I'm glad Prey 2 was cancelled.
Fuck that game so much
Okay, good for you. Could you explain why? Previews seemed very positive at the time, and I hated how Bethesda screwed over Human Head, so I am not pleased at its cancellation.
He literally said it was for cosplay. A good game is still a good game though. He may be a pervert, but I don't think that changes the fact he makes outstanding games.Silky link coming up...
I don't get the continued worship for Hideo Kojima after Quiet. I'm sure he makes good games, but that doesn't make him less of a dirty old pervert/misogynist that needs calling out.
Or should I feel ashamed for my words and my deeds?
I just didn't like what I've seen of the gameplay. And given it was open world, it was bound to repetitive.
Fuck that game so much
It may not be rational, but I have plenty of reasons to hate Prey 2.So, to be clear, this
leads to
Okay, good stuff. Very rational thinking.
Quite frankly I find most discussion surrounding just about every aspect of video games to be needlessly antagonistic.
-Liberal use of hyperbole and/or stating their opinion in an objective fashion to get their point across.
-Use of intellectualism as a tool to position oneself as an authority/superior to someone with an opposing viewpoint.
-Passive aggressive/subliminal attacks for liking/disliking something someone else does/does not. No one should feel ostracized for liking a game the majority dislikes or disliking a game the majority likes. So long as discourse is kept respectful on both sides, all opinions should be welcome.
-Console Wars or this incessant need to attack a brand and downplay any positives of that platform while ignoring a majority if not all of your preferred platforms criticisms is unfathomable to me. Some are even emboldened enough to subliminally diss the owners of a platform. Among the worst are those that try to hide behind metrics such as sales and reviews to push their agenda or pretending concern to draw a reaction.
-Hot takes are seemingly more valued and given attention to than thought out statements.
-Aiming for "Gotchas" or cherry picking posts in order to "win" an argument.
-Ultimately, 95% of gaming discussions where there are opposing viewpoints usually devolve into arguments and no ones stances are changed or expanded, its just people repeatedly talking past each other in circles and in certain topics (on Neogaf at least) the exact same posters.
I am not stating this from a stance of moral superiority as thats not my intent (not to mention that would be hypocritical), I just feel that a strong portion of gaming discourse is driven from a place of hostility and if it is not, then thats where the discourse ultimately ends up regardless.
It's just, like, why does every single bloody Valve thread descend into HL3pls/Steam is shit? It's neither interesting nor witty, and it just shits-up the thread and pushes things off-topic.
Most threads are full of a lot of people saying the same things over again, whether or not they are strictly on topic, just slightly adjusted to the topic. Very guilty of this myself...People's obsession with Valve making games is absolutely dumb.
Do you obsess about LucasFilm making movies? (actually, people probably do).
It's just, like, why does every single bloody Valve thread descend into HL3pls/Steam is shit? It's neither interesting nor witty, and it just shits-up the thread and pushes things off-topic.
The "Chet Faliszek leaves Valve" thread could be really interesting, considering that he's been not just Valve's VR evangelist, but pretty-much the game's industry's VR evangelist.
But, noooo... 4 posts in, and someone's complaining about the lack of games Valve are working on.
It may not be rational, but I have plenty of reasons to hate Prey 2.
I wouldn't mind hearing about Prey 2 if any topic related to PREY 2017 doesnt get derailed to Prey 2 shitposting all the bloody time.
In short, it's fine if you lament over Prey 2. Just don't be a dick about it
Not a fan of over focus on graphics, would rather have games that have incredible gameplay then games that try to look like real life or are full of rediculous particle effects
I'd say it rarely happens, if ever. That's how you end up with games like Ryse or The Order, time and money are not infinite resources and a disproportionate focus on visuals will cause the cutting of some corners. Some of the best playing games right now are indies with visuals better described as functional.They can have both, and often do.
I'd say it rarely happens, if ever. That's how you end up with games like Ryse or The Order, time and money are not infinite resources and a disproportionate focus on visuals will cause the cutting of some corners. Some of the best playing games right now are indies with visuals better described as functional.
Such drops show a 60fps target was always a stretch for a game running with this level of detail - the world filled as it is with a staggering density of objects. Every new area is cluttered with points of interest, from coffins twisted in chains, looming gargoyles, derelict wagons and crooked iron fences. It's a richly bleak sprawl set on cobblestones, tightly wound, and yet its vistas broad enough to show your small place in the city.
This high level of geometry is unlike anything we've seen from the studio before. As ever, level-of-detail (LOD) transitions are often too discrete to catch by eye, with the worst occurring for just a split-second on loading a new area. There are twists and turns that catch the engine off-guard too, but for the most part it streams in assets without a sweat.
