Let me know if your NBA is slow. Might just be limited to just that game. Quite a few people have been saying it's slow.
They refunded my order and I'm just buying US PSN credit now to get it, so I'll report back.
EDIT: Says it's going to be an hour and it went up 500mb when I was just staring at it, so looking fine. Wired connection and 120mbit Virgin here.
Does anyone know if Sony or Amazon would replace my controller? The L2 has a slight sticky feel when releasing the trigger. I keep my controls in good condition and my hands are always clean/I'm not aggressive with it lol. It's annoying if I have to constantly use the button.
That bit was fine, it's the second part where it downloads after it lets you start playing.
US PSN seems to have gotten their download speeds nice and tight. Just downloaded Tiny Brains pretty much at my 30Mb cap. 2GB download in like 9 minutes. Very happy to say the least.
Finally just received my PS4 today.
Swapped out the HDD.
Installed 1.51 via USB.
All I get is a blank screen. I can get safe mode to appear, but nothing else
The PSN downloads are rapid. The extra downloading in-game is cripplingly slow it seems.
yeah not sure.. digitally I have Killzone, Knack, Contrast and Resogun (and now Tiny Brains) but downloaded all of those at US launch without any issue.
My PS4 just gets a blank screen and pulsing light when using a 1TB drive I put in myself.
But is fine when using the 500GB it came with?
My PS4 just gets a blank screen and pulsing light when using a 1TB drive I put in myself.
But is fine when using the 500GB it came with?
Probably a dumb question, you installed the OS on your drive right?
did you install the 900MB firmware file after putting in the drive? putting in a new drive you have to have the 900MB full firmware file on a USB stick and boot the system into safe mode to then install the firmware onto the new drive.
Yea I download the 800MB+ update file. Put it on a FAT32 USB in PS4/UPDATE/
Then I booted my PS4 in safe mode. Selected the Initialise (Update) option. When the PS4 restarts, I just have a blank screen and pulsing blue light?
Choose option 7, Initialize (rebuild database) or whatever it is. The option you chose is for hard drives with an OS already installed.
That's what I'm using.
Oh, ok. Your post said you chose Initialize (Update), which is option 6, iirc. I have no clue what the problem could be then. Maybe take the drive out and reformat it? Get a 2.5" USB enclosure and you can connect it to a PC.
as was said, you should be using option 7 (Initialize PS4 (Reinstall System Software)).
does it give you indication that it completes? Does it verify your system file on your USB stick? You can select option 7 without a USB drive connected and then when it says you have to connect one connect it then.
also at this point I would try downloading the system firmware again. wondering if maybe the download you have was corrupted somehow.
Tried that :'(
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202231826253407&l=212830982703335828Has anyone tried sharing videos from NBA 2k14? I just did it and they were silent. It's not fully downloaded yet, so I'm thinking that it's an issue with copyrighted music which plays in place of commentary, so the game just silences the audio. Anyone else noticed this?
Has anyone tried sharing videos from NBA 2k14? I just did it and they were silent. It's not fully downloaded yet, so I'm thinking that it's an issue with copyrighted music which plays in place of commentary, so the game just silences the audio. Anyone else noticed this?
Does anyone know if Sony or Amazon would replace my controller? The L2 has a slight sticky feel when releasing the trigger. I keep my controls in good condition and my hands are always clean/I'm not aggressive with it lol. It's annoying if I have to constantly use the button.
Got the same thing happening on my R2. Really annoying.
Just to let you know, everyone trying to to jump on the knack amazon code thing, its 39.99 at graingergames.
PM me in a couple of hours if Diablo hasn't come back to you.
Oh,Thank you
Thanks a bunch! I'm so happy now.![]()
With 2000 friends that could become cumbersome. =pWhy on earth doesn't it notify you when someone comes online or logs off.
Is there no way to eject a disc through the OS instead of using the hardware button?
I also can't figure out, are the turn on/off and eject hardware buttons touch? Cause I don't think they actually click in?
With 2000 friends that could become cumbersome. =p
Is there no way to eject a disc through the OS instead of using the hardware button?
Go to the game, press Options and pick remove disc or what its called. I'm doing it like this. And it works great.
Man - AC4 keeps trying to log in to the Uplay servers but I don't remember ever linking my PSN account to a Uplay account... what details is it trying to log in with? Is there any way of looking to see what services are connecting to my PSN ID so I can check which (if any) uplay account it's trying to use?
I'm not sure if there's a good way to figure it out. I had a hard time connecting the ipad app to it, because I apparently have more than one uplay account. I was able to get to the account I actually used by going to uplay.com and logging in with PSN. I went to http://uplay.ubi.com/en-US , clicked Connection, and then clicked the Playstation Network button at the bottom. Once i did that I went to the profile area and found the email associated with it, (which was not my psn email), reset the password, and finally got logged in on the ipad app.
It was a giant pain in the ass.
Does anyone know how much in store credit European GAME gives you for a xbone day one edition? Would I get enough to buy a PS4?
Also, is there a way to confirm that saves are being backed up?