Subete no aware
You can basically tell who wrote what in that survey. lol
Haha... but where's the KAWAIIIIII?Hyouka is rad. Kill Me Baby stinks. Lolis are great.
Encouragement Of Climb
Don't be a turd, just watch it.
Ghost Stories dub is a must watch.
Kotori is the best im@ster.
You're not and idiot for loving Chuu2, you just have bad taste.
IRC sucks.
Oh yeah and:
Me neither. IRC > thread?i didn't even know there was a survey until it was mentioned in IRC yesterday
Hyouka is rad. Kill Me Baby stinks. Lolis are great.
You can basically tell who wrote what in that survey. lol
Me neither. IRC > thread?
Yeah, but he wants a detailed analysis as to why hyouka is awesome and how terrible kill me baby is. I'd go more into it myself but I think the hyouka rewatch posts lately have it pretty covered and outside of the ninja character there's very little to like about kill me baby. I'll probably elaborate later after I've gotten some dinner in me.
i didn't even know there was a survey until it was mentioned in IRC yesterday
Sometimes it can still be several pages in a few hours... that's a lot to go through if you just want to catch up.It was mentionned in the thread BUT people don't read old posts
for some reason , even when this thread has been must slower than the other OTs
Every post on GAF is a trap of some sort!Sometimes people post traps.
I agree . but reading 300 posts and ignoring information about series i don't watch is something i do in less than 5 minutes.Sometimes it can still be several pages in a few hours... that's a lot to go through if you just want to catch up.
I agree.Every post on GAF is a trap of some sort!
GaoGaiGar Final 06
This final arc was really great, OMG dem beautiful 2D mech
Genesic GaoGaiGar freaking rocks.
And goddamn at new OP, its goddamn colossal. I jumped from my seat seeing that.
I will finish the first season, and unless something amazing happens to make up for the preposterously named characters, staggering number of unimportant plotlines, and silly made up job (the hell is a Tactical Forecaster? That's some PsychoHistory levels of silliness. Is she the team tactician, why do they treat her like a weatherman?) and the need for every single character to have only one trait (who has time to develop them when we need to cram 50 more characters in by next week) then I won't see the need to carry on with this show.
Starting to think AGE had it right, killing people off constantly. At least it thinned the herd. Here we have overpopulation of a silly scale.
Sorry, had some more unexpected stuff to deal with, but here's at least the meatier portion of the survey results: the two big open answer questions and the arbitrary score. I absolutely promise I'll post the demographics data a little bit later.
What is your least favorite thing about AnimeGAF?[/B]
Several (more than 4) pictures in HD resolution ( even quoted ) in one post.
One Line Impressions
Casual spoiler images from things as soon as the episode are out simply for the sake of having images in a post - those things tend to release at awkward times for this timeline, and even then not everyone can watch things immediately.
Misogny/Sexism by one or more regular posters.
She at least seems to have a legitimate reason to fight unlike some of them. Plus she's the best looking.Another Tomoe fan?! High-five!
So many people seem to find her (and Leina) boring.![]()
Yeah, most of them I can probably guess who wrote them.You can basically tell who wrote what in that survey. lol
The IRC can go by a mile a minute too and unless you're sitting their the whole time, you'll probably miss news being posted there.Me neither. IRC > thread?
What about 2?I probably should have written something more insightful than "The Kill me Baby hate." (well done for working it out. You win nothing). I just didn't really want to say negative things because I like it here. But if I were honest long pictures posts can be a bit annoying but they are easy enough to scroll past. They'll just not be read so if you want your opinion heard stick to one image.
EDIT: Oh and I hate getting the last post on the page.
One line impressions are kind of odd to me, surely out of watching 23 minutes of content one could come up with more than only one sentence to say, or worst, more than just one solitary gif of .itshappening?
I dont think Ive ever seen this done by anyone in this thread.
Dedication Through Light said:One line impressions are kind of odd to me, surely out of watching 23 minutes of content one could come up with more than only one sentence to say, or worst, more than just one solitary gif of .itshappening?
AGE plot line : ET are evil! ( became " vagan are evil " )
00 plot line : We'll kick the ass of everyone trying to go to war and don't mess with us because we're stronger than you !
The show actually has indeed a large cast and it's made better because the ones acting wrongly are the gundam pilots ... Faced with a situation like that i think that the entire cast aside from the heroes are actually logical in their assesments and reactions.
And i think the plot is better ( at first ) because they actually used a setting new for a gundam serie.
And that's why 00 destroy destiny in every aspect .
destiny plot is terrible nonsense.. the casting in destiny so broken you wonder why happenned because they are either extra terrible or extra godly without reason with no middle ground.
