Not sure why this is so difficult to make a decision on, but:
1) my gaming hub is essentially where my PC is, I've got a 3 monitor setup and a 32" Vizio above them that I'd like to replace.
2) So I'm set at 32" because that is what fits my space and what I want, but I'm mainly looking for what my best option is for my Xbox One X (and may use it for my PC, PS4, and Switch as well).
3) It was looking like the LG 32UD99-W was a perfect fit, size is right, has HDR, and reviews were good. Downside is that it's a grand and after doing more research it's not true HDR.
So I'm a bit stuck. Do I just wait this out? I do want 4k for my setup, but there's only about a 1-2 feet between the screen and where I sit. Do I go with what's got very low input lag and not worry about HDR since the viewing distance is close? Anyone have recommendations for something from 400-1000 dollars? Thanks!