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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Interesting, I hadn't noticed that structure before, but it definitely has a very unique look. I like this read on it. I think you could also look at it as representing the relationship between the humans and monster rats, with the rats having so little power but forming the backbone of society, and showing how everything could completely fall apart if the balance of power shifts.

A lot of From the New World has to do with different balances of power (the humans vs the monster rats, the ethics committee vs the society at large, people playing god with societal makeup), so looking at that, you can see it as a visual representation of that unbalance, and it shows how even the tiniest shift in one of those people could cause everything to come crumbling down.
That's perhaps a clearer way of saying what I was trying to get at. I don't think it's a coincidence that we see the rock twice in episode 19 considering some of the cataclysmic events that are going on and why it appears in the new ED considering the overall tone of the ED.


I think some of the releases of anime are strange, like dont understand why UK is only getting Penguindrum on dvd, even though Us and etc get it on BD.

Economy of scale - BD is a lot more expensive to master and manufacture than DVDs are, and they still have a comparatively smaller market share here. The UK is so much smaller than the US merely in terms of population that it makes it really difficult to make the numbers work for BD here compared to the US.

It'd be less of an issue if they could just ship some disks over from the US or Australia for resale, paying the US/AUS distributor for the stock, but UK law requires the actual media that the content is stored on (as in, the disk) to feature the BBFC rating for the title to be printed on it. Kaze (who are actually producing PenguinDrum for the UK) can often get away with it because they produce disks for great chunks of Europe at the same time, but most non-UK distributors aren't keen on putting the BBFC logo on their disks (particularly when the rating may not be determined at the point they release).

Basically, it's easier to get even marginal titles to financially work in the US because the consumer base is simply larger. This isn't true for the UK, and even with the recent cuts in minimum quantity orders Manga recently got, it's a very sketchy proposition to release a BD for a show where you aren't pretty sure of selling a lot of copies.

(The likely collapse of HMV over here really isn't helping with this, either...)


The Light of El Cantare
At least you didn't remove your avatar though.

Well, I guess I have to now. I just saw someone with the same avatar except with one of those
really ugly
Chespin bonnet things.

I should really just go back to Tomoe and stick with that.


Well, I guess I have to now. I just saw someone with the same avatar except with one of those
really ugly
Chespin bonnet things.

I should really just go back to Tomoe and stick with that.

If somebody hates on your Dr. Tomoe avatar, tell them they're a butthead.


Maturity, bitches.
Isn't it that
Mariko was the name Tsubasa inherited when she was an active member of 0048

Pretty goofy backstory to the real-life person if Wikipedia is to be believed.
Thought it was going to be something deeper than that especially when you consider that

I think some of the releases of anime are strange, like dont understand why UK is only getting Penguindrum on dvd, even though Us and etc get it on BD.
Probably because BD is still treated as a new thing in the UK rather than the standard that is DVD. We're talking DVD's taking up 90% of the floorspace compared to BD.

It's a sign from the 8th dimension to use 50ppp.
More a sign that it's bad for anyone's health to read 500+ posts in this thread in quick succession.


Tragic victim of fan death
Well.... I will say that once OT-6 goes up it's possible we might not get to the OT after that. Not many weeks left in Spring and we've been moving at a slow rate. I'll contribute as much as I can but... I can only do so much.
I'm awake.



[Mouryou no Hako] - 6

This is going to be pretty much all spoilers for this episode and what's happened before in the series.

It's that time again, everyone. I've decided to get off my lazy butt and actually put this post together. I don't actually think that this story is best consume one episode a week. The key to understanding this series is seeing and understanding how all the webs are connected and that can be very hard to do when it's been a week since you've watched the last episode. The show really doesn't throw you a lifebelt either, it stubbornly refuses to let to remind you of character names or if we've already met a character earlier in the story. We don't flashback to earlier stuff at all. You just have to keep the entire cast of characters and everything that's happened to them in your head at all times. I must confess that I watch each episode more than once before writing these posts because otherwise I can't be sure I've actually got it.

The opening scene ties us back the original story that the show was actually about. Atsuko interviews a number of children who claim to have seen a box carrying ghost - their description seems to actually match up with Yorkio's details in regard to 'the man with white gloves'. Despite how important a figure he seems to be in this series we know precious little about him even half-way through the story.

Well, as far as this episode goes that's it for touching on the original storyline. We don't touch on either the disappearance of Kanako or the dismemberment murders again this episode. I imagine those of you watching this series are pretty shocked at this turn of events. Why in gods name is this story adding in a whole new storyline when it hasn't come anywhere near resolving or explaining anything that's come before? Surely if you just pile mystery upon mystery about plot upon plot you're going to end up with an Eureka Seven AO shaped disaster? Regardless of any concerns you might have this series presses ahead and we begin the infamous conversation episode.

This entire episode is devoted to a single, lengthy, complicated conversation that appears to be going nowhere and shedding light on nothing for huge stretches of time. In case you ever forgot that this series was based on a book than this episode is a sharp reminder. Unlike, say, the infamous 'circling' conversation scene in first episode of Fate/Zero the director does a lot of work to try and make this episode as visually interesting as possible whether it's via interesting camera work, camera angles, cuts or just showing us a cute cat. Don't pay too close attention to the cat, though, because if you do you'll be liable to miss what the heck is going on.

Now, on one hand this conversation has a very obvious and explicit purpose - to demonstrate just how clever Kyougokudou is. He's clearly got brains coming out of his arse he's so smart. He steers and guides Sekiguchi and Toriguch so clearly and decisively that they don't even realise they're being led.

