Okay. Prude.If not wanting to see a little girl prancing around shirtless and getting her toes sucked by a pedophile makes me a prude I'll proudly wear the label.
Okay. Prude.If not wanting to see a little girl prancing around shirtless and getting her toes sucked by a pedophile makes me a prude I'll proudly wear the label.
Okay. Prude.
Change your avatar back. I get the worst hipster vibes from it.Okay. Prude.
Why hasn't duckroll checked this show yet? For someone so adamant on preaching about the future of anime he sure ain't actually watching it!Arashi no Yoru ni 21
If this translation is true, I expect at the very lest to get a creepy monologue with the main character describing how he likes feet and got into shoe making in order to protect them and to better understand them. Anything else and I will be disappointed.:lol
NoChange your avatar back. I get the worst hipster vibes from it.
Why hasn't duckroll checked this show yet? For someone so adamant on preaching about the future of anime he sure ain't actually watching it!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah, it's probably pretty bad that the first thing that came to mind when this scene popped up was that there would probably be fanart of the new girl with Dera proportions.
It looks like someone's been following the "awesome" fanart thread a bit too much!Tamako Market 07
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah, it's probably pretty bad that the first thing that came to mind when this scene popped up was that there would probably be fanart of the new girl with Dera proportions.
Like I said, I'll happily be the guy here who doesn't want to watch little girls being preyed on by pedophiles.
Change your avatar back. I get the worst hipster vibes from it.
Like I said, I'll happily be the guy here who doesn't want to watch little girls being preyed on by pedophiles.
Wootbit/Kio's encounter was so out of nowhere. Part of the rushing through the beginning, I guess. Kio's naivete and earnestness is sort of nice though as he's acting his age. Popping open the AGE-3 like he did was some Getter Robo shit.
It certainly does.
Vividred Operation - 07
Didn't see that cliffhanger coming at all. :lol
Come on next week.
It's like someone took Otaking's advice but didn't pay any attention to how outdoor lighting behaves.Those highlights... it's like her hair is standing in room with disco balls.
Those highlights... it's like her hair is standing in room with disco balls.
Those highlights... it's like her hair is standing in room with disco balls.
This set is in reverse order to better convey the vertical nature of the sequence. Current manifestation of the AGE-3 just simply isn't enough so it's time to separate which leads...
to an overwrought docking sequence with new parts...
and oncludes with a bunch of excessive posing.
Keep in mind the MGX BD's aren't even uncensored. lol
They did draw some new stuff so it's not fully censored. But no full :chet either.God damn teases.
Friends Club 7
Hey, just because you have a character point out the fundamental problem with your show (and all the harems ever made) doesn't mean that somehow you are absolved the responsibility of writing this bullshit in the first place.
Presumably something is happening soon, but this is Pet Girl tier stalling.
You'll never be able to convince me that Talent Agency Track Meets are things that actually exist and not just a way for the producers to shoe-horn a sports festival into a show that doesn't take place in a high school.
They did draw some new stuff so it's not fully censored. But no full :chet either.
This one of his was better.EDIT: oh wait, never mind, Extollere's post on how Azusa is a grown woman has the honor of being AnimeGAF's next post on SOS.
Gundam AGE 31
Wootbit/Kio's encounter was so out of nowhere. Part of the rushing through the beginning, I guess. Kio's naivete and earnestness is sort of nice though as he's acting his age. Popping open the AGE-3 like he did was some Getter Robo shit.
The punchline is definitely delivered far more expertly in that one.
Fuck Friends Next 7
Is this another case of Japan not knowing how nuns work?
Or it's made of shiny plastic! Buy the model, kids!
If this isn't how nuns are supposed to work I'd rather not know what it's supposed to be.