I had to rewatch a fair bit of them on YouTube. Some of them I came away with a better impression of than seeing them on twitch.
I'm with you on Demon's Souls. But, if you think about it... BluePoint is not a AAA studio. I think some of us may have gotten a little too hyped about the remake. Not really our fault, it was being hyped up by insiders and rumors. I can't blame fans for getting hyped because of that.Yes he did
I actually think Demon souls and RE8 was in game just not "gameplay"
TBH i expected Demon souls to look better than it did
They could easily made it 100$ cheaper (or even more) and get money back from game sales. Digital games are more expensive, Sony gets bigger cut from them and there is no second hand market.I honestly don't think simply removing the disc drive is gonna shave off that much in cost, since disc drives are like $20 or so at the bulk they need for these systems
They could easily made it 100$ cheaper (or even more) and get money back from game sales. Digital games are more expensive, Sony gets bigger cut from them and there is no second hand market.
I liked the black lady that was kicking the can...
Where's Knack III?
Yes I actually liked Knack I & II. Both great platforming games in the age of non-platforming games.
We need a Mark Cerny game! What happened to the rumored Jak and Daxter game?
I'm with you on Demon's Souls. But, if you think about it... BluePoint is not a AAA studio. I think some of us may have gotten a little too hyped about the remake. Not really our fault, it was being hyped up by insiders and rumors. I can't blame fans for getting hyped because of that.
Ratchet and Clank!What game was that? And was she cute, or more like Debra Wilson (no offense to her, loved her on MAD TV, but yeah :S)
Probably for better tracking of the PSVR headset. The headset is forwards-compatible, but the PS4 camera is a bit weak when it comes to spatial precision.
25$ from drive, some money on license for BR player, that would make it something like 50-70$ loss that's like 4 maybe 5 games bought?So, they could do that, but wouldn't it also mean they're selling the digital system at a loss? If the drive is only $20 (maybe $25) in total, but they're selling it for $100 less than the disc system, that's a $75 loss over simply the disc unit, which could also be selling at a loss for all we know.
If that's the case, is it the best strategy? And again like with XSX and Lockhart, how will they figure out the logistics in deciding which unit gets what amount of systems manufactured. IIRC Sony really under-manufactured the launch PS3 with the larger HDD installed, but that was the one most people wanted.
Overall, I think it was "fine". I'm definitely glad we saw the console now and, tbh, I'm quite surprised with the design. Maybe wouldn't say it's a favorite of mine, but it's got style and that's cool. Matches up well with the controller, as well. Kind of does look like a router, though. So we have a router and a fridge for our next-gen systems xD.
>Ratchet & Clank: I was REALLY impressed with this one. Even closer to that Pixar-level quality graphics, LOTs of particle effects (in fact the gears reminded me of Knack; maybe appropriate since that IP is probably dead). The location-hopping being instant and seamless not only looked great visually, but opens up some creative game design possibilities.
It's kind of funny that the two games showing this so far (R&C, The Medium) couldn't be more different in terms of mood and tone x3.
>Horizon: Zero Dawn 2: Just fantastic overall. Gives a strong sense of exploration and adventure. The turtle "boss" near the end was impressive as well.
And they've got Lieutenant Daniels from The Wire in here! Maybe they can team up with Aloy and catch Marlon, Season 5 let him get off way too easily.
Overall for me this and R&C were easily the stand-outs.
>Presentation Quality: No shitty webcams like the Inside Xbox event, professional the whole way through as it should be. I'd also say the pacing was
very good, too, even for being a relatively longer event (1h30m)
>Demon's Souls Remake: Not about the game itself (it's gonna be fantastic), but moreso there being no actual in-game gameplay. Just CG cutscenes, more or less.
>Resident Evil 8: Same issue as Demon's Souls Remake.
>The Indies; MOST of them look good or at least interesting and worth checking out, but I dunno if some of them necessarily "looked" next-gen tbh.
>2 SKUs: So I guess @VFXVeteran was right on this one, more or less. Sony's approach doesn't seem as "radical" as MS's might be (provided Lockhart is actually coming out), but I didn't expect them to do an all-digital SKU, that's for sure. At least not at launch. I honestly don't think simply removing the disc drive is gonna shave off that much in cost, since disc drives are like $20 or so at the bulk they need for these systems, not to mention Sony makes their own and doesn't pay royalties on Blu-Ray like MS so...
....I'm guessing they're also cutting back on storage space, IF the 825 GB model is the higher-end. Maybe an SSD half as large as the non-discless version using 32 GB modules instead of 64 GB ones? Because they still need to maintain the same SSD I/O performance across both, no questions there.
>That Furry Game: I've got nothing against furries or anthropomorphic characters, but that Bojack/Tuca & Birdie or whatever it's name is game..I can't understand or believe what I was watching there. It had me laughing the whole time. Maybe it'll be a fun game for its audience, who knows. But I just found it funny.