So you don't actually hate Prey 2 at all, which makes your statement of "Fuck that game so much" a little moronic.
You just don't like how people always compare the upcoming Prey to what was originally shown as the next Prey game.
The fault here seems to mostly lie with you actually, as seen in other threads, you seem to hold the new Prey game in a very high light when you haven't even played it yet.
If there's any thread where nobody needs to back up or justify their opinions, it's this one. He doesn't owe you a good enough/satisfactory reason for saying "fuck Prey 2." That's kind of the whole point of this thread.
So you don't actually hate Prey 2 at all, which makes your statement of "Fuck that game so much" a little moronic.
You just don't like how people always compare the upcoming Prey to what was originally shown as the next Prey game.
The fault here seems to mostly lie with you actually, as seen in other threads, you seem to hold the new Prey game in a very high light when you haven't even played it yet.
I just think it's tiring that people keep bringing up Prey 2 whenever talking about Prey 2017
Honestly, I think most people loved Prey 2 for its concept rather than possibly being a good game or not (Who knows)
Mass Effect: Andromeda problems are overblown. Reviewers get affected by positive or negative hype of games and gives scores accordingly.
The game is so much better than FF15 and Fallout4 in a lot of aspects but those games got a pass while ME:A didn't, which is fine as issues shouldn't get pass anyway.
AAA gaming and the chase for a photo realistic aesthetic are for people that have no imagination of their own.
Yeaaaaah I tried so hard to enjoy this game. So hard. I put a lot of hours in, played a few of the "amazing" side quests, and just didn't see it.The Witcher series has such boring gameplay I refuse to play them, despite Witcher 3 being recommended as one of the best PC games by everyone ever.
The Witcher series has such boring gameplay I refuse to play them, despite Witcher 3 being recommended as one of the best PC games by everyone ever.
Even in this thread I feel unsure about posting this...
Breath of the wild is 'OK'
The way people hyped this game up was infectious and I went against my better judgement and bought a switch with a copy. It's an ok game, I'm kind of enjoying it, but really it's just a very loose open world game with no direction. The weapon breaking mechanic is frustrating to me but I can see the points others make about it. What is inexcusable however is slipping while climbing in the rain. It rains a lot for me in that game and all you can really do is wait it out.
Quite frankly I find most discussion surrounding just about every aspect of video games to be needlessly antagonistic.
-Liberal use of hyperbole and/or stating their opinion in an objective fashion to get their point across.
-Use of intellectualism as a tool to position oneself as an authority/superior to someone with an opposing viewpoint.
-Passive aggressive/subliminal attacks for liking/disliking something someone else does/does not. No one should feel ostracized for liking a game the majority dislikes or disliking a game the majority likes. So long as discourse is kept respectful on both sides, all opinions should be welcome.
-Console Wars or this incessant need to attack a brand and downplay any positives of that platform while ignoring a majority if not all of your preferred platforms criticisms is unfathomable to me. Some are even emboldened enough to subliminally diss the owners of a platform. Among the worst are those that try to hide behind metrics such as sales and reviews to push their agenda or pretending concern to draw a reaction.
-Hot takes are seemingly more valued and given attention to than thought out statements.
-Aiming for "Gotchas" or cherry picking posts in order to "win" an argument.
-Ultimately, 95% of gaming discussions where there are opposing viewpoints usually devolve into arguments and no ones stances are changed or expanded, its just people repeatedly talking past each other in circles and in certain topics (on Neogaf at least) the exact same posters.
I am not stating this from a stance of moral superiority as thats not my intent (not to mention that would be hypocritical), I just feel that a strong portion of gaming discourse is driven from a place of hostility and if it is not, then thats where the discourse ultimately ends up regardless.
tbh, It depend on what kind of deck your playing :Hearthstone is a game of luck. Regardless of what anyone says (and they're full of shit if they say otherwise), there's no skill involved. It's entirely up to whether the game wants to fuck you or your opponent. So many cards rely on chance. Stealing a random enemy. Gain cards from an opponent's class. Gain a card from an opponent's hand. Nothing more then luck. I also notice that if an opponent is playing a deck made up of small minions, Hearthstone will keep you from getting the spell cards you need to wipe them out in one play.
And don't get me started on fucking Tavern Brawls. They're always an unbalanced mess where either you or your opponent get fucked over.
I feel so invested in this game that I keep playing, but it's getting aggravating.
The Witcher series has such boring gameplay I refuse to play them, despite Witcher 3 being recommended as one of the best PC games by everyone ever.