I actually canceled my Amazon preorder, and ordered from Target. They have charged my card, but I still haven't received a tracking number. I almost wonder if I just have to go out into the wild tonight, to try to find one.
got my Amazon ship notice. Delivering tomorrow, with my first 4K BD.
Thanks. I wouldn't normally be worried, but after the Amazon fiasco, I'm definitely nervous.I wouldn't be worried. I would definitely think you'll get a tracking number soon. I was worried as well and talked to many reps all last week about the order to make sure I was getting it the day it was released. They assured me no worries and that I would get it Tuesday. They haven't let me down or others that I know pre-ordered through them, unlike Amazon.
Just got the dispatch email from Amazon UK!
Lucky, mine still says processingMy Scorpio Edition shipped from Target just now.
Just got the dispatch email from Amazon UK!
Lucky, mine still says processing
Any BB Scorpios ship yet? I thought when I preordered it said I would receive shipment on release date. Am I misremembering? My status is ”preparing".
Any BB Scorpios ship yet? I thought when I preordered it said I would receive shipment on release date. Am I misremembering? My status is preparing.
Awesome thanks!I just got off with customer service who told me mine has already been shipped from Warehouse #87 and I should receive it today despite my order status still at "Pre-ordered" and "Processing"
Anyone else preorder from Best Buy and get tracking info yet? I have a normal Xbox One X on preorder but I haven't received anything yet.
My amazon.co.uk order is on the way now, should be here tomorrow sometime.
Yes, my order placed on 11/3 from Best Buy was updated with FEDEX tracking info on Sunday - delivery is confirmed for 11/7
It says mine will be here by 8pm tomorrow, I assume that's just the standard close of play for them though rather than being about my particular order.My Amazon UK has moved from "preparing" to "shipping today". Just waiting to see where it's coming from and how.
My Amazon UK has moved from "preparing" to "shipping today". Just waiting to see where it's coming from and how.
There was someone in this thread who said that everyone was overreacting to not getting shipping times from Amazon last week. I did not panic and cancel my Scorpio order despite all the FUD. Now, I have a shipping date of release day as planned!!
Thanks random internet stranger!
Anytime homie lol
Still nothing from Amazon.es
Anyone else preorder from Best Buy and get tracking info yet? I have a normal Xbox One X on preorder but I haven't received anything yet.
There was someone in this thread who said that everyone was overreacting to not getting shipping times from Amazon last week. I did not panic and cancel my Scorpio order despite all the FUD. Now, I have a shipping date of release day as planned!!
Thanks random internet stranger!
Did you reply to the email they sent about paying the difference? I didnt see the email and when I phoned on Friday to see what was happening I was told Id lost my orderTesco Direct has no update arghhh still states "Created" - 26/09/2017
Did you reply to the email they sent about paying the difference? I didnt see the email and when I phoned on Friday to see what was happening I was told Id lost my order