>That Nick Jr Game: Don't know it's name, but you know the one. The one with the character that kept looking back at the audience like Dora the Explorer, playing out like a Nick Jr. episode in videogame form. Again, maybe not the intended audience for that, but I doubt almost anyone watching this show was the intended audience, either. I couldn't help but laugh.
I have to give the show as a whole a 7.5/10. If it wasn't for HZD2 and some of the new IP in the last 10 or so minutes it'd probably be a bit lower, but don't take that to mean I thought the games were "bad". I actually liked most what I saw, and even those furry and Nick Jr. games might be fun for their intended audience. At the very least, a lot more games are on my radar, including the obvious 1st-party stuff.
In terms of anything wowing me as possibly next-gen visually, well I think that easily goes to HZD2 and R&C, once again. There were some games that didn't look as good as I thought they would though, like GT7 (though I'm sure that's gonna be a really good game where it counts), and some that didn't necessarily look "next-gen" too much at all even if they did look good nonetheless. However, there was WAY more actual gameplay here than the Inside Xbox event, which is a net positive, and we also got to see some 1st party here too, another positive (I know the Inside Xbox show was not for 1st party but still). Also unlike MS, Sony made sure to clarify game status right in the show itself; we shouldn't have had to wait until after Inside Xbox to learn about Scorn and The Medium being next-gen only and Xbox exclusives, for example.
So do I think this was better than the Inside Xbox show? Yeah. By how much? Well, not too much TBH. I'd say maybe about a point better at most. Then again I wasn't one of those dudes who thought the Inside Xbox event was an unmitigated disaster (and fail to see how anyone else could actually justify thinking it was on that level honestly). Thankfully I kept my hype in check but was still satisfied more or less. I'm looking forward to the Xbox show in July and more stuff from Sony and Microsoft leading up to launch, while I still scratch my head wondering why they both seem so eager to do dual SKUs out of the gate...
Because that's, like, really baffling me dude![]()
Took out Bugsnax and NBA would have been better.7/10 from me.
It could have easily been 8.5/10 if it was half an hour shorter.
Please don't even sugest that PSVR2 will use outside in camera. With that type of tracking it would be better if sony would just never made PSVR2.
25$ from drive, some money on license for BR player, that would make it something like 50-70$ loss that's like 4 maybe 5 games bought?
Is that good strategy? Hard to say. It has additional bonus of preparing people for digital only future (aka nightmare).
Seems really odd to say that it's only about 1 point better than the Inside Xbox show...when there's not a game that got me excited about on that show.
PS5 Event? We had:
- Demon's Souls Remake
- Horizon 2
- Ratchet & Clank
- Gran Turismo 7
- New Square Enix IP
- Resident Evil 8
- New Mikami game
- New Housemarque game
- New Capcom IP Pragmata
- Some really cool indies
Sony had a LOT OF GAMES to show, which was great. The problem is that while they looked fun, only a select few looked 'next-gen'. I agree with your score 7.5-8 or so, but the Xbox showing was a 2 at best in comparison. I expect MS will have a much more compelling show in July that should be more comparable to the PS5 event.
If digital is $400-450, they could recoup losses with higher profit margins from digital salesI honestly don't think simply removing the disc drive is gonna shave off that much in cost, since disc drives are like $20
No way the digital sku has less storage if anything it should have more storage but realistically the same..I'm guessing they're also cutting back on storage space, IF the 825 GB model is the higher-end.
No, that's a misunderstanding. Sony doesn't pay any royalties on BR since they're one of the founding tech partners. And they also make their own BR drives, rather than need to buy them from a different source. So I can't see them saving anywhere near $50-$70 by removing the disc drive alone.
Some other people have said they'd take a loss on the digital system since they'd recoup the costs with game sales, subscriptions etc. But that could mean they're selling both the discless and disc system for a loss, potentially. Maybe it'd work maybe it won't we'll have to see.
I guess it comes down to your gaming tastes and expectations. A lot of the games shown weren't really the issue for me. It's more the fact some of the bigger ones didn't have any gameplay shown, and some like GT7 weren't as visually stunning as I thought they'd be (though that might be a cross-gen game).
While the Inside Xbox event didn't have a lot of gameplay and the actual production quality was lower thanks to those crappy webcams, I liked a lot of stuff there game-wise and their lows on that front weren't as low as a couple of the games in the Sony event (the two I mentioned as being "Meh" in the OP). Plus visually I think most of what was shown at the Inside Xbox event holds up well with the best seen at the PS5 one, especially games like Bright Memory Infinite and Scorn in particular (as well as Medium and that cyberpunk/scifi isometric shooter).
So my way of looking at the events is more on those terms; games-wise there was a ton of great stuff here, and at the Inside Xbox event, too. I think the PS5 one is a bit better since it had a ton more actual gameplay, better presentation quality, and some really impressive 1st party stuff like R&C and HZD2.
