buy used you can buy the online pass from the store.
how do you check the progress of a disc based install? (i'm talking the full install not just to playable state)
Is this supposed to matter to me? The result is the same, I downloaded 3 games and was playing them by now on my Xbox One. I haven't even *signed in* yet on my PS4.
This is, by default, the worst console launch I've ever experienced. Because I've never experienced not being able to use basic functionality of my console when I turn it on, lol.
I don't understand how you did not expect this to happen. Especially since it happened in the US 2 weeks ago and that isn't even Sony's strongest region. If you can't deal with a little PSN outage on launch day then just play your Xbone games in the meantime.
Would you rather not play and wait for the update to download and install or at least play right away and apply the update when it's convenient for you?
how do you check the progress of a disc based install? (i'm talking the full install not just to playable state)
how do you check the progress of a disc based install? (i'm talking the full install not just to playable state)
I don't think there's a way to tell since it's all done behind the scenes.
thats a little annoying tbh, the xbox one shows a percentage on how far it is so i know exactly when i can remove a disc and put a different one in
Haha, I love this attitude. You should have expected Sony to be really shit! Why would you expect your console to work out of the box? DON'T BE RIDICULOUS!
Haha, I love this attitude. You should have expected Sony to be really shit! Why would you expect your console to work out of the box? DON'T BE RIDICULOUS!
Haha, I love this attitude. You should have expected Sony to be really shit! Why would you expect your console to work out of the box? DON'T BE RIDICULOUS!
Holy shit guys.Check out this queue in Berlin...i don't think i've seen anything like it ever before...
Yeah..."console gaming is dead".
I don't see what's wrong with the attitude though, it is something to be expected, online servers crumble when people rush to it on day one.Haha, I love this attitude. You should have expected Sony to be really shit! Why would you expect your console to work out of the box? DON'T BE RIDICULOUS!
why is my BF4 37 gigs big. it's a disc game, Should it not be a little bit less then 37 gigs
Wait is PSN down in America too? I tried to use the store and it said I have to sign in, then when I tried to do that it said can't connect to the server. Now it's stuck on the blue background. I can't even tab out.
I don't see what's wrong with the attitude though, it is something to be expected, online servers crumble when people rush to it on day one.
Your console still works out of the box.
Full installs for all games man. Limits the advantages of going physical to reselling and playing your games faster.
Yup, I tried getting on earlier and the same things happened to me. I was able to hit the PS button to get out, though. I tried to go back in and it told me it was under maintenance.
Can't blame them for having an overly popular product. This same thing has happened on the 360 and PS3 before and probably the XB1.
So PSN is down? I can log into my profile but can't connect to PSN and when I try to play Resogun it shows this:
Locked all the demos from being played, too. Online DRM? WTF?
But even with having a subscription for years, and building up an infrastructure, XBL would also go down when many people were using the service.This does not provide me with confidence for the future of PSN on the PS4 (at least not initially). One of the things that pleased me about Sony finally charging for online multiplayer was the fact that they would take those funds to reinvest in their network infrastructure to make it more or as robust as Xbox Live. So far PSN has already been down multiple times, even with the staggered launch of in US and European territories. Why were they not prepared for Europe after seeing what happened in the US?
anyone had a license was verified message show up while playing a dl game?
. There are also way more PS4s in the homes now between USA and Europe than there are XB1s. .
anyone had a license was verified message show up while playing a dl game?
Did you get Resogun for free from PS+? If so, then you should expect to have to connect to the internet in order to validate your PS+ subscription.
XB1 hasn't been down once when I've played.
But even with having a subscription for years, and building up an infrastructure, XBL would also go down when many people were using the service.
Yeah? I dunno anyone with one so I just assumed it was down like nearly every other online system on launch.
Sony expected the Ps4 to be popular based on the reception it was getting leading up to the launch but I dont think they were prepared for this type of success.
1 million in 24 hours in NA 2 weeks ago and I guarantee they just sold another million across EU. Sony is playing catch up right now.
So PSN is down? I can log into my profile but can't connect to PSN and when I try to play Resogun it shows this:
Locked all the demos from being played, too. Online DRM? WTF?