The SXRD was the best rear-pro, but the Kuros beat it (though in the value price band, SXRD was great). Panny Plasmas owned since then, and LG OLEDs are the current king. Sony hasn't been king of the hill for high-end TVs in a decade.
The Kuros were up against the XBR8 and the HX900, not their SXRD displays.
Perhaps you don't remember this image that was doing the rounds after a shootout between the XBR8 and the Kuros. The XBR8 is on the left.
The bottom comparison also shows why I've never considered blooming to be a problem on local-dimming LCDs - at least not on the better displays.
Blooming is visible - but the black level and contrast is still better over the entirety of the display.
It doesn't work in all situations, but I really think the problem is overblown.
OLED is obviously better in this regard with per-pixel control, but OLED can't match these local-dimming LCDs in brightness.
It was specifically the "LG can't make high-end TVs" statement that irked me when they clearly do. I'm surprised they're still not being given credit for what they've done.
They make great panels.
The image processing is not what I would expect from a high-end TV after previously owning high-end Sony, Panasonic, and Pioneer displays.
Has everyone forgotten that Panasonic did release an OLED model recently (not in US)?
Reviews stated that image quality and some panel quirkiness from LG were slightly improved over LG's model, but they were marginal. Certainly not 'blowing them away'.
I think everyone agrees that the Panasonic display has better image processing and overall image quality is better than the LG displays.
I think we can also agree that it was absolutely not worth the ridiculous price that they were asking for those features.
Wasn't it almost twice the price of the equivalent LG set?
Right now, everyone is being blind-sided by the amazing contrast of these OLED displays.
Once we start seeing that sort of contrast combined with really good motion handling for example, I think people will start to admit that motion handling on the LG OLEDs is quite poor just now.
Just as Pioneer plasma owners started to admit that the black level was not quite as "perfect" as they claimed once these OLEDs were available.
I seem to recall a lot of people being "blown away" by the OLED display Panasonic had on show at IFA this year.
New Panasonic OLED TV Steals The Show Again
But man, we're making it out like LG's processing is horrific compared to Sony's. Or that Sony's processing beats it out.
Grasping at STRAWS here. It was like once the ZD9 didn't actually defeat the OLED in terms of pure image, people started grabbing onto processing. You didn't hear about that 6 months ago.
It's not horrific, but it's not what I would expect from a high-end display either.
I don't have a dog in this race. I'm content to stick with my existing display which doesn't have many of these problems (brightness, motion handling, uniformity, shadow detail) until they sort it out.
I'll buy whichever display ends up being best for gaming.
I'd prefer that it was sooner rather than later though, as I would like an HDR-capable display.
As I've said many times, OLED clearly has the best contrast and response times of anything right now - but that's where it ends.
I don't think you can definitively say that OLED is guaranteed to have the best image quality.
The new advancements in LCD technology from Panasonic and Samsung are really exciting stuff - but some people downplay them because they're still LCDs and
couldn't possibly compete.
That Sony may be selling an OLED display without a significant mark-up over LG's own sets is also really exciting.
There's no guarantee that Sony will fix everything that is wrong with LG's displays - they may be limited in what they can do when they're using the same panels.
But I can't wait for the day that
someone fixes the motion handling of OLED displays, because they have the
potential to be so good.
And maybe it will end up being LG.
I really hope that they are forced to step up and produce the TV that these panels deserve.
It's great that they have this lead over everyone else right now, because it's clearly pushing things forward.
And I don't mean to suggest that these are
bad displays in any way.
I just find it difficult to spend that sort of money on them when they do have many issues right now.