Yo. Don't go insulting my childhood. Power Rangers were the bee's knees.And they are the saddest thing. They take a sentai show, remove all personality, and fill it with bad 90s humor and X-tremeness.
Yo. Don't go insulting my childhood. Power Rangers were the bee's knees.And they are the saddest thing. They take a sentai show, remove all personality, and fill it with bad 90s humor and X-tremeness.
Why would they change it when theyve already press released it as Tsuritama and still refer to it as such?
Yo. Don't go insulting my childhood. Power Rangers were the bee's knees.
Yo. Don't go insulting my childhood. Power Rangers were the bee's knees.
He should just apologize for Psycho-Pass.
Director Shiotani Naoyoshi has announced on his Twitter account that they will revise the animation of the episode 18 of Psycho-Pass. He apologized for airing the episode incomplete.
Um, it is a joke. I was just explaining the aspects you're missing. Why someone would choose that kind of awful design to parody a sentai cover. Sure, it won't be that bad, but it'll likely trade on some of the worst things to get sales.
Ugh, I remembered hounding my mom to buy me that $80 Power Rangers beat-em-up for the SNES so long ago.
Don't get your hopes up.
The sad thing is, as bad a title Funky Fishing is, it's probably one of the least bad americanized names that show can get. I shutter to think it may get a title like "Fishing Bud" or "Space Fishing".
It is fun. And I would totally buy Funky Fishing and Psychics Gone Wild.
Waouh ...they made an extra effort to be worse than usual ...
Wait ... it's not real ? that's some sick joke you guys are making ....
And this is why AnimeGAF needs to pool its resources and open an anime licensing company.
To draw in a new audience I'd guess. Same reason some anime get English dubs.
Psycho-Pass 18
More derp faces. Other than that. solid episode.
He should just apologize for Psycho-Pass.
First order of business... destroy all that is left of Harmony Gold and take back what is rightfully ours.
Don't get your hopes up.
Don't get your hopes up.
Now make one with Satoru and Shun.
kogami pls
Yo. Don't go insulting my childhood. Power Rangers were the bee's knees.
I would have except there's no official art of the two of them together. They foolishly banked on yuri fans showing up instead!
I stopped watching after episode 8 or whatever one that delivered. Am I missing out on more?
Never read the manga, for your sanity's sake.Usagi Drop 1
Oh God oh God ooohhhhh God.
Never read the manga, for your sanity's sake.
No idea, actually. Even though I was enjoying it immensely I stalled out at episode 11 with the intent to marathon the rest in time for the end.
This isn't real, right? It can't be real. How could it be real? No way it's real.
The dialogue isn't, the sex totally is, though.
(Open to your own sanity, also spoiler)
The dialogue isn't, the sex totally is, though.
(Open to your own sanity, also spoiler)
Goddamnit why did I click.
The Unlimited: Hyoubu Kyousuke 3, 4, 5, 6, 7:
Underwhelming, cheap, ugly, predictable, slow. Protip: if you're going to make a show about a cast of (mostly minor) antagonists from an existing property--antagonists that were largely one-dimensional but enjoyable in small doses and operated in a manner not unlike a more sophisticated version of the Monster of the Week in mahou shoujo--simply coating everyone in a layer of grimdark does not automatically translate to a better character. In fact, the little spark of personality that each of them had in ZKC has been sucked out in the name of making them SERIOUS TERRORISTS and they're decidedly worse for it. The writing is partially to blame for this because no one acts or speaks in a remotely naturalistic manner, but let no one doubt now that the whole idea of this show was a bad idea from the start.
I mean, I know that the show is about Kyousuke and not his peons, but let's face it--he can't carry the thing on his own. The insights into his psychology are utterly redundant if you've seen ZKC, and even if you haven't, the show has done nothing to make the viewer feel or Kyousuke appear conflicted about his objectives. He's just a haughty genocidal maniac, and we really have no indication of why these not particularly malevolent or dogmatic-acting people following him believe in him or share his extreme convictions apart from cliched flashbacks of a benevolent Kyousuke extending his hand to them as crying children in burning rubble.
There's a lot in the show that I want to address more specifically, but it ain't worth it. Show's boring. A question to cosmic, though: just how much of what's occurring here is canonical? Up to where the ZKC anime ended there was no indication thatIt feels........off somehow.Kyousuke had avoided confrontation with Kaoru for years or that he had anime wasting disease. It all feels unnatural considering that the implication in ZKC was that Kaoru was in real and immediate danger of being drawn over to the dark side at any time, and yet she's suddenly in middle school and there's seemingly not just no progress on that front but an extended lack of any sort of interaction between her and P.A.N.D.R.A.
They were actual terrorists. I don't know anything about the first anime, but there's enough in the manga to show how merciless they are even if they do sometimes get their own comedic scenarios.
I do agree though, it is odd why certain people follow him, especially people that are actually friends of the main trio. Makes me wonder if people like Patty or Mio really know about the horrible things Hyobu does.
There is a time skip in the manga, though I don't remember what went on during it beyond the girls aging.
Other than that, I don't think anything else but the current flashback is canon.