You say this yet provide so few examples its might as well be circumstantial.
You mentioned what 3 black female leads who you didnt like, granted Julianne isnt even the lead and is actually a pretty cool character.
And how can you call Saga visually unappealing or having a bad attitude or cringy?
You can call her boring sure, but she doesnt fit your fake narrative.
So already your own argument is failing.
This is your post verbatim:
The problem is she comes across as many other black female characters we've been seeing for the last decade: visually unappealing, overly masculine, boring or bland personality, usually shitty attitude, cringy dialogue. It's like they were all made in the same factory.. Well, they were, it's called Sweet Baby Inc. People will not gravitate to these kind of protagonists, hency why these games keep failing.
I asked you to provide examples of all these other black female protagonists who fit the description you provided.
You didnt do that, because they arent anywhere near enough female black leads you could even mention for your "point" to hold any water.
There is too small a sample size for you to make any sort of conclusions let alone be able to judge a character youve seen what all of 10 minutes of and say she is just like "all the other black girls" all the other girls being like 3 of them.............
Come on man, if you are gonna go mask off, then just go mask off.