PS5 Pro discounted in UK (Curry's, Argos and EE)


That's basically what the discount was for me (I got it for a few quid less) through my works discount portal. I wouldn't put any stock in this being a reaction on it not selling well or anything like that, since it's one store doing it and it almost matches the 6% discount you can get through an employment reward program.

Worth mentioning that for those that get these kinds of rewards, you could potentially knock up to another £40 off this bringing it down to just over £600. Pretty good to be honest.
Yea it’s 619 through work portal and you can get further tenner off using mailing list code


Gold Member
Base consoles are also £20 off.

Xbox series consoles are £20 off

Nintendo Switch consoles are £10-20 off.

It seems sitewide for everything.

unimpressed michael keaton GIF


Gold Member
see, I used to think this, but we are on our 3rd straight generation with price increases and no price decreases.

The Switch is the same price or more expensive it was in 2017. I know the price of the PS5 Pro is high but I don't see why Sony would be the one to exert downward pressure when Nintendo is selling this ancient as fuck technology at such a high price. I think companies would rather see slightly lower sales and ad-hoc discounts than lower the price.
Thing is size of console market hasn’t really grown. It’s around 150 mil people. Plus some Switch players.

A $300 PS5 could help. On the other hand XSS has been down to $200 on sale at times and folks don’t seem to bite.

Wonder if a bit differently designed XSS with a disk drive and better memory configuration would have done better…. Well, and improved Phil Spencer to go with it.


Lower powered option is unnecessarily criticised over made up stuff like holding back generation etc.

This affects casuals buying habits. They would rather stick to PS4. Almost half of MAU on PS are on older gen.
I'm reading this but if seems contrary.

Low power is unnecessarily criticized. Okay, disagree but okay.

Affects casuals buying habits. TRUE

If affect buying habits by giving them the option to waste their money on low powered hardware instead of saving up and buying something they will use and value and cherish.

Easy come, easy go, and all those cheap early XSS are in the garbage can or collecting dust right now, sir. If something comes too easy or too cheap we don't value it. One flagship unit at launch and maybe a pro later, this is the way.

A decade ago, gaming was easier. It all boiled down to "what do you recommend to a newb in gamestop" and there were options.

With the XSS, it changed. XSS is too cut down for the price. It is not nor has ever been worth the price. However, it is so cheap that many will default to it. It's like a trap to catch the ignorant that keeps them from buying a console that is worth the money. It's a trap to catch the uninformed.

Does anyone here believe the XSS was worth the msrp price they were originally charging considering how cut down it is? Is anybody here playing on XSS as their main console today?

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
I hope Sony will be happy with European sales!

Pro will be worth it around GTA launch, I wonder how price and disc drive situation will look by that time.
In 1 years time when it will be…..maybe £50 off, possibly £80 - £100 if you’re lucky.

Meanwhile I’ve been playing my pro enhanced games for a year. The disc drive situation will have resolved itself in a few months max. It’s not going to take a year to solve that.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Explain price parity of PS5 in Europe in 2020, same 500$/€.

Vat excuse is bullshit.
If you need us to explain global economics and how things cost different prices in different countries I don’t know what to say to you.

Sure Sony is maybe fucking us a bit harder as Europeans. We know the price for quality and wouldn’t pay it if it was substandard.
This is a nationwide UK cut and not a special by a retailer? Just seems odd that the price would be cut only in one region and by such a small amount.

People seem to keep misunderstanding the PS5 Pro. For many, the $700 base price (minus accessories like a vertical stand and optical drive) is a non-starter. That's fine, because the PS5 Pro is not a mainstream product, it's an enthusiast one. This is the second time Sony has done a "mid-gen refresh". If we go back to 2016, the PS4 line was refreshed. The launch model retailed at $400. It was replaced by the PS4 Slim with the same capabilities as the launch PS4 and cut in price to $300. A more powerful PS4 Pro was launched alongside the Slim for $400.

Many saw this as a pretty good deal. You could trade in your base PS4 for a PS4 Pro and not have to spend a lot for the upgrade. And if you hadn't jumped into the PS4 yet, the Pro was a very attractive option as you were getting more console for the same price the early adopters paid.

It looked great on paper, but the sales didn't bear out. Only roughly 10% of overall PS4 hardware sales are PS4 Pro. The overwhelming majority of PS4 owners opted to stick with their existing system than to upgrade. Newcomers to PS4 largely chose to save the $100 over getting a more powerful system. In short, the PS4 Pro was never a major driver of PS4 hardware sales and did surprisingly little to move the needle.

Fast forwarding to today, and things aren't much different. Sony adjusted their strategy and made the PS5 Pro an enthusiast market for videophiles and professional gamers. And then they set the price accordingly. The PS5 Pro was never "priced to move" like the PS4 Pro was. It's there to turn a profit off the niche audience that is willing to spend on that sort of thing. It is not a product designed and priced for mass adoption. If it were, Sony would have made some concessions, such as including a disc drive and vertical stand. PS5 Pro is not marketed as a device meant to be attractive to the average gamer. It's a specialized product made for an "elite" class who have to have the best of everything and have the disposable income to fund that craving. For everyone else, the basic PS5 is just fine and continues to be offered at an affordable rate.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Explain price parity of PS5 in Europe in 2020, same 500$/€.

Vat excuse is bullshit.

I don't have to explain shit.

The fact is, all UK goods have a baked-in 20% hike on dollar equivalents that has to be factored in. End of story.

