Sentai covers and advertising for shows are typically pretty bad. The play up the sex, give bad titles, and are just terrible in general.
People keep saying this, but what titles have been changed like that? I still cant think of any. At least not any that I own.
Didnt Zettai Karen Children become Psychic Squad?
I need to see this, and this particular name change is very understandable given how sue happy the US is.
That's fair enough, it's just when people complain about that stuff, I just instantly think of Cat Planet Cuties, which was actually Funimation!
But that is a PERFECT name for it!
Um, it is a joke. I was just explaining the aspects you're missing. Why someone would choose that kind of awful design to parody a sentai cover. Sure, it won't be that bad, but it'll likely trade on some of the worst things to get sales.
I honestly just know of their more infamous examples, which is why people make fun of them. I feel like sentai's been getting better in general as time goes on so it wouldn't surprise me if they've gone with better titles lately.
Again, what are these supposed titles that were changed so drastically?
Unsolved Fishteries: Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Bro Back in the Water: The Scheme-a in Enoshima.
And this is why AnimeGAF needs to pool its resources and open an anime licensing company.
We would drive a licensing company into the ground so quickly...
Usagi Drop 1
Oh God oh God ooohhhhh God.
Enjoy the charm. It will make your heart ache. mostly with pure joy.
Puchimas! 39
Fish must be their natural enemies.
Now they are using vore to sell this show? for shame.