A hidden gem
Recore won't give you hints on what to do, where to go or the enemies weakpoint
Dynamic and fun combat.
Lot's of exploration with sandstorms happening in the overworld
Five robot buddies in total (We've only seen 3)
Reminds him a lot of Star wars the force awakened; Scavenger Protagonist with his loyal companion on a desert world
Far Eden was one of many planets outside our solar system discovered in the first decades of the 21st century. While Far Eden was relatively close to Earth in cosmic terms, it was still many light years distant. So communications took a long time to reach it—communications such as this one from Dr. Thomas Adams to his daughter, Joule:
When Dr. Adams sent this message from his Core research lab on Earth, Joule and other colonists were already on ships bound for Far Eden as part of a daring mission to build a new home for mankind.
In the 2020s, Earth had been ravaged by a terrible disease called Dust Devil. A concerted global effort, led by an organization known as the Mandate, did its best to manage outbreak after outbreak of this deadly contagion. But the Mandate wasn’t able to stop Dust Devil. And they knew that human life on Earth was doomed.
So after receiving promising data from probes sent to Far Eden, the Mandate launched a series of missions to the planet. First, thousands of Corebots were sent to build atmospheric processing facilities capable of taming Far Eden’s storm-ridden atmosphere. Later, a first group of colonists that included Joule—but not her father—made the journey away from Earth.
These colonists would hibernate in cryo-sleep for 200 years while the terraforming process finished. When Joule and the other Far Eden personnel woke, they thought they would step out onto a garden world with blue skies, water, trees…
Well, that was the plan anyway.
Instead when Joule and her Corebot companion, Mack, awake, the terraforming machines have failed, most of the Corebots have gone rogue, and the other human colonists are nowhere to be found. The only contact Joule has with Earth is this centuries-old message from her Father.
Now, with the fate of humanity resting on her shoulders, it’s up to Joule to get Far Eden back on track. To do this she—and you—must explore Far Eden’s dunes and dungeons, braving untold dangers hidden beneath the surface of this beautiful and mysterious world.
Dear god the loading times in this game are abysmal, they take over 2 minutes after you die.
Dear god the loading times in this game are abysmal, they take over 2 minutes after you die.
Dear god the loading times in this game are abysmal, they take over 2 minutes after you die.
This is apparently even after the D1 patch which is pretty huge as well.Nasty, hope that gets fixed up and it doesnt happen too much
Keiji said:And in terms of the performance related issues that you brought up, in ReCores case, since it is a Microsoft first party title, and weve been working really closely with Armature and Microsoft, I can pretty comfortably say that there arent going to be any performance related issues.
Dear god the loading times in this game are abysmal, they take over 2 minutes after you die.
Very possible that it's a bug. One reviewer in the other thread said his experience is very different in regards to load times.wow.. I have no idea how they thought that would be acceptable in any way..
They're really bad and pretty frequent. I'd say most are in the ballpark of 30-40 seconds, but I've had them up to two minutes before
Ya I am reviewing it and not allowed to say much. I guess I will say my experience drastically differs
Dear god the loading times in this game are abysmal, they take over 2 minutes after you die.
When do reviews hit?
I'd like to know this too.
Monday at like 5am pst
So this is one of those windows store only games?
So this is one of those windows store only games?
After playing another 2 hours my early impressions remain extremely solid. Even better, parts of the open world aren't scaled to level, I wandered into this area and enemies popped up that almost one shot me and I had to turn and run as fast as I could to stay alive.
I love it when a game does that.
As for the loads, that is my only big complaint, I can't speak as too the loads after dying because I haven't had that happen yet, playing on a standard Xbox HDD for the record.
Going to be putting up more footage of the firstand what happens when you wander into an area that is beyond your level. Any questions feel free to ask.dungeon/temple
It does look good, some parts look better than others and it can have some framerate drops when stuff gets really hectic but nothing that has caused me any sort of trouble. Honestly the game is just fun to play that I can deal with this minor graphic issues and the loads.I haven't gone through all 6 pages, but how is the game? Fun?
Edit: just read your impressions, sounds promising.
Good graphics? I don't like watching videos of games that I'll probably buy.
the waiting is painful =[
I haven't gone through all 6 pages, but how is the game? Fun?
That all sounds amazing if it's true. But umm... the demo had this big objective marker on screen all of the time telling you where to go...
After playing another 2 hours my early impressions remain extremely solid. Even better, parts of the open world aren't scaled to level, I wandered into this area and enemies popped up that almost one shot me and I had to turn and run as fast as I could to stay alive.
