Seems like the same grievances a PC fps player would have when moving to console. Console players will adjust and not miss out on what the PC version does better if they aren't coming from it.
So I'm completely new to smite as I'm going to be trying out the alpha version on he Xbox one. Is there any sites you guys recommend to learn more about this game and how to play it?
I know some of that was directly addressed in the alpha code email as alpha issues (defaulting to quick casting, voice chat problems) and the FPS is probably attributed to the early build. I heard that control option 3 and 4 were probably better than the default as well (both put the majority of abilities on the shoulder buttons) so you might want to try those.
As for allowing M&Kb on console, I don't know. The advantage issue is ....well an issue. It's probably the biggest reason aside from having to keep the two builds in parity that we won't have cross platform play. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as it seems though. I haven't tried using a controller on PC.
Hoping to put in some time today to give it a look myself.
Ah, cool. Didn't know about the email. I won the code via IGN. I'll definitely have to check out the different layouts. The default one feels quite unnatural. There would definitely be an issue of advantage if m/kb were supported on the Xbox. I suppose forcing people to buy a peripheral would be lame.
For people coming at the game completely fresh, my gripes really don't apply. My group of friends were always planning to switch to Xbox. I just don't think I want to do that after playing it. I don't want people to think that the experience isn't worth trying on the Xbox or anything. It's definitely still Smite.
I'd be interested to hear what you think after you give it a shot.
The SMITE Alpha is available 24/7, but please note that we are still in Alpha and there are likely to be only a few players online at any given time.
If you would like to play against other players, we have set up the following times as SMITE Nights, periods of time when the SMITE Xbox One Alpha community can log in to play with the developers:
SMITE Nights
- SMITE Night Wednesday: Every Wed, 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM ET
- SMITE Night Sunday: Every Sun, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET
- Default Cast Mode is set to Quick Cast, should be Normal Cast. To change this go to Options, Targeting Tab, set Cast Mode = Normal
- Voice chat is not supported in custom matches.
- Minor issues with party system.
- A crash may occur while signing in and out of different Xbox profiles at the login screen.
- Random occurrences of not being able to move around in the item store. Normally fixed by going to Grid View.
- Wall Collision - Thors 2nd Ability and Ymirs Wall, when ran into, cause the player to do the jumping animation.
- Voice chat is not working consistently across matches.
1. Will I need to do anything to participate in future phases (Closed Beta, Open Beta, Launch)?
2. Can I Stream?
- You will not need to do anything else to be a part of the future phases. You will automatically receive updated releases over the upcoming months and there will be NO data wipe from this point forward.
3. Can I copy my PC account information to my Xbox account?
- Yes, you can stream SMITE starting on 3/11.
4. How will PvP Queues work during Alpha?
- You cant copy at this time but this will be available as part of the Closed Beta phase in April.
- We will have Arena available at all times and we have 1 other game mode available on a rotating basis.
6. How can I unlock additional Gods?
- Each release we will rotate 5 Gods that are free to play, this will give you an opportunity to try out additional Gods.
- You can unlock Gods through Favor (our in game currency) that you earn through PvP matches and by logging in for consecutive days.
- Starting in Closed Beta (April) you will be able to purchase Gems to unlock individual Gods OR purchase the Ultimate God Pack which grants you all current and future Gods.
- Starting in Closed Beta (April) you will be able to copy some data from you PC account to your Xbox account. The copy will include God/Ultimate God Pack data.
Your feedback is needed!
Email: For help or support in the Xbox One Beta Test, please email: [email protected].
Forums: To provide feedback or to discuss SMITE on Xbox One, please visit our Xbox One forums. NOTE: You will need to create a Hi-Rez Studios Account in order to post messages on the forums.
So apparently Awilix ult works on Hades when he does the dive underground..?
Makes total sense.
Here's a gallery of the new cards for any passer-bys:
In the end, it does seem like an acceptable port. I just feel like I'd have to do a lot of relearning so there isn't much of an incentive to switch from the PC (that was the original plan). The loss of control is a big deal. As someone who prefers playing shooters with a controller, I'm surprised how awkward everything felt here.
Bellona's Scourge heal has been further reduced from 30/40/50/60/70 to 30/35/40/45/50. This will be testable on tonight's PTS.
Is there any particular reason that some Gods cost less favour than others?
Item Menu:
Really the only weird thing about the item menu is relearning the navigation of it. I think it's actually pretty intuitive as it is though I'm not entirely sure if there is a quick way to upgrade currently owned items outside of finding them again in the menus since I couldn't figure out how to turn off auto buy (I know now). Need to investigate that more later but if there is a quick way ala the PC, then he item menu is definitely functional. I'm curious if a radial wheel set up might be faster or more intuitive though.
There's a tab at the top of the shop menu for owned items, you can use the triggers to select it (or maybe the dpad, idr).
join the clannnn
whats your ingame name?
list of achievements data mined
How do anti-heal items work exactly? Are they active items used during a teamfight? Do you pop them to initiate a team fight? Is it a debuff that gets placed on the enemy?
Oh god, it says I have 14 days 20 hours 47 mins played...
2 days of playtime on Cupid alone. That's an indication of how much I played this game in 2012-2013 because I never play Cupid anymore. I lived with my parents at the time so I'd come home from work and just play Smite until my gf called or I went to bed.
Out of curiosity can anything be read into a God being not picked/banned in both EU and NA (or maybe in just one continent)?
Honestly a lot of them have some major weakness that you have to build a whole team around or they are just easily countered. Kumbha is just bad bad bad. Hunters in general are just OP but the picks normally come down to the handful that are considered the most OP that time since you only have one per team.
Thanks, I can see the trends you're describing now.
I'm looking at Sun Wukong and since he's not a hunter I'm guessing he's easily countered or weak?
Won't stop me from playing him though as I've been enjoying him.
Honestly a lot of them have some major weakness that you have to build a whole team around or they are just easily countered. Kumbha is just bad bad bad. Hunters in general are just OP but the picks normally come down to the handful that are considered the most OP that time since you only have one per team.
Is Khumba really that bad?
He is fun to troll around with but a lot of the time it is really random if he does more than just the worst damage in the game or if his ult helps or hurts the team.
He's a Guardian with CC on pretty much every move in his entire kit. I don't think he should be doing any decent damage.
Thanks for showing off
Really useful! and I did not need it to know I need to work on staying alive!
Oh god, it says I have 14 days 20 hours 47 mins played...
2 days of playtime on Cupid alone. That's an indication of how much I played this game in 2012-2013 because I never play Cupid anymore. I lived with my parents at the time so I'd come home from work and just play Smite until my gf called or I went to bed.
I somehow have a 5.0 in everything. Jack of all trades?
no, just a rounded average player ahha