Vault Dweller 111
Just got passed chapter 15 on my second play through.
God damn this game is good.
God damn this game is good.
There's an acceptable level of suspension of disbelief and this game goes about a thousand miles beyond that.
Ending spoilers:
Yes Cassie, let me tell you about the time I saw mystical blue men... Or more recently, the time I decimated an entire army of mercenaries. Oh yes, at one point I didn't even take cover and slowly walked toward them with a massive machine gun which I stole after killing a fully body armored highly trained soldier.
there are a few lulls throughout.
I tend to forget about this (as in block it out of my mind) because it's the single stupidest line in the entire franchise.This is why I still don't know if I'm comfortable with theThere's humanizing a pulpy adventure story, but then there's humanizing a pulpy action-adventure shooter to the point that it starts to feel weird. This is the first game in the series where stuff started to get weird for me. Like if you want me to connect withEpilogue...... actually, no, there's no way that wouldn't be weird. ND probed too much there and got themselves in trouble like when they made Lazarevic talk about he and Nate are so similar because they kill tons of people. Nooooo Naughty Dog, please stop mentioning these things.the Epilogue and not feel strange about Nate having to explain why he's taking a picture with a shotgun to his young daughter
When you believe Elena forgave Nate because or only after he pulled off "a couple of quips and a pirate reenactment", I think it's quite clear you didn't get it or the characters motivations and/or sentiments. That borders beyond simply pointing out any subsequent flaws in the characterisation of the plot, and is instead in my mind a complete misinterpretation or misunderstanding of it.
So that first firefight in theis abysmal on Crushing. Not just hard, but actually cheap. Anyone else have issues there? Any way to cheese it so I can spare myself another headache?ship graveyard
Great game. nd continuing the tradition of grind x number of times trophies![]()
I'm just starting my crushing run, and I've noticed that treasures are there, even though I have already collected them in my last play through. I transferred the stats to my new save and in my treasure list it's showing that I have it. But it's also there in front of me in game. Is this weird?
No it's normal. All the treasures reappear, even when you've collected them. The only exception to this are the rock cairns in Madagascar, those stay destroyed.
This makes no freaking sense so
It's cool to kill pirates at first because in the end the bad guys want to use it as a weapon. But killing pirates to save your brother, which is a way better reason then going on a treasure hunt is reprehensible because there is no person trying to use the treasure to take overt the world?
This argument is nonsense regardless because it's a video game and stuff like this in a videogame where guns are used is always gonna happen. And in every game these people are actively trying to kill him, the motivation to fight back is so much stronger in this game then others.
I believe it was at odds with itself in terms of the tone they're established going back and forth between a realistic portrayal of human relationships and walking adventure movie cliches, Again, it straight up magically resolves itself and that's the end that we here of it. There's not nuance to "get." It's not a complicated or thought provoking portrayal of relationships that needs analysis or an expert mind to "get." It's cliche as fuck.
Really? Drake witnesses Rafe murder the warden and they continue to kill a bunch of prison guards who are rightfully doing their job(considering they let Sam live, it wasnt justified either). He continues to work with the murderous Rafe even after. All the rest of the killing is a result of Sam lying because he didn't want Rafe to have any of the treasure, even though they wouldn't have gotten anywhere without him. All of these people are kind of shit. Except Nadine, the only sensible one.
Got the platinum yesterday, which is my seventh for this series. Guess all I'm missing is Golden Abyss!
I was gonna ask how the Hell do you have 7 platinum trophies in 5 games, but I forgot the Nathan Drake Collection has allows additional trophies.
Who cares? Most fans of the series wanted a happy ending. This shit about Elena leaving Nate and other negative stuff is not how the series should end.
I guess every series should just have the happiest most self indulgent ending possible to appease fans. ND certainly had the wrong idea with their two projects.
You don't kill any guards after killing Vargus, you don't have a gun throughout that entire chase (I just played it a minute ago). I suppose Nate didn't have much else to do after he thought Sam was dead and went with Rafe. He eventually got sick of him and left. It seems killing civilians, and killing in cold blood is a no no. Mercenaries and anyone pointing a gun at you is fair game in this universe.
Also forgot to mention in all my posts, how much I LOVE the opening credits, I wish they sold some of these illustrations as prints or something. It's just a big nostalgia trip watching it.
I guess every series should just have the happiest most self indulgent ending possible to appease fans. ND certainly had the wrong idea with their two projects.
It really annoyed me when Nate didn't kill Rafe after beating him. He killed a bunch of hired men, but not the guy responsible.
Uh, he did, the treasure dropped on him wasn't just trinkets. He crushed Rafe to desth.
Right, I mistakenly had the two prison escapes merged into one. Anyway, were the guards at the auction house also Shoreline? Why are mercenaries fair game, considering in most of these cases Drake is intruding/stealing from them?
It really annoyed me when Nate didn't kill Rafe after beating him. He killed a bunch of hired men, but not the guy responsible. Makes no sense.
I'm not sure aboutthe guards at the auction, I think the implication is that all of the criminal underworld is there, and the guards are hired by rather unsavoury characters. If they were just resort security it would be harsh to kill them. I think they were mercs, though i'm not sure if they were necessarily Shoreline. Although Nate and Same did find Shoreline supplies so perhaps they were.
He had a chance after beating him but let him go. Then we get a very cliche unrepentant villianous backstab, which allows Drake to blamelessly kill him with a somewhat indirect, environmental attack.
They weren't Shoreline. Nadine later scolds Rafe for not letting her use her men at the auction.
I'm not sure aboutthe guards at the auction, I think the implication is that all of the criminal underworld is there, and the guards are hired by rather unsavoury characters. If they were just resort security it would be harsh to kill them. I think they were mercs, though i'm not sure if they were necessarily Shoreline. Although Nate and Same did find Shoreline supplies so perhaps they were.
I don't think it matters, though, the intent was always to kill because he had no choice. There's absolutely blame. Nate knew exactly what would happen. It's not blameless just because it's not direct or bloody.
I really liked it, but it's probably my least favorite game in the series (never played Golden Abyss). I don't know if it's because I'm getting older and more jaded, or because of the changes in this game, but I frequently found myself a little bored.
The pacing is my biggest problem. Too many climbing sections that go on too long, and not enough combat. Which is a shame because the combat is the best it's ever been.
The crumbling ledges, breaking bridges and last-second saves have always been a trope of the series, but it felt like they took it even further this time, and the climbing lost any sense of suspense it had left because of that.
I didn't like Sam that much, but otherwise I enjoyed the story. Still, I can't help but wonder how Hennig's vision of this game had panned out.
K just started the game recently, does it get any better? I'm not trying to be facetious or anything but it's not clickingI'm passed the boat-chase, teenage segment and small tower expedition thingy
The stealth in this game is so fucking bad. I'm trying to get the scotland cemetery trophy and i's terrible, absolutely terrible. Don't put stealth mechanics in your game when you don't know how stealth mechanics work.
Not being able to hide bodies is a complete joke, too.
They know how stealth mechanics work. They were great it The Last of Us. Just utter shit here.