I have a 65B7A ordered but I'm terrified of the burn in thread on AVS forum. Please tell me OLED GAF is enjoying their LG OLEDs just fine
I had a 65EF9500, no issues with having a PC hooked up to it, the wife watching poor watermarked channels, etc. My 65 A1E is used even more with zero issues. Just don't do dumb things and you'll be find.
Installed CoD WW2 (PC).
Cool, it has HDR output!
It's greyed out and locked.
I hate HDR PC gaming.
This is the one major downfall to PC gaming. I need two types of displays to enjoy it. For eye candy I have my A1E, but bad input lag. Then i have a high refresh monitor for competitive. But man is the IQ shit.
Computer monitors are a joke for their prices. They delayed all those "HDR monitors" until next year. Hopefully It's so they can have panels in them without lightbleed/halo, without shit contrast (I know some will be FALD, and theyll still be shit), crap IPS glow, and lower than the absurd prices they're projecting.
OLED monitors need to happen, and fast. Just Not at Dell absurd prices.