Destiny had no regard what so ever to the repercussions to anyone actions and everyone , even the good guys did as they pleased the entire time.
Sure there are characters in 00 that deserve a big slap in the face but at least their motivations aren't just either :
-i hate them all because their killed my sister !
-athrun is so great , but he isn't looking at me.
-i wish i could be half as good as lacus.
-dying isn't good (damn this one's deep ) ..
and so on.
Destiny cast is filled with people unable to think by themselves.. it's depressing.
Hey having a commander is hardly a problem and someone in charge of tactics is something needed in a gundam anime.
Not liking the names one thing but dimissing their usefullness is another.
Please don't steal credit for my answers.Sometimes people post traps.
Man, Kircheis' ancestor is a pretty loyal person, his undying devotion to whatever cause he believes in must surely run in the family! Seriously though, this was a fantastic episode. I might've been dogging it pretty hard in the early eps for it's less that stellar production values but there are times when it has some utterly fantastic animation and pitch perfect directing and this episode was most definitely one of those. Watching the cast turn from a bunch of fairly simplistic yet incredibly charming and fun loving goofs into these surprisingly complex and meaningful characters has been a real joy to watch, especially with the far more serious tone this shows taken over the past couple of eps. Easily the dark horse of the season (that isn't Encouragement of Climb even though i was looking forward to that the day it was announced AND Y'ALL DIDN'T BELIEVE!!!!!!) and one that's not to be missed.
e: oh and holy shit sakura must have some secret retractable teeth or something. STEALTH NINJA TEETH
Accel World EX02 END
Pretty terrible like almost every other episode of this series. A sliver of in-game action stuff overrun by the mediocrity of everything else.
00:00-01:40 - ownage in-game battling
she totes wants the chubby d
It is impossible to decipher many one line posts because they lack context. Often times they even lack a discernible emotional response. Even if people post about something I watched it isn't uncommon for me to have no idea what their one line post is even about because I have no memory of whatever insignificant thing they mention with one or two words.I don't see anything wrong with one-line impressions. Unless you're paying me p/word I don't owe anybody else a certain length of writing. And, you know, they're my impressions after all.
True. You don't really need to write 10 paragraphs to say that you liked an episode.I don't see anything wrong with one-line impressions. Unless you're paying me p/word I don't owe anybody else a certain length of writing. And, you know, they're my impressions after all.
I don't see anything wrong with one-line impressions. Unless you're paying me p/word I don't owe anybody else a certain length of writing. And, you know, they're my impressions after all.
I don't see anything wrong with one-line impressions. Unless you're paying me p/word I don't owe anybody else a certain length of writing. And, you know, they're my impressions after all.
I don't really care if people liked an episode. It's more interesting to me to read something that reaches deeper and tells me more about the poster.True. You don't really need to write 10 paragraphs to say that you liked an episode.
That is a BS reason if I ever saw one. I've seen a lot of discussion spawn from single line posts a lot more than from large impressions. People are just bitter.The reason behind it, is that it doesn't give birth to discussion.
Although detailed posts could lead to pages of ripping apart a toilet scene, so it's really pick your poison.
That's what I do, too.Well I admit I often skim over impression posts simply because I haven't seen the episode yet.
Well I admit I often skim over impression posts simply because I haven't seen the episode yet.
That's what I do, too.
Then I go back and read them.
I like the two new characters, but now that things have really kicked in they feel underutilized. Maybe that's just because the series switched into a wacky sidestory of Arata's Con Artist Adventures.i have been really enjoying chihayafuru. i still dont have any interest in karuta and i tend to zone out when theyre explaining which cards are left, or why they confused one card for another, but the characters are great and engaging. at first i thought i was like how come everyone isnt some super attractive model like in most animes but i grew to like them all, and the two new characters in the second season have been pretty good so far too.
Your loss.Sure, but I'm not posting for you.
Your loss.
Same here, especially for something I like.
Honestly it should be the other way around if you want me to read your posts.Pay me.
Agree. This actually also reminds me that you haven't posted One Piece impressions for a long time! Always enjoyed those.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 16
Kinda sorta the best Gundam show. Like, ever.
Honestly it should be the other way around if you want me to read your posts.
Sakurasou 22
Honestly it should be the other way around if you want me to read your posts.
regarding the latest episode, i doubt arata is going to be disqualified. or rather there will be some way for him to play in the individual tournament. the flashbacks were too much though. it was also stupid of him to take his mask off and his friends referring to him by his real name when they lost. he could have just left first so even if reader dude knew it was arata, he wouldnt have any hard proof. just dumb of him all around but i guess he really felt bad for that team he tried to help.
Defending blatant advertisodes? For shame.Hating on Tekken? For shame.