Yeah my friend isn't getting back to me either.
The joys of getting Scylla in Assault. She doesn't even need items.
Really? I got Scylla in assault and had no fucking clue what to do with her. Granted it was my first time ever seeing her.
So I'm looking to get into this game. I usually like to run melee characters in games so I tried running Fenrir. I had a lot of trouble. I switched to Anhur and it went a lot smoother (still some trouble at the start but that's probably due to me being new).
Is Fenrir indicative of melee gods in this game or would I have a better time of it if I tried another melee god?
I made my account in beta so I don't know which gods I have free access to (pretty sure I don't have Thor who is the in the current free list).
Also the main smite site runs slow for me (no idea why) so I'll be checking out the smite wiki for info for now. Is there a better site to read up on things or is the wiki good enough?
you cant dive hard with assassins thats what fenrir is you can only poke for a ton of damage then try and get out if you want to be able to stick on people as melee and stay in combat longer you more want a warrior like hercules or osiris
and if you are looking for trying out other gods you can make a smurf account and once you level your account once youll always have enough favor to rent a god for every match
Thanks for the info, I'll certainly give those two a shot next time I'm in-game.
I won't get a huge amount of play time atm so I'll stay away from making a smurf account for now as I'd like to make sure that nay favour I get goes on my main account. I'll keep it mind though for the future.
Her passive is just really potent and you scale well even without ever having to get more items and on the off chance you do die later in the game well, the other team is dumb.Really? I got Scylla in assault and had no fucking clue what to do with her. Granted it was my first time ever seeing her.
As far as I remember IGN will be doing some Smite live streaming today where they are going to give away Alpha codes. Check IGN's Godlike Episode 2 for details.
Build Bancrofts and one level of meditation, max your 3 first, then your 1, ult whenever. Use your three to poke. If you manage to get to level 20 before dying or winning, dive the tower then come back as a monster and kill everything.
You would max Sentinel over Crush first? Or maybe this is just jumbled up. I believe Crush is her 2. Also, to the person asking the question originally, make sure you realize that you can manually blow up the Crush by hitting 2 again. Otherwise, it's pretty worthless.
Yeah, crush is 2 and most likely the one he meant.
gg hirez matchmaking - haha
Put all the 30's on one team and all the 20's on the other.
I was the baka, add me if anyone wants to play (I know you don't, I try this every time I post in here)
solo for life it is.
Anyone interested in a Thanatos & Jack the Reaper PC Skin Code for $4?
Edit** I'm at work, but would send code ASAP this evening.
damn I'd buy this in a heartbeat but i don't have paypal. How bout i buy you something on steam? worth that much?
Send me a PM.
I'll see what I may want on Steam and we may work out a trade. I'll be home by 7pm eastern, so check back this evening.
try her out while shes still broken she will most likely be hit with the nerf bat this patch
She's insane. I've used her twice and arena and just too easy to do well with her. Every skill is useful and powerful. Hope they don't nerf her to oblivion but she definitely needs some work.
patchnotes today at 1pm pst on
old school bort patch notes are best patch notes
old school bort patch notes are best patch notes
Is he always this..intense?
Master of War
Movement Speed reduced from 6% per stack to 3% per stack.
Protections reduced from 5 per stack to 4 per stack.
Duration reduced from 5s to 4s.
Basic Attacks using Hammer now do 33% lifesteal instead of 100%
Healing reduced to 30/40/50/60/70
That Anhur buff.
Can any other hunter even compete with him now?
New skins are all nice. Serket's is amazing.
Are there any Xbone alpha impressions yet?
Really curious how it looks and plays on console
Anhur pillar and knockback are so annoying that I would rather he was nerfed into complete uselessness myself.
That warrior chart looks interesting. People were saying that Osiris was off the charts in terms of being overpowered before season 2 started but it actually looks like he is the worst warrior.
Bellona passive speed boost makes her a little like Bakasura 2.0 especially with heavy hammer. Bakasura is already one of the worst gods in the game in terms of being cheesy and low skill.
Hades' #1 (Death From Below) is classified as a leap. Xbalanque's #3 (Rising Jaguar) looks like a leap, but is considered a dash.So apparently Awilix ult works on Hades when he does the dive underground..?
Makes total sense.
Played a couple of siege games to get some bellona mastery before the nerf and is it just me or does this game mode have more toxic players than others? In EU servers at least. Also seems to match me with more Russians.