As far as the shows themes and ideas are concerned one of the first things he does this episode is undermine the clairvoyance he demonstrated last episode - it was all, in fact, a trick. Underneath what appear to be extraordinary events and claims there is in fact a far more mundane reality. This is an important idea going forward.

Once we get past that initial round of discussion we arrive at the discussion of fortune espers, diviners, mediums, priests. Now, for many minutes it really isn't clear why Kyougokudou is going on a lengthy explanation of how these four different roles work - it appears to be a harmless if rather aimless response to an off-hand comment made by Toriguchi. This three minute lecture doesn't serve any apparent purpose until it's over:

Oh yes, you in the audience might be forgiven for forgetting that Toriguchi and Sekiguchi had come her to discuss the possibility that a medium is swindling people. Of course, they never get a chance to ask Kyougokudou for advice in this matter because he's already told them everything before they even asked for it - he's like a great chess player already moving several steps ahead.

Once we move onto that we get onto Toriguchi's discussion of the swindling medium. There are numerous people paying money to this medium, who appears to be leading a new religion of sorts. Obanko can cure you of the ills that affect you. From what the show has explicitly said there are no such things as spiritual powers and so this medium is just swindling people out of money. To further investigate this case Toriguchi uses a false story to try and get closer to the medium in question but, using some simple tricks, Toriguchi was unmasked before he could learn anything about the medium.

It's at this point in the episode that various things start to tie together. This swindling medium is the very same man that Yoirko's mother brought in to try and cleanse their home way back in episode three:

Not only that but it turns out this man is a box maker, which links in to one of the most common pieces of visual imagery in the entire series. On top of that it turns out that this box maker turned medium is named Hyouei. Hyouei's grandmother was a medium - presumably one of the women who we saw last episode during that lengthy segment which detailed the clairvoyance experiments. It hasn't been revealed, as of yet, which of the two women she was.

If you can mentally pull all those pieces together in your head then you're doing okay and you're ready for the episodes final reveal - that this unnamed medium grandmother had left a message in a vase. A message which simply said "Mouyrou". This simple word was apparently enough to make Hyouei become a medium himself and it also triggers an annoyed reaction in Kyougokudou.

I hope that's done a good job in explaining what the hell is going on!

Oh, crap, I haven't even had time to write what I thought about this episode - I liked it! The revelations are really difficult to keep up with and the story keeps expanding but I'm still intrigued to learn where it's going and how the hell it's all supposed to tie up.
Ixion Saga DT 19

Killer karaoke, ahoges from hell and this was an amazing episode. Definitely feels like it was a giant seiyuu meta joke going on here with using their all star cast and just raising the crazy to eleven. Nakai singing about cats, Fukuyama showing us there's no limit between genders and Sugita always sounding his best behind a microphone.

If there has been any episode that sold me on buying their character CDs, this might have been it.


The Light of El Cantare
Well.... I will say that once OT-6 goes up it's possible we might not get to the OT after that. Not many weeks left in Spring and we've been moving at a slow rate. I'll contribute as much as I can but... I can only do so much.

Well, if we made it to OT3 in a season where there's absolutely nothing to talk about, OT4 is pretty much a lock for Spring provided there are no surprise training arcs.


This picture does things to me.


Tragic victim of fan death
Well, if we made it to OT3 in a season where there's absolutely nothing to talk about, OT4 is pretty much a lock for Spring provided there are no surprise training arcs.

This picture does things to me.

The goal was to get to OT4 this season. Also I can't guarantee I'll be around that often for the next season....


I'm almost scared to see how many posts I had in this thread. Going forward I may have to scale back my posting in here a bit, what with school and all.


[Mouryou no Hako] - 6
Surely if you just pile mystery upon mystery about plot upon plot you're going to end up with an Eureka Seven AO shaped disaster?


[Mouryou no Hako] - 6
Don't pay too close attention to the cat, though, because if you do you'll be liable to miss what the heck is going on.

This show is quite clever and devious.

[Mouryou no Hako] - 6

It's at this point in the episode that various things start to tie together. This swindling medium is the very same man that Yoirko's mother brought in to try and cleanse their home way back in episode three...

Hmm, yes, simple enough. I still remember the medium's statement about "Money being a root of evil, therefore he should take it off your hands." in episode 3.


And they're also animated in the same way mecha is animated, which makes them mecha moreso than any story-related stuff.
I have to disagree with this. The unsettling first contact and first battle of the "Beast" EVA-01 on episode 2 shows it is evident this was made to give that specific humanoid (better said as Ultimate All-Purpose Humanoid Decisive Battle Weapon) sensation and wipe out misconceptions on how the series was first presented as and what was typically done.

Restrained man in a suit (as pizzaroll also aptly referenced) with the power of a demon is the impression that Mr. Anno & Mr. Yamashita worked in to achieve (the "barely controlled giant", to paraphrase the later one) and just the slouch pose letting her body go as if giving in and accepting its role, not even seemingly conscient on her own, while it also must be supressed her strength in the process is evidence enough of it for me.

There is the weight, the momentum, but not what denotes in my opinion the same sense of ample displacements and poised stances we are accustomed to see from Real Robots at that time or before. That without mentioning later... more liberated moments on subsequent episodes, or the even more stylized design and organic approach to EVAs movements something like THE END OF EVANGELION demonstrated...


How, oh how, did I miss that PingDrum is DVD only in the UK?

-_- -_-

Every time I want to actually buy anime on disc these days, it's DVD only. Why can't I like popular mainstream shows :( I guess it wasn't so bad in the old DVD days because nothing worth buying came out in the UK (or if it did it was millennia after the States) so I could just import and be done with it, but now...


Ah well, guess I'll just have to pick up the US sets and only watch them on my PC for now. Still, so depressing.
Puchimas! 35


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