Are game saves only uploaded when the console goes into standby?
I haven't seen anything, but perhaps it's in the uploads section. Don't think I've checked in there.Notifications and uploads I believe will show you.
Not sure if it still turns on at the specified time from off as the PS3 did.Are game saves only uploaded when the console goes into standby?
You can check your save games in settings under the save storage management. Also they're uploaded once a day, unless you do it manually, at midnight local time. Should pop up in your notifications feed under uploads.Also, is there a way to confirm that saves are being backed up?
Ta. I'll take a look later.You can check your save games in settings under the save storage management. Also they're uploaded once a day, unless you do it manually, at midnight local time. Should pop up in your notifications feed under uploads.
I think my PS4 has issuesevery couple of hours the hdmi connection seems to go beserk. The screen flickers between whatever the PS4 is displaying to white noise and back again at varying speeds. Adjusting the cable makes it stop but a couple of hours later it happens again.
If I contact Amazon or Sony for a replacement, do we know how long that could take?
Im letting my PS4 in vertical (seems much better). Is it somehow harmful to the system?
Also, im noticing that in stand by the bottom of the console seems pretty warm, is it allright? It have something to do with the download its doing in stand by? (im downloading Knack and Battlefield 4)
Sorry about those "popular" questions, its just that I got my PS4 today, and got that concerns. Its the 1st time I put my console in vertical, and, obviously, the 1st time I use a console in standby (I always turn my PC off).
- why do the icons in my launch bar seem to be randomly distributed? (i never used tv services dammit, get away from the left side)
They appear in the order you use them.
Does anyone know how much in store credit European GAME gives you for a xbone day one edition? Would I get enough to buy a PS4?
* Killzone shadow fall campaign is underwhelming but the mp is fantastic. Amazing graphics add a lot to the experience
The campaign is fantastic, really don't know what you are talking about.
I guess they're talking about their opinion.
Really wish I could pin things/sort them. :
campaign for killzone was so drab and underwhelming, couldn't stand it.
Does my PS3 PS+ carry over to the PS4 or do I have to buy it again?
Your subscription works across PS3, PS4 and VitaDoes my PS3 PS+ carry over to the PS4 or do I have to buy it again?
Does my PS3 PS+ carry over to the PS4 or do I have to buy it again?
That I know, it's early in the morning here but I'm sharp as a knife!
I want to know WHY he feels it's underwhelming.
Try the old drive and see if it allows you to boot all the way. If it works, you know there's a problem with your new drive and or firmware.
Thanks guys. There doesn't seem to be the little + near my user name to denote it, like on the PS3.
My initial impressions of the KZ campaign were really underwhelming as well.
Very first mission is an on rails section.
Second mission dumps you in a vent with a knife, then proceeds to lead you to basically two different locations with little to nothing happening outside of these two hot spots.
Third mission you're carrying around power plugs.
Add to that, you're about 160cm tall and nearsighted (FOV!).
Looks absolutely spectacular but as far as gameplay engagement.. a resounding meh so far. :/
UK here, for some reason I still can't get Twitch streaming to work. Just gives me a connection error every time, though Ustream works just fine.
Sounds like Killsone. I don't know why anyone expected it to suddenly go from mediocre to amazing...
Anyway, my KZ bundle is in transit. Not long now...
Did your nba finish?I had that issue. There's 2 solutions.
1) If you signed up for before was a thing, you'll need a brand new account. You can login using a JTV account, but you can't stream
2) If you did sign up to twitch and not Justin, you need to login on the web, click your username, go to dashboard, stream key and then show my key and finally reset the key. If this gives you an error, it recognises you as a JTV login and you'll need a new account.
Yup, still need to try the multiplayer. I despise the older Killzones and my impressions haven't changed really. Might see if the multiplayer is fun enough.
My initial impressions of the KZ campaign were really underwhelming as well.
Very first mission is an on rails section.
Second mission dumps you in a vent with a knife, then proceeds to lead you to basically two different locations with little to nothing happening outside of these two hot spots.
Third mission you're carrying around power plugs.
Add to that, you're about 160cm tall and nearsighted (FOV!).
Looks absolutely spectacular but as far as gameplay engagement.. a resounding meh so far. :/
Eh, I didn't think KZ2 or KZ: Mercs were mediocre. I'm not sure I'd call 'em great either, but they were certainly good games. Shadow Fall isn't up to the standards of either of those two in my opinion. It does look fucking orgasmic, but I found myself wishing they'd made a PS4 port of Mercenaries instead.Sounds like Killsone. I don't know why anyone expected it to suddenly go from mediocre to amazing...
Anyway, my KZ bundle is in transit. Not long now...
My initial impressions of the KZ campaign were really underwhelming as well.
Very first mission is an on rails section.
Second mission dumps you in a vent with a knife, then proceeds to lead you to basically two different locations with little to nothing happening outside of these two hot spots.
Third mission you're carrying around power plugs.
Add to that, you're about 160cm tall and nearsighted (FOV!).
Looks absolutely spectacular but as far as gameplay engagement.. a resounding meh so far. :/
Did your nba finish?
Blacklight goes lives for us Euro's today
Blacklight goes lives for us Euro's today
does it have bots, or online only?