Update is out.
I've played 1 month 9 days.![]()
I am pretty damn sure that site is out of date, due to it saying Isis is my most played god, and she is like tenth on my list.
The Xbox One version of Smite is pretty neat so far, but it has a ways to go.
I didn't see if this was something I could change in the options, but my biggest problem with the console version is how the skillshot abilities just automatically activate if you push the button; you have to hold it down to aim the skill. Which, is kind of annoying if you just want to aim a "leap" type of skill toward you.
Other than that, it's pretty solid so far, but it'll take some getting used to. I'm still getting used to it, honestly.
It's in the control options. Right now it's defaulting to quick casting (which is a bug). What you want is normal casting.
he used to be good
He's still pretty great at Joust. The buff to his 1 will help out a lot with his mana problems early game.He recently got a minor buff, though I'm not sure if it is enough.
He's still pretty great at Joust. The buff to his 1 will help out a lot with his mana problems early game.
This has got to be the most hohum patch in months. I don't even think the Serqet skin is that great either, but I also don't play her.
There's like nothing in this patch really, lol. Feel more like a hotfix for Bellona. I dunno why they put off Medusa.
3v3Joust 1v1 or Joust 3v3? Because I can't see him doing amazing in 1v1.
If you're interested in conquest at all, just play it. If you're below 30 just about everyone sucks in it unless they're smurfing. I've been smurfing a bit the past couple of weeks and it reminded me just how bad low level conquest is. People who don't know the meta, never rotate, don't use ults, etc.I've lost the last 5 or so Joust 3v3's I've been in. Fuck -_-
I don't have the confidence to really try Conquest.
Edit: Agni is really fun. I want to buy that Swagni skin. I can't believe it isn't chest exclusive.
I've lost the last 5 or so Joust 3v3's I've been in. Fuck -_-
I don't have the confidence to really try Conquest.
Edit: Agni is really fun. I want to buy that Swagni skin. I can't believe it isn't chest exclusive.
If you're interested in conquest at all, just play it. If you're below 30 just about everyone sucks in it unless they're smurfing. I've been smurfing a bit the past couple of weeks and it reminded me just how bad low level conquest is. People who don't know the meta, never rotate, don't use ults, etc.
You'll probably do better than you think. You won't learn the mode in any other way either.
That's if you're actually interested in it though.
I'll tell you right now, as long as you know the mechanics of conquest it's the easiest mode to win. Siege, 3v3 always parties of 3's and 4's. Me and a buddy play Siege almost exclusively when we play together (since they're short matches) and Siege and Joust are much harder than normal conquest.
I guess I just find it easier to carry in conquest. Also you can have more picks that are good in conquest than you can for siege/joust.
Watch some streams if you want to learn the mechanics. Watch what role they play, and how they play.
If you're not opposed to watching streams for learning I'll give you a list of who I like to casually watch a long with what role they (mainly) play.
Mid - (afternoon-late est)
Solo - (afternoon-late est)
Jungle/Mid - (early morning EST)
ADC - (kind of a scumbag but he's good, dunno when he streams) (evening, random)
Support - (random)
There's definitely more but these guys stream the most it seems, more of a schedule. You can check out their past broadcasts as well which I'd recommend anyway to skip the wait time between queues.
aite, nuff of my twitch talk.
*Yes I bought hog on zeus that one time because I wasn't havin my blue buff stolen.
Think I just found my new love, and it's gotten me into Smite more for the time being. Time will pass quickly for Bloodborne.
The solo lane!
Having a great morning due to this. Just got my new G502 Proteus mouse too.
*Yes I bought hog on zeus that one time because I wasn't havin my blue buff stolen. I rekt that lane anyway.
AnatomyH - add me if you want to party up. I was in the GAF clan for a second but honestly I talk too much trash sometimes and rage and don't want to give the clan a bad rep. Siege and 3v3 bring out the absolute worst in me.
if you level it a fist of the gods isnt bad on zeus pop your ult on yourself when someone jumps you and stun them in it
Hades is really fun. Though he doesn't strike me as a Guardian. I almost always build damage on him and net early kills. Then late game I can terrorize the enemy team with my ultimate.
Hades and Cabrakan are basically the magic version of warriors. Build them offensive with just enough protection to stay alive.
I honestly have trouble figuring out how much protection that is. I usually end up getting Hide of the Urchin if we're dominating, or Spirit Robe. I sometimes will end up dying in my ultimate if the entire enemy team focuses me and I figure no amount of protection will save me from that. But the whole point of ulting the whole enemy team is to group them up and do as much damage as possible while allowing my team to easily focus them.
What's your typical build?
The key numbers with protections are 50, 100 and 200. 50 will reduce damage by 1/3. 100 by 1/2. 200 by 2/3. So if you can get protections to 100 then items that add health or more damage might be better. When you get your 100+ protection then health items can be like twice as cost effective as they would be otherwise so something like that mage item with 600 health looks really good. But if the other guys are building penetration you could add more armour.
I honestly have trouble figuring out how much protection that is. I usually end up getting Hide of the Urchin if we're dominating, or Spirit Robe. I sometimes will end up dying in my ultimate if the entire enemy team focuses me and I figure no amount of protection will save me from that. But the whole point of ulting the whole enemy team is to group them up and do as much damage as possible while allowing my team to easily focus them.
What's your typical build?
This. The item is really fucking good, especially on Hades.For Hades build an early Shield of the Underworld. Pop that before you ult. They now kill themselves while trying to kill you in your ult. They also can't lifesteal so it's great against ADC's. To me, Hades is the only god that this is mandatory on. It's also great if you're fighting Anubis since you can pop it during the stun. Granted Anubis picks are pretty rare.
For Hades build an early Shield of the Underworld. Pop that before you ult. They now kill themselves while trying to kill you in your ult. They also can't lifesteal so it's great against ADC's. To me, Hades is the only god that this is mandatory on. It's also great if you're fighting Anubis since you can pop it during the stun. Granted Anubis picks are pretty rare.
I've been getting more comfortable with Bacchus but I'm having a lot of mana problems.
Are there any items I should spec into that give me some help there while still being able to keep relatively tanky (I've been going mainly for health items so far)?
Watchers Gift gives additional MP5 now.
Hmm what mage item gives 600 health?
I've really just been doing an all out attack power build with: shoes of the magi/warlock's sash/bancrofts/rod of tahuti/situational/situational.
Mind you this is for 3v3 Joust.
I'll keep it in mind when I next play.
I'm tempted to build for mana early and switch to health mid to late game.
Finally, so I guess we're gonna get a patch this week?medusa being shown off today at 1pm pst
Finally, so I guess we're gonna get a patch this week?