Curious as to how you rated the event MHK?This is honestly the best review of Sony's event that I've read so far.
Personally, I'd give it a solid 8/10 because it was the sum of its part with genuinely shocking moments like the reveal of the console!Curious as to how you rated the event MHK?
If digital is $400-450, they could recoup losses with higher profit margins from digital sales
No way the digital sku has less storage if anything it should have more storage but realistically the same
I highly disagree with that statement.
There was a Japanese game in there with a dragon that I feel is being overlooked. To me, it was like the unreal demo, only an actual game. Maybe it wasn’t that great since I don’t remember the name lol.
- Horizon 2
- Hitman III
- Ratchet & Clank
- Gran Turismo 7
- Athia
- Resident Evil 8
- Returnal
- Pragmata
- Demon's Souls Remake
- Kena Bridge of Spirits
- PS5 Design reveal
A solid 8/10 for this 1st event, the exact opposite of the ugly inside xbox of May.
Personally, I'd give it a solid 8/10 because it was the sum of its part with genuinely shocking moments like the reveal of the console!
Guys just stop with the diminishing returns bs. We've been reading this at the start of every gen since PS3 and it's always proven wrong. We are in a transition period. As always. We will see proper nextgen stuff after 2-3 years into the gen. That's how it always is since the first consoles.A little underwhelming. I guess it's diminishing returns really.
Was not expecting the headset. Makes sense since they have their own proprietary 3d sound solution, and now they provide a way to properly experience it.
Was also not expecting a camera neither. Wasn't all of this Kinect stuff killed already???
If Digital is meant to be the cheaper SKU it won't have more storage realistically but i don't think is viable to ship digital with 412.5GB (~350GB available for games). So it has to be 825GBhow would they be able to justify putting more storage in the digital system vs. disc one? I think both Sony and MS are already dealing with NAND price and supply as-is, even if they locked in contracts much earlier.
That's the hunch i had since they announced it that they wil use digital as the trojan horse for $400-450Are you of the opinion that they might lead with the digital version, and since they could recoup the costs on digital game sales, subscriptions etc.
Definetly, extra $100 would definitely be worth double the storage but i don't think that's what they are going forbut it'd be neat to see if Sony are considering positioning such as the premium SKU
You mean this?>That Furry Game: I've got nothing against furries or anthropomorphic characters, but that Bojack/Tuca & Birdie or whatever it's name is game..I can't understand or believe what I was watching there. It had me laughing the whole time. Maybe it'll be a fun game for its audience, who knows. But I just found it funny.
I think the epic demo set a bar so high no one is touching it for a while. Everything is meh compared to that. I don't think we will see the best out of the PS5 until naughty dog starts on it and builds tools for the rest of Sonys teams.I actually expected them to wow with at least one game graphically, but nothing did really. I think Killzone 4 at the start of last gen was quite an impressive moment, but there was nothing today with that kind of impact.
Rachet puts diminishing returns to rest, it definitely gave that next gen only impressionGuys just stop with the diminishing returns bs. We've been reading this at the start of every gen since PS3 and it's always proven wrong. We are in a transition period. As always. We will see proper nextgen stuff after 2-3 years into the gen. That's how it always is since the first consoles.
Its probably thisYou mean this?
Don't laugh at me, but I wasn't that impressed with RatchetRachet puts diminishing returns to rest, it definitely gave that next gen only impression
Horizon was super impressive as well but since they didn't show proper gameplay I don't know how representative it is
Did you watch the hq video btw?Don't laugh at me, but I wasn't that impressed with Ratchet
Because of how it looked on PS4, and how I thought it looked close to a Pixar cartoon, I thought this time it definitely would look exactly like one. So I expected a lot more. Maybe that can happen closer to the end of this gen.
So sony could send you subliminal messages to buy a PS5 buy gt7 buy a xperia phone. Hopefully you had your tinfoil hat on.Did not see a KZ Shadowfall moment unfortunately.
Also why was I wearing headphones?
You mean this?
Did not see a KZ Shadowfall moment unfortunately.
Also why was I wearing headphones?
Its probably this
Funny that, I forgot to wear headphones. Did I miss anything by not wearing them?
I need to watch the Spider-Man trailer again, it didnt look a massive step up from Spider-Man on PS4 and that’s giving a huge compliment to the PS4 version looking that good
It’s no doubt an expansion like release, like the Uncharted 4 one or the Last Light. Probably cross gen even.At first I thought it was DLC for PS4 Spiderman, not kidding. Especially after the GTAV thing.
It was overal disappointing.
There was no "Wow" moment except for the ratchet worldswapping.
Nothing clise to the ue5 demo and no unique, generation defining gane.
Nothing that could not be done in current gen