I suppose if you aren't Star Wars fan, it's a pass. Nothing we haven't seen before or does certain gameplay elements/mechanics exceptionally well.Finally got to the credit roll, save file says 36 hours played time. Credit where it's due, the final three missions were superb, it's just a shame everything before it was a tedious slog of dated gameplay elements. If I had to describe it in a sentence, it would be "Early PS5 graphics with PS3 era gameplay" because that's what it reminded me of. The stealth, the combat, the mission design, and the extremely repetitious side missions and cartel jobs that used the same handful of locations and objectives were all far too reminiscent of PS3 games where developers were pioneering the third-person adventure-stealth genre.
The repetition was a major turn off. As an example, running cartel contracts on Toshara, all three major cartels there sent me on the same mission to "slice the imperial data" in the Imperial Comms Base. It is the same mission every single time. The terminal is always in the same place. The rewards -- outside of which faction gave me reputation -- are the same every time. It is like this on every planet. Cartel contracts and side missions use the same very small handful of locations while the rest of the map exists as traversal space.
A final thought: They hyped up the cartel reputation system as a major element of the game where players would have to be mindful of the jobs they did. That turned out to be about as interesting as a wet fart. The only things they give you are cheaper vendors and a few fast travel points on different planets. Plus, just through playing the game and exploring, I got all four to "Excellent" rep without really trying. I never felt like it was an integral part of the game.
Edit: Other than his inaccurate point on day and night cycles, I completely agree withGymWolf 's above assessement. This is the epitome of a 6/10 game. It's passable but the longer you spend with it the more cracks begin to show.
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