Nice OP!
For 40 bucks it's an impulse buy.
Friggin' value if you're in the UK as well, this is like 30 dollars
Nice OP!
For 40 bucks it's an impulse buy.
With bot assembly, Joule can upgrade her weapon and combat level, but the corebots have much deeper levels of customization, you can upgrade their core, the "souls" of the robots and add additional combat and aesthetic upgrades.
It appears that ReCore, somewhat appropriately, is choosing to sell itself based mainly on its core elements. Considering that the combat looks frantic and fun, the robot sidekicks are charming and look like they’ll be a hoot to pay with, and the Ikaruga-style color-matching combat seems like a blast, it’s a smart, simple and effective move to only show what you need. That said, it definitely does feel like at least a little more needs to be seen to properly convince people of ReCore’s true potential, if only to to reassure those expecting the next Metroid Prime that we truly will be getting something that can match it in terms of quality.
But even if ReCore ends up being no Metroid Prime, it still looks like it could end up being an amazing game and a promising new IP indeed, one we highly look forward to when it comes out on September 13. But the challenge to properly get modern gamers attracted to it is there, so here’s hoping Joule’s adventures overcome them.
Whats truly surprising about ReCore is how everything flows together and how none of the mechanics feel extraneous to the experience nor the universe. Following the presentation, I had the chance to play the game for a few minutes, and I couldnt help but notice how smooth the whole experience is, and how easy it is to get used to it in just a few minutes. With plenty of side content, a huge map to explore, and around 18 hours of play time just for the story related content, ReCore has all the elements to become one of the best action adventure games of the year, if the experience manages to stay as fresh and exciting as it is for around 30 minutes.
We have nominated ReCore as our best surprise of Gamescom 2016, and that was for a very good reason: dont let the Mighty No.9 failure sour your opinion of the game, this time Comcept seems to have gotten everything right. They did receive quite a bit of help from Armature, thats for sure, but Inafunes enthusiasm when talking about the game speaks volumes about ReCores quality.
The game will be out on September 13th for Windows 10 PC and Xbox One, with full support for cross-save.
I'm telling you. This is a sleeper hit in the making
ReCore will be a cool and compact 7gb
ReCore said:As a reminder, these PC specs are not final. We want to share the current specs we’ve been given, but these will be updated very soon! Keep an eye on our social channels and our website for those updates.
Not sure if posted but here are the current PC requirements. These are not final according to the official Recore blog post.
By digging into the developer’s past, Keiji Inafune and the team Armature Studios have seemingly stumbled upon a formula that’s strikingly original in the modern landscape of video games. Joule is a heroine with an impossible task using impossible gadgets and assembling an impossible team to fight alongside her.
In a genre that’s so recently been inundated with awesome because they could be real stories and heroes, it’s exciting to see a little impossibility mixed into the proceedings.
In 2002 a little-known developer called Retro Studios from Austin released Metroid Prime on the Nintendo Gamecube. Built in collaboration with Nintendo, the game transformed the seminal sci-fi series from a 2D side-scrolling experience into a vast, three-dimensional world. Before it launched many fans were skeptical of the idea, worrying that the beloved series would be turned into just another first-person shooter. Yet despite the drastic shift in perspective, Prime retained virtually all of the hallmarks that made Metroid so iconic, from the moody music to the unsettling sense of isolation. It went on to become one of the most acclaimed games of its generation, and spawned a pair of sequels.
Six years later several of the key minds behind the Prime series, including director Mark Pacini, left to found a new studio called Armature. Initially Armature’s output was primarily work-for-hire gigs, helping to port games like Metal Gear Solid and Batman: Arkham Origins to new platforms. But next month the studio is releasing its first big original game with ReCore — and it’s a game that has a lot to live up to.
Was there a reason why it is $40 dollars besides "it's a new IP"? It gives me the impression it's going to be a little light on features or a little short in it's overall length.