I'm not going to the effort of googling sales-tax rates by state in the US, for exactly the same reason as I'm not going to look up what USD, GBP, Euro and Yen conversion rates were back in 2019 when Sony would have been setting regional prices because... (takes a deep breath) all that needs to be understood is that there's more to economics than simply switching the prefix designating the currency type!

Expecting parity on RRP is simply dumber than a box of rocks.

If you think you can get a better deal, import a US model via Amazon and see how that works out for you. And when you get stung on duty, remember that money isn't going to Sony, its going to the Government.
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PS5 Pro is 938 bucks in my country. 🤣
Funny thing is Sony only has 10 up for preorder and they haven't sold a single one all day.
I think I'm going to wait until next year to get one, depending on if and when Switch 2 comes out.
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Its badly needed.

Sony needs it cause console prices are out of reach for casuals.

Nintendo needs it cause a separate handheld/desktop system will result in better design/ less compromises.

For xbox, it served well enough, helped spread gamepass, got a bunch of people into ecosystem. They simply aren’t as interested in console business, which is reasonable. It did well under those constraints.
Not well enough to prevent Microsoft from releasing games on Sony platforms.
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I'm reading this but if seems contrary.

Low power is unnecessarily criticized. Okay, disagree but okay.

Affects casuals buying habits. TRUE

If affect buying habits by giving them the option to waste their money on low powered hardware instead of saving up and buying something they will use and value and cherish.

Easy come, easy go, and all those cheap early XSS are in the garbage can or collecting dust right now, sir. If something comes too easy or too cheap we don't value it. One flagship unit at launch and maybe a pro later, this is the way.

A decade ago, gaming was easier. It all boiled down to "what do you recommend to a newb in gamestop" and there were options.

With the XSS, it changed. XSS is too cut down for the price. It is not nor has ever been worth the price. However, it is so cheap that many will default to it. It's like a trap to catch the ignorant that keeps them from buying a console that is worth the money. It's a trap to catch the uninformed.

Does anyone here believe the XSS was worth the msrp price they were originally charging considering how cut down it is? Is anybody here playing on XSS as their main console today?
What are you talking bout?

Half the Playstation MAU are on PS4 playing Fifa, Fortnite etc.

Switch exists and I have seen people play 1000s of hours of Fortnite on it.

Series S is excellent by any metric, well worth the price.


Gold Member
*every PC gamer raising their hands and for more than double the price for ONE component*
Preach! Who needs a 50% increases in frames?! That’s just measly! MEASLY I tells you!

I’m buying NVIDIA’s next 90 Series card, but I’d be (like some of the folks here who will become little schoolgirls when the next cards are announced) a dingus if I tried to claim the Pro wasn’t worth it after doing so! It’s comical to shit on a complete system when the fucking card ALONE will cost as much to over DOUBLE that!
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Moderated wildly
Only Chris Dring can save us now!

I'm sure he will be quick to tell us over the coming weeks/months how this is performing.


Gold Member
Only Chris Dring can save me now!
Fixed. The rest of us are enjoying the Pro enough to not care so much. It should do as predicted and that's good enough, just like the 4 Pro.

Edit: Funny that it’s always the same two posters who post emojis but are too scared to actually attempt to debate. Team Andromeda Team Andromeda is particularly funny since he claims he won’t reply because the mods unfairly “send him on vacation”. Poor thing.
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haha! ok dude. So, you saying you Sony guys have no interest in sales figures now? ;)
Most rational users dont, it seems that Sony is thinking for the future with the Pro, when other games like MH:W or GTAVI will release and use the extra power.

I hope we get some insight from Dring, but it’s possible he will give it until the November report.

There are other retailers doing the £40 off too. Considering we’re approaching the heavy holiday deals, this is normal.


Moderated wildly
Read it again, champ!

Hell, you don’t even own a Pro and have actively talked against it. So, why do you care so much?

Ive shared my thoughts in posts. I'm interested to see if there is a potential reason outside of normal BF discounting thats caused the price cut. If people arent picking this console up in line with sales expectations that would be good for me, as I want and think this console should be cheaper. So, naturally I am interested. Also, to see what the publics perception of a £700 pro without a disk drive is. Its interesting.

What is the price for a Sony console, the leading manufacturer to be a "fuck no" price to consumers. WIthout a disk drive etc,

I also legit think that if this thing is a success, that the users that have chosen to purchase it could be fucking over everyone for the PS6. Just my thoughts.

If the PS6 is launched at $650 to $700 dollars, games designed for those consoles are in trouble in my opinion. The console business in general will be fast forwarded to flatline.


Gold Member
Ive shared my thoughts in posts. I'm interested to see if there is a potential reason outside of normal BF discounting thats caused the price cut. If people arent picking this console up in line with sales expectations that would be good for me, as I want and think this console should be cheaper. So, naturally I am interested. Also, to see what the publics perception of a £700 pro without a disk drive is. Its interesting.

What is the price for a Sony console, the leading manufacturer to be a "fuck no" price to consumers. WIthout a disk drive etc,

I also legit think that if this thing is a success, that the users that have chosen to purchase it could be fucking over everyone for the PS6. Just my thoughts.

If the PS6 is launched at $650 to $700 dollars, games designed for those consoles are in trouble in my opinion. The console business in general will be fast forwarded to flatline.
PS6 is not launching at that price point. The Pro isn’t marketed to the average user and anyone actually paying attention knows that.

I do expect prices to increase a bit, yes, but on the back of continuing inflation and not because Sony dictates anything. It certainly won’t be a PS6 at $699.
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