More than four images is just not really bad its just a hassle for scrolling and occasionally locks up my browser(s) though annoying when the the no hotlinking allowed thing is present. especially when its Msyu.
Actually it is .. People don't think about those who might read this thread from their smartphones.
I have no problem with Hd pictures but when a post weight more than a 1meg without gifs, there is a problem.
If you Know you're gonna use plenty of pictures , either link them or resize them. You took time to take the damn snapshot and upload , it , resizing them is something you can do even with MS PAINT.
1 or 2 pictures is fine no big deal , but if you're gonna post lenghty impressions with plenty of pictures, juste take the time to think of those who might be reading.
That WAS the plot to 00. Now it's "Hey we haven't done anything hilariously stupid with our Gundams today, LET'S GO GET IN A FIGHT WITH THE WORLD. I mean, aren't these guys supposed to be fighting war? How in God's name do they get caught with their pants down by the largest military movement in the history of the world?
Actually no , their goal is to unify the world , and that begins by stopping the chain of conflicts across the globe. They just choose to do it by force since hey it's the faster way.
Even if they are considered a threat.
I have to disagree. Nobody in this show acts reasonably. You have Gauron-rip-off who is in it for the evulz, you have probably-going-to-be-Char who is in it because he's gay for Gundams, you have little girl Zeheart who does what she's told (and somehow never gets knocked for riding a pink mobile suit?) and Saji Waste of Goddamn Time Crossroads who exists to prove to us all that FFXII's Vaan was a well written character.
I don't like saji , but his role is to show how the world change thanks to the actions of the cast ( for better or worse ).
The first season take a global conflict approach and that's why it's intresting. His role is to be the normal guy caught in the mess.
As for the wanabe gauron ..there aren't enough character like that in anime when you're dealing with war ... People enjoying war, making profit with war and wanting war to happen are actually realist people that unfortunatly exist IRL and that make his character even if he is exagerated much better to watch as an antagonist than a durandal or an ezelcant that wish for an utopia that won't work in the long term.
I beg to differ here. Destiny's plot is straightforward: Peace didn't work out the way everyone wanted it to, and Durandal is pulling the strings behind it all to get what he wants. 00, on the other hand, is again, "Let's go kill like, twenty guys in Somalia! That'll stop war!"
The plot was "let's prevent manipulation of information leading to civil war, that'll stop war for a moment".
The plot wasn't to kill people but to stop those manipulating others to fight for their own benefit.
Exploited war children is again a theme totally new in gundam and even if they went too far with it . it's something much more realist than the happy go lucky world that hapenned when a country was destroyed in other shows.
I'm not looking to defend Destiny's mostly terrible cast, but let's not pretend that anybody in 00 is any better.
Let me know when 00 actually starts to have people. And for the record, the following characters don't count, because they're lifted directly from Full Metal Panic!:
Setsuna F. Seiei- Sousuke Sagara
Lockon Stratos- Kurz Weber
Ali Sanchez or whatever- Gauron
God, this show is almost as unoriginal as Rah Xephon.
Sorry if full metal panic , despite his alien stuff had actually war , information manipulation and 2 organisations clashing.
Funny how you can draw parallels when
they treat the same subject.
Ms. Sumiragi is one of the only likeable cast members. The problem I have is her job description is cockamamie. How does one forecast tactics? It's not the weather. You plan out missions, that's tactics. You can bet and even mathmagic what the enemy will do, sure, but you don't say "It's gonna be cloudy with a chance of sniper over this hillock here!"
But that's her job .. her goal is to turn each event at their advantage and to think x moves ahead .. that's why she works with a freaking super computer that analyse information.
How do you expect to win anything if you can't predict and anticipate the unknow ? Especially if the world is your ennemy ! You have to spy at everything anticipate alliances and think of counter mesures ...
I would understand the conplain if she was alone but she is backed by the entire celestial being network and a centuries-ahead computer
dedicated to this task.
Forecast for weather are done the exact same way. You gather information , you run it in various scenarios run by a super computer ..and then you let a human check it. Once it's good you give that info to the public.