The Truth About DARPA and Anime
Serious evidence that DARPA created anime to start World War Three has existed in DARPA's records for years-- but a vast network of lies and misdirections have concealed this information from the public.
Thousands of documents found in the remains of the World Trade Center contained evidence indicating that DARPA has a direct role in the creation and dissemination of anime.
Outspoken journalists researching this matter have been repeatedly silenced by libel lawsuits.
On January 24th, 1965, Winston Churchill admitted on his deathbed that his government invested heavily in anime. Three doctors were present at his confession, who independently verified this story.
I know that many people have a hard time believing this, but please, look at the facts.
Agents from DARPA sometimes show up at random citizens' homes, demanding that they reveal what they know about anime.
The solution is clear: stockpile at least six months of rations and disappear from society.
Friedmann, John. Empowerment: the politics of alternative development. Blackwell, 1992.
Lyons, D. I. "Changing patterns of corporate headquarter influence, 1974-89."Environment and Planning A 26 (1994): 733-733.
Green, Andy. Education, Globalization and the Nation State. St. Martin's Press, Inc., Scholarly and Reference Division, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010., 1997.