Sup, Mugi? Sup, Mugi... yep!Find better sources next time.
Sup, Mugi? Sup, Mugi... yep!Find better sources next time.
I know I've gone on about how Hidamari Sketch has been a really hard show for me to get into. However I will say the OP is super catchy and you can't help clapping along.
The first generation characters are better, with Tomoe being the best.I guess the only thing that makes it disturbing is the lack of context and the fact they kick off the trailer with it. Also that's not Alleyne!I haven't seen any QB save for the first couple of Rebellion episodes so I don't have much knowledge of the characters.
There are much better Mio ones you can find out there.The main problem is speech bubbles and sound effects. Other than that that source is extremely good. Basically what you want from a K-On doujin.
Yeah I really want to get into Hidamari but I feel like I have to be in a certain mood to sit down and watch an episode. It's taken me a long time to get through the first season.I know I've gone on about how Hidamari Sketch has been a really hard show for me to get into. .
There are much better Mio ones you can find out there.
ROFL ... light beam ..light beams everywhere !!!That's odd. There's a million swimsuit videos on Youtube, animated and otherwise.
In other news, a new Queen's Blade - Vanquished Queens preview video is up. NSFWish.
Yeah, looked pretty standard Queen's Blade, though the fact that it stars the best QB girl makes me excited.
by best do yo also mean breast?The first generation characters are better, with Tomoe being the best.
Teach me your ways!There are much better Mio ones you can find out there.
Futari wa Pretty Cure 17
Kiriya's inevitable heel-face-turn (or face-heel-turn; I'm not good with tropes) is kinda obvious right now. Honoka is just cool enough to change people like that though. Except she's wrong about the part where all people do stuff like she did. She's special that way. Most probably wouldn't go to the effort and care she did.
Even if that stupid Love Meter works, how would Nagisa possibly approach Fuji-P with something like that? Grandpa's right; it is useless.
Pretty much every Gundam TV show released since the original SEED has been worse.Gundam 00 16
Ahaha, I've never seen such a cool entrance ruined so quickly. So Red Gundam Asspull shows up and shoots the enemy and blows up his mobile armor (mobile armors are dumb, and shame on the worst Gauron for trying to pilot one.) and we see badass pilot view inside cockpit, and then "YEW STILL ALIVE?" says the perky anime girl.
This is the second worst Gundam series ever made. Neina Trinity "And I'm a real Gundam Meister!" This is the second worst Gundam series ever made. Basically after Gundam SEED came out nothing good ever came out of Gundam.
Yeah, that's a good one.that one by Kiyoshirou Inoue was pretty good
Why yes, they are nice best do yo also mean breast?
Maybe later tonight.Teach me your ways!
Pretty much every Gundam TV show released since the original SEED has been worse.
Send me a PM.
It was like one doujin. Like I said inspiration has to strike. I'm not going to sit all day keeping a depressed panda company just to make a series of 100x120 images.There are much better Mio ones you can find out there.
Some characters in the 2nd gen are quite great actually..if you remove the amazonness, the robot girl and the loli that comes with it i'm satisfied. ( those 3 characters really are fine but not great )The first generation characters are better, with Tomoe being the best. best do yo also mean breast?
WHAT ? noThat's what I mean. SEED was the last good Gundam show. Destiny was okay, especially when compared to crap like 00 and AGE.
I'm definitely not sticking with this for the 2nd Season.
*cough**cough*I know of a good Hidamari Sketch doujin.
Pretty much every Gundam TV show released since the original SEED has been worse.
New OVA.
Ume is love. Stop sexualising her designs*cough**cough*I know of a good Hidamari Sketch doujin.
You forget who I was replying to sir.........
I see!Maybe later tonight.
The purer it is the greater the corruption. It is the law of the internet.K-on's and Precures are too pure for this!
The purer it is the greater the corruption. It is the law of the internet.
WHAT ? no
I'd watch 00 than destiny any day of the week.
Also i fail to see the problem with 00 if you managed to retain your sanity with G.AGE
00 is at least coherent , even if it's silly .
00 at least tried a new approch in things ( that only partially worked )
The manga is the opposite of pure.So, what does that Usagi Drop porn look like?
Love is pure!The manga is the opposite of pure.
Estimate K-on & precure doujin count ( pixiv fanart also included ) : It's over 9000!K-on's and Precures are too pure for this!
You forget who I was replying to sir.
The purer it is the greater the corruption. It is the law of the internet.
The probability is high!So I'm guessing spiked baseball bats are involved?
That manga doujin animeGAF likes to talk about happened.So, what does that Usagi Drop porn look like?
Its stream of consciousness "typish" format and generally everyone is good people.
