At age 48, and having played games for most of my life, I strongly disagree with this. In fact I might actually love new games as much as, and in many cases even more than, old games.
There are of course games from back in the NES, SNES, and Arcade eras that probably get some extra points due to Nostalgia (Rastan, Strider, Magician Lord, Blaster Master, etc), but for me, while I love my occasional nostalgia trip down SOTN lane, new experiences are the reason I keep playing games.
I would say, at least it's fair to argue, that those of us who have been gaming for a long time (guessing most on these boards) keep gaming in search of re-experiencing those magical feelings of our earliest gaming years; staying up all night to beat Super Mario Brothers 2 with friends or whatever that was for you.
But here's the cool thing about games, at least for me so far, is that having these types of experiences has never really stopped. For as long as I've been gaming, every year or so something truly surprising comes along and pulls me right back in like I was a kid all over again.
Every platform has had these for me, whether it's N64 and Jet Force Gemini or Dreamcast and MDK2, PS2 and Shadow of the Colossus or Gamecube and Metroid Prime, PSVR1 and RE7 VR, and so on and so on....
I keep hearing new games aren't as good as old ones but personally I think that's complete nonsense. There have been a handful of amazing games for every generation. They are just few and far between. That's not new. Always been this way. Plus; as far as new games go, I don't care how old you are, go play HL Alex or Elden Ring and tell me old games were better. I call bullshit!