US PSN status is "down"
US PSN status is "down"
Is it your first time launching Resogun?
I believe the first time it's launched it verifies the license terms (PS+ etc)
The Xbox One has been perfect online stability wise for me since I got it on launch.
The Xbox One has been perfect online stability wise for me since I got it on launch.
Maybe because it didn't sell much. ZingThe Xbox One has been perfect online stability wise for me since I got it on launch.
And that has of course nothing to do with less systems going online at the same time :3
I have an Xbone currently, but I REALLY want a PS4 (may even sell the Xbone for the PS4 down the road), but the PSN concerns (along with not knowing enough about what awesome games are in the pipeline for the near future - Uncharted is a bit redundant) make me hesitate to pull the trigger on one. All my friends have or are getting Xbones, so for me to give that up for a (hopefully temporary) solitary gaming experience, I'd like to feel confident that Sony's servers will become exceptional over time.
And that has of course nothing to do with less systems going online at the same time :3
Hello guys... this is my first message here. I´ll try to explain my experiences during the day related to the new console.
First of all, here in Spain (Madrid area) there were something like an incredible madness when I went to buy it. The store opened at 10:00 am and over 30 people were waiting in front of the gate just ready to go to the gaming section of the shop. I was lucky and was able to get one of them with killzone in a few minutes; others were not so lucky, and one hour after the queue was still very long. I´ve seen people almost prying just to get one without reservation; I knew this was going to happen.
At home, the first two hours have been overwhelming just because I was not able to upgrade my firmware and to sing in in PSN. Using a USB dongle finally i managed to upgrade to 1.51 and with an ethernet cable (the wifi was ok, but somehow the first sign on PSN didn´t work at all) entered in PSN, recorded my id information in the console and started download content, apps and so on.
I please advice you to use the best connection available at home and to make a manual upgrade (manual --> with an usb memory) downloading te 300 MB (in Spain) file with the new firmware with an alternative method, starting the console in safe mode and reading the file from the usb. After all, everything seemed to be more fluid.
Once started, night and day compared with PS3 user interface. The navigation and the options started in a breeze and confortably, but the first previous step was like a nightmare. Now I´ve downloaded resogun, war thunder, contrast, flower and I´m going to play Shadow Fall.
Can't speak for others, but in my experience with the console (6+ years) I've only had issues with the network during a period when they released new dashboard updates. Not to turn this into a console war thread, but from what I've been hearing there have been no such issues with Xbox Live during the X1 launch.
It'd be really nice if Guerrilla would stop forcing a specific gun on you at all times in the Killzone games. The rifle in Shadowfall is much better than the shit-tacular Pistol from the previous games, but it still really kills variety when you have a two weapon limit, and can only actually swap out one of them.
Really cool hearing PlayStation boot tunes in Playroom.
So PSN is down? I can log into my profile but can't connect to PSN and when I try to play Resogun it shows this:
Locked all the demos from being played, too. Online DRM? WTF?
No. I got it on and played it on Nov 15. I'm in the US. Looks like it's tied to PS+ account (where it's free) so I can't play it unless I can sign in to PSN. Laaaaame DRM!
Yep. I guess 300K servers helped. lol
Spill the beanshow
Sold the same amount in 24 hours as PS4 did.
Sold the same amount in 24 hours as PS4 did.
Sold the same amount in 24 hours as PS4 did.
Come on, you have to know that's one region for PS4 vs. 13 for the Xbone right? Today the PS4 is adding at least 1 million more consoles and probably more. I wouldn't be surprised if they are at or close to 3 million consoles worldwide. It's safe to say that's a lot more than the Xbone right now. Not surprised PSN is overloaded.
We actually don't have hard numbers for either console. And yeah worldwide vs. NA.
Holy shit guys.Check out this queue in Berlin...i don't think i've seen anything like it ever before...
Yeah..."console gaming is dead".
Target has some bundles in stock for those looking to get one.
I'm in the US. Why would Euro servers take me down? If you're going to say region matters, then why the fuck is PSN going down in the US when it's the Euro launch causing the issues? If you're going with that angle, then there were 1 million Xbox Ones in 24 hours and it didn't go down once for me and you're telling me people not in the US are taking US servers down.
There is mass downloads and updates. . Come onThe one thing MS absolutely had over Sony was online infrastructure , and now Sony goes and fucks up the launch by having PSN die.
There are no more people logging in en mass today than on your average COD launch. Kinda pissed off right now![]()