I love it when a game does that.
As for the loads, that is my only big complaint, I can't speak as too the loads after dying because I haven't had that happen yet, playing on a standard Xbox HDD for the record.
It does look good, some parts look better than others and it can have some framerate drops when stuff gets really hectic but nothing that has caused me any sort of trouble. Honestly the game is just fun to play that I can deal with this minor graphic issues and the loads.
Great impressions, thanks!
How's the story so far? Decently engaging? That's usually what kills open world games for me.
$32 with Amazon prime...
It's really killing me. Last "new" game I bought was Quantum Break. I need something new. Granted Red Dead Redemption tided me over for the past month or so.
I'm just translating
So far the story still has me interested. The planet you are on and what happened to get you there and Joules father has me wanted to keep wanting more. Game also has charming characters, for being robots there is one you meet early on who is pretty awesome, and the villain has a great look. So 4 hours in, the story still has me wanting to keep going, just to see where it leads. Hopefully that answers your question good sir.
On PC, yes.
Loading thread is now as big as this thread. LMAO
I figured it would be. It's always the case with negative news. Look at the PS4 Pro thread vs. the no UHD BR thread. Just the way these things go. I'm glad I'll be able to play this game on Tuesday and enjoy it. Watching it is killing me more than playing it. (what's really gonna suck is that I have to work that morning)
I figured it would be. It's always the case with negative news. Look at the PS4 Pro thread vs. the no UHD BR thread. Just the way these things go. I'm glad I'll be able to play this game on Tuesday and enjoy it. Watching it is killing me more than playing it. (what's really gonna suck is that I have to work that morning)
Same hereI have my MS points ready. Just need reviews to hit. I am not someone who needs reviews usually but after Mighty No 9...
.Put it like this; ReCore is like somebody proviso shifted a PlayStation 2 transformation platformer from around 2004 into a benefaction day. And also it’s a Metroid Prime game. And maybe also a Mega Man Legends sequel? The indicate is, ReCore is many aged things that aren’t around anymore – and judging from a demo playable during PAX West, it is very, unequivocally good.
ReCore’s demo started with a big, artistic platforming segment, tasking protagonist Joule Adams with regulating her Corebot allies to navigate an environment, in hunt of a sold appetite source to slip a core into. The exemplary transformation platformer birthright is immediately apparent – regulating a Corebot named Seth to stand on walls and navigate floating platforms alongside a floaty transformation character and genre-staple double jump, ReCore feels like a counsel reversion to titles like Jak Daxter in how it moves and is structured. The transformation is quick and, some-more importantly, right on that heavy line between severe and pointless that many comparison transformation platformers unsuccessful during – a transformation has timing elements when it comes to autocratic your Corebot while timing jumps and speed, and this brief territory unequivocally nailed that balance. Also fast hinted during in this early territory is a game’s scrutiny elements, sketch from Metroid’s character of pattern – ReCore boasts a semi-open world, with scrutiny speedy to find side areas that can be accessed with opposite powers found after in a game.
Moving inside a vast Far Eden structure and into a initial vital fight sequence, however, is where ReCore reveals a loyal volume of change a creators’ past games have on it. ReCore creates a confidant matter with a playable fight method – rather than have players navigate a formidable set square moment, ReCore gives we a vast dull room with timed glow jets in rows of 3 on a floor. This is a fight space from 1998, and it’s where ReCore feels like a biggest exhale of uninformed atmosphere of 2016.
ReCore’s fight can many closely described as carrying a transformation of Mega Man Legends with a lock-on oriented sharpened mechanics of Metroid Prime. Pressing in left trigger thatch onto a target, and flicking a right analog hang switches between targets, permitting full operation of transformation while targeting enemies – that is necessary, since staying mobile and swift footed though worrying about aiming is a contingency in ReCore’s combat. Because ReCore’s combat, notwithstanding being unequivocally simple, is unequivocally difficult.
Put together, in that box from 1998, ReCore’s exemplary fight fast turns into a pell-mell ballet, and maybe a many fun we had on a uncover building during PAX West. It takes time to get used to, though when it clicks it feels like you’ve honestly left behind in time. The doubt stays either or not that change is adequate to means a whole game, or either additional additions will overcomplicate it and spin it into a slog. However, a 20 mins we spent with ReCore did offer as a sign – such games were adequate to means an whole attention in 2004. Why shouldn’t they be means to means an whole diversion in 2016?