Akuma is nice but Bison is the one. Them Bison boyz bout to show up and show out lol.
Bison is indeed the shit. I've put a couple hundred matches into him at this point and I think I'm getting the handle.
LK Scissors are dumb at mid-range and nigh unpunishable by most of the cast. I've memorized that counter hit means I get a 2LP follow-up and punish counter means I get a 2MP follow-up because it's that fundamental to his play. Just keep using scissors over and over again until your opponent starts neutral jumping to avoid the pressure. Then mix in jumping attacks. Unfortunately drive rush to get under isn't really an option because Bison's DR is
too good - you pass under jumping opponents most of the time (great for his throw game though and general DR->button pressure).
Devil's Reverse Shadow Rise is strong as a combination of Devil's Reverse and Headstomp. It's taken me a bit to adjust from the SF4 version where EX headstomp was this oppressive air-to-air whose invincibility extended up Bison's torso because this new version sucks if you're using it that way. What it's good for is mixups. Empty Shadow Rise to bait the parry expecting headstomp or DR is nasty, as is just going into the air to DR from full-screen to waste enemy mental bandwith and mixing up your DR timing in general when going in. It's a very hard move to AA, even by the pros at least at this point. Rarely do you go for the actual headstomp - really only once you've conditioned your opponent to not expect it so you can chip at their drive bar.
My brain's still too trained from SF4 to use Psycho Mine that much. I'm also having some problems with a corner combo when I do land it. OD Psycho Crusher in the corner is supposed to enable another OD Shadow Rise->Headstomp ground -> 6HP -> Level 3 but I never get the ground bounce I need for the follow-up.
Kneepress Nightmare (level 1) is pretty reliable as a reversal. I find I usually have/am comfortable spending the bar and feel like I'm fairly successful at calling when to use it but I've also been blocked a ton so idk. Psycho Punisher (level 2) might be the coolest level 2 in the game but I haven't found a reliable, common route. I can land off OD Scissors but only when I cancel into them from a crumple state to juggle my opponent the little extra higher needed to time the combo. Kinda circumstantial.
5HP's a good button I've heard but I'm still too scared of the long startup and prefer DR->5MP/4HK when pressuring. 5HK can crumple but the move... looks janky and I don't trust it. 3HK (ze slide) is as degenerate as it always has been, and I can't believe Capcom gave Bison 2HK - That move covers so much space and is safe for some reason in seemingly most situations. I wish 2MK was a little faster so I could cancel into it more easily but I can't ask for everything.