AnimeGAF has a diverse range of users and opinions, so I hear about all kinds of shows that I'd never make note of otherwise. I also like how people go back and revisit older shows.
The Amount of information available and the various opinions of the posters.
Staff whoring discussion.
It has a wide range of tastes and you're most likely able to find someone to talk to about regarding any anime you're watching.
The sheer variety the thread offers, from entertaining screencaps/GIFs to up-to-the-minute news and thoughtful critical opinions.
Most posters are reasonably sane
For an animu community/forum
I don't have to go to an awful anime-centric forum to discuss anime.
Diversity of how in depth people can be in their takes and impressions on anime and noticing minute details or overall big picture questions that sometimes I miss.
a variety of opinions and fun people
Jexhius-sama, seeing interesting/uncommon/less known anime being discussed
Good taste (compared to the rest of the internet that's not /a/).
Sometimes people post traps.
Cool people. Varied community.
I guess I like reading the well thought out posts on various anime. Stuff like episode and film impressions/analysis/constructive criticisms and such.
- Variety of opinions
- Range of works covered
- Mix of posting styles
Reading people's thoughts and impressions on episodes, really. I've spent a while bouncing around a lot of anime communities and AnimeGAF is probably the best one I've run into in regards to actually talking about what makes a series or episode or movie work.
Exposure to titles I would otherwise not have been exposed to, and thought provoking discussions about certain titles, with a healthy mix of lots of lighthearted fun and in jokes.
Tossing out impressions, reading up on news, reading other impressions, etc, etc.
I love the impressions people give. Thoughtful discussion on the anime they love and why you should love it too. Fun and/or Intellectual discussion on news or the state of the industry in general. Anything that allows us to enjoy the medium of entertainment that we circle around.
It's usually fun and have tons of pointless discussion.
Plus the gifs / screeshot and anime review Some good recommendations from time to time
That the people here like anime to some degree.
The variety in tastes and genres.
Breadth of discussion, well versed posters in different genres who can steer one in a proper direction, general friendliness of the community.
A sense of community, great taste in anime, people being able to laugh about themselves (a lighthearted tone)
Discussing opinions and current happenings in anime related topics.
Insightful reviews.
We're an island of self-awareness in a fandom that largely embraces and identifies with the most tasteless and reprehensible aspects of otaku culture. We have a deep appreciation for the medium and even a fondness for some of its foibles and limitations, but our critical approach and willingness to laugh at the apparent absurdities of the medium and industry set us apart from those who are so deeply saturated in the culture that they revel in being cynically manipulated, passively accept everything, and enjoy works for superficial reasons.
Delicious GIFs? >.>
I really love the thread. The community is really nice and we have some nice discussion. I really enjoy the people that are in AnimeGAF. They're warm, nice, and fun people.
I really like the more informative posts, like the ones /XX/, duckroll, Jehixus, from time to time, since I'm more like a casual fan of anime and like about everything without discrimination, it's nice to learn about somethings I don't really pay attention. And the news posts because I really don't go after many news.
And impressions with black bars, they get me every time, I become like Chitanda...I watched Sailor Moon until S because of impressions with black bars, I might get back to it soon since the new one will begin in the...Summer;Spring?
The people.
Diverse opinions
Funny gifs
You can get long discussions on all sorts of anime topics
I just hate Hyouka talk
Sickening presence of what essentially amounts to unintelligible posting. This is largely centered around people who find ""cute"" things to be life's greatest pleasure, and thoughtful posting is largely discouraged, stamped, or drowned out by ""fun things are fun"" posters.
Generally the impression format doesn't necessarily facilitate discussion either. There is a strange disconnect between very isolated impressions posts and the clique-ish fellating that makes up the bulk of most threads.
Several (more than 4) pictures in HD resolution ( even quoted ) in one post.
The Kill me Baby hate.
It does get a little to clique-y at times.
awkward pedos
People being antagonistic/aggressive. While I find much of the content of the thread irrelevant/uninteresting, I can and so use the ignore function to not see a lot of it - but I don't care for people being deliberate asses to each other.
People liking what I dislike, people dislinking what I like.
One Line Impressions and members who seem like their always angry.
Extremely Low/No standards by one or more regular posters.
Misogny/Sexism by one or more regular posters.
Troll recommendations.
Stupid 'discussions' where posters don't engage with each other's arguments or opinions and just create a whole lot of meaningless noise in the thread. This can range from "How long would you survive in Aincrad" links to "Who is your favorite 765Pro Idol?"
People who like strike witches
Troll recommendations and the exaggerated reactions to watching them.
GIFs for the sake of posting GIFs.
Casual spoiler images from things as soon as the fan subs are out simply for the sake of having images in a post - those things tend to release at awkward times for this timeline, and even then not everyone can watch things immediately.
