I wonder if people who claim that various classics are overrated just weren't around when these games were new.
I'm currently playing through HL2 again and it's still god-damn incredible. Just as fun as it was back in the day. Yet I always seem to hear online about how "overrated" it is.
There's two concepts in play here. One is period context, the other is test of time.
Some games feel timeless and (deservedly) untouchable. Examples would include Zelda:LTTP, Galaga, Doom 1 & 2, Ms. Pac-Man.
Others feel dated now and are scorned as false pretenders. GoldenEye N64, Mortal Kombat, Altered Beast, FF VII, Ptifall and more.
Fact is that all of these games completely enraptured audiences. They blew everyone's mind compared to what was on the scene at the time.
If you're too young to have experienced the zeitgeist, that's fine. But it's no excuse to dismiss legitimate classics out of ignorance. It's okay that you weren't there, but historical context is important.
You might as well talk about how overrated Elvis is. Cause if you think he's lame, you weren't there to see the walls he broke down.
I'm one of those people who think HL2 is over-rated, but, in my defense, I thought it wasn't as good as HL1 when I first played it.
From a period context:
* It required steam at launch, which if you were around for you remember. It didn't work. Not hyperbole, not exageration, I mean I bought the game, all 5 discs of it, and couldnt play it for days because steam was crippled from everyone hitting it at once. In a historical context, this will always colour my opinion of the game.
* The story is barely told, and relies too heavily on a third chapter which we all know is never coming. Even if it were to arrive I still think that HL2 did a poor job to telling the story. You could glean what happend how the combine arrived etc from the environment, but there was no compelling narrative to push you through the story.
That being said. I have no problem with people who love it, and technically it was miles ahead of everything else out at the time. I always felt it was a better demo of the tech that Valve had built than it was a game.
As for my controversial opinion:
MGSV is far and away the best of the series. I played them all for the first time in the last 18 months. 1 is OK but hard to go back to, 2 is insane and crazy sexist, 3 is probably the best of the first 4, 4 was completely forgettable, outside of the metal gear vs metal gear fight.