Was there a reason why it is $40 dollars besides "it's a new IP"? It gives me the impression it's going to be a little light on features or a little short in it's overall length.
The positive early impressions won me over and I need an action platformer. I used my credits from Xbox Fitness to buy this game. I hope it delivers!
The positive early impressions won me over and I need an action platformer. I used my credits from Xbox Fitness to buy this game. I hope it delivers!
Yas.Xbox UK has been taken over by the Recorgi for national dog day
Alright, I gotta get something off my chest.
The media really needs to calm down with this title. After No Mans Sky I'd like for them to temper their expectations a little bit. Saying this game is the Xbox ones Metroid Prime, Mega Man or Zelda is really taking it kind of far. Metroid Prime was one of my all time favorite games. I do like the type of game Recore is turning out to be. Collecting upgrades, companions, secret areas, huge over world. I just wish they slow it down a little here. I mean unless review copies are already out there and they arent saying then I can understand.
I am predicting a max of an 85 on meta critic. If I am wrong I will own up to it. I will get it if the reviews are decent.
Alright, I gotta get something off my chest.
The media really needs to calm down with this title. After No Mans Sky I'd like for them to temper their expectations a little bit. Saying this game is the Xbox ones Metroid Prime, Mega Man or Zelda is really taking it kind of far. Metroid Prime was one of my all time favorite games. I do like the type of game Recore is turning out to be. Collecting upgrades, companions, secret areas, huge over world. I just wish they slow it down a little here. I mean unless review copies are already out there and they arent saying then I can understand.
I am predicting a max of an 85 on meta critic. If I am wrong I will own up to it. I will get it if the reviews are decent.
Alright, I gotta get something off my chest.
The media really needs to calm down with this title. After No Mans Sky I'd like for them to temper their expectations a little bit. Saying this game is the Xbox ones Metroid Prime, Mega Man or Zelda is really taking it kind of far. Metroid Prime was one of my all time favorite games. I do like the type of game Recore is turning out to be. Collecting upgrades, companions, secret areas, huge over world. I just wish they slow it down a little here. I mean unless review copies are already out there and they arent saying then I can understand.
I am predicting a max of an 85 on meta critic. If I am wrong I will own up to it. I will get it if the reviews are decent.
85 is bad now?
This game looks promising. I'll probably grab it... eventually.
Alright, I gotta get something off my chest.
The media really needs to calm down with this title. After No Mans Sky I'd like for them to temper their expectations a little bit. Saying this game is the Xbox ones Metroid Prime, Mega Man or Zelda is really taking it kind of far. Metroid Prime was one of my all time favorite games. I do like the type of game Recore is turning out to be. Collecting upgrades, companions, secret areas, huge over world. I just wish they slow it down a little here. I mean unless review copies are already out there and they arent saying then I can understand.
I am predicting a max of an 85 on meta critic. If I am wrong I will own up to it. I will get it if the reviews are decent.
No not at all. I just dont want people to get that expectation in their head that this is Xbox ones Zelda. Thats a big claim to make. I really these types of games.
The hype for this game has been tame. Most people have been down on it, until they play it. Which is a good sign. From what I have seen I have not been impressed at all. Though a game can look unimpressive but great to play and vice versa. At least this one seems to be leaning to the good to play, as opposed to looking impressive and crappy to play.Alright, I gotta get something off my chest.
The media really needs to calm down with this title. After No Mans Sky I'd like for them to temper their expectations a little bit. Saying this game is the Xbox ones Metroid Prime, Mega Man or Zelda is really taking it kind of far. Metroid Prime was one of my all time favorite games. I do like the type of game Recore is turning out to be. Collecting upgrades, companions, secret areas, huge over world. I just wish they slow it down a little here. I mean unless review copies are already out there and they arent saying then I can understand.
I am predicting a max of an 85 on meta critic. If I am wrong I will own up to it. I will get it if the reviews are decent.
Is this coming to PC?
Thank God.Jup.