Certain posters... But there's no need to name who. That's why the filter exists, after all.
A lot of older posters seem to be disappearing.
The lewd stuff, probably.
Some posters seem too stressed posting on AnimeGAF - chill guys, it's just animu (which is dead anyway).
If not a terribad niche just above idoru, j-drama and LN antics.
Ka Ka
Complaining about watching shows you clearly don't care about
Tastes biased towards 2006, post-moe, anime.
Vehement opposition to another poster's personal taste. I.e "You're an idiot for not loving Hyouka" or "You're an idiot for loving Chuu2". Discussions like that snuff out the potential of any real dialogue to happen.
Pissing contests that make the atmosphere uncomfortable. PM exists for a reason. I think I'm past the troll recommendations too and would rather give good recs in order to better share the hobby with others.
Assholes who think they're above certain things.
I like the titles, but not all of them.
Picture spam.
Mass hating on series that I enjoy
There are some ocassional idiots who ruin the thread but they're quick to leave or they stick around to get abused and its their own fault.
IRC people. some of them. lol.
Most of the fighting that happens from time to time, but I already learned how to deal with the hate...
The fast nature of the thread.
The signal-to-noise ratio results in substantive posts being quickly buried or outright ignored in favor of more fast-paced conversation. I'm guilty of this myself, but I hate to see the effort of others go unrewarded. Perhaps, the thread has become too large and active for its own good.
Certain hostility towards some opinions
Annoying one liner dismissive replies can get tiring and frustrating
I'm not doing your work for you.Send me a PM.
Huh, I figured that's what you do.It was like one doujin. Like I said inspiration has to strike. I'm not going to sit all day keeping a depressed panda company just to make a series of 100x120 images.
But do they have Tomoe? I think not.Some characters in the 2nd gen are quite great actually..if you remove the amazonness, the robot girl and the loli that comes with it i'm satisfied. ( those 3 characters really are fine but not great )
The real downside is the horrible armor girl.
Heck 2nd gen has a better church girl and a better angel.
I have no idea what you're talking about.STOP SEXUALIZING K-ON's
I'd sooner watch Destiny than 00, because at least Destiny picked one plot line and stuck with it. 00 if there's a plot here anymore I can't find it because EVERY EPISODE they introduce five new characters, follow them for three, by which time we've gained another fifteen. It's cluttered as all hell. Show suffers from no one ever sitting down to edit it ever.
And that's why 00 destroy destiny in every aspect .And while I did sit through AGE, it was out of morbid curiosity. If I watch all of 00 I will quit Gundam, because the two worst Gundam series back-to-back is not what I wanted. I wanted to watch a good, new, Gundam show, and instead I got the 2nd worst thing ever called Gundam.
Gundam 00 is awful, its central character and opponent stolen directly from an infinitely better anime, its plot written by teenagers, its cast biblical in proportions], its characters (not named Lockon) behaving the way people joke that Final Fantasy characters behave.
I will finish the first season, and unless something amazing happens to make up for the preposterously named characters, staggering number of unimportant plotlines, and silly made up job (the hell is a Tactical Forecaster? That's some PsychoHistory levels of silliness. Is she the team tactician, why do they treat her like a weatherman?) and the need for every single character to have only one trait (who has time to develop them when we need to cram 50 more characters in by next week) then I won't see the need to carry on with this show.
Starting to think AGE had it right, killing people off constantly. At least it thinned the herd. Here we have overpopulation of a silly scale.
What is your least favorite thing about AnimeGAF? said:
- One Line Impressions
- Extremely Low/No standards by one or more regular posters.
- Stupid 'discussions' where posters don't engage with each other's arguments or opinions and just create a whole lot of meaningless noise in the thread. This can range from "How long would you survive in Aincrad" links to "Who is your favorite 765Pro Idol?"
- IRC people. some of them. lol.
Sorry, had some more unexpected stuff to deal with, but here's at least the meatier portion of the survey results: the two big open answer questions and the arbitrary score. I absolutely promise I'll post the demographics data a little bit later.
With the order of responses randomized for each question:
What is your favorite thing about AnimeGAF?
What is your least favorite thing about AnimeGAF?
(any specific names mentioned here have been withheld for now to protect the innocent)
If you had to give your current overall opinion of AnimeGAF, on a scale from 1-10, what would it be?
Yeah, looked pretty standard Queen's Blade, though the fact that it stars the best QB girl makes me excited.
Whoa! There's more of us!ROFL ... light beam ..light beams everywhere !!!
Even underwater , they manage to put light beams !!
those beam better not be in the blu ray release ..after all this set of episode stars "tomoe" aka "best girl"
Encouragement Of Climb