How bright would you say you ran yours? 40-45fL was pretty much as bright as the 60" U would go in Cinema mode. It's quite possible (if not probable) IR increases exponentially with light output, where by 30fL may be really resistive while 40+fL is really prone. Either that, or there was a panel lottery in susceptibility. Even with several 1000's of hours of use, most recently putting 60+ hours into Nioh (which had an omni present HUD), it took several weeks to wear away the IR. This wasn't non-stop Nioh either, I had more hours of mixed content while playing it than I did game time. Fun fact, I had a G10 as well and my AVS handle is Orta, which you may recognize as the progenitor of the mega rising MLL thread.
Haha yeah I definitely remember you from AVS. I kept an updated log of my dealings with Panasonic in that thread.
I always aimed for 40, but jacked up the U50 in the living room as my wife uses it often and prefers a brighter picture. The S60 is currently at 85 contrast with panel brightness set to low while the contrast is maxed out on the U50. (both using the cinema profile, of course)
Edit: and to clarify my earlier statements, I have experienced IR on both of these TVs but nothing problematic. On the S60, after playing all those hours of Tekken I got curious and brought up the screen wipe. There were two faint lines where the life bars were displayed, so I left the wipe on and did something else. By the time I went back downstairs it was gone. Also, early in the panels life I would run the wipe pretty much every time after gaming. The few times that I noticed anything, I sat there and watched fade away completely after a few scrolls. Ive never noticed anything while actually displaying content.
I bought the U50 used from Craigslist. Some guy was moving and needed to unload it cheap. He didnt even watch TV and was using it to display the UI of some music streaming software he was using. I checked the hours in the service menu prior to purchasing, and it was around 250 hours. He was running it in vivid and it had two squares in the corners and a few lines from where white text was displayed constantly. I tweaked the cinema profile and just used it normally for a while. I dont remember how much time had passed as I got it so cheap that I didnt really keep tabs on the IR, but I threw on some color slides at some point and the panel was perfect. (as so it remains)
But my son managed to burn in (permanently) my Pio 500M, so that's my worst experience.
Damn that sucks. The 9/9.5G Pioneers were odd. They didnt really get retention from my experience and seemed almost impervious to it... until they suddenly get irreparable burn in.