Ok boys, slot me into the "Amazon UK can eat a dick" pile...
I ordered my X no more than 20 seconds after they went live. The wife and I sat there, watched the presentation, then F5ed the shit out of the site until we could order, and snagged one. So that's a day one order, right at the start. Must have been EASILY in the first 100 to pre-order on the site.
We are also Prime customers.
So... I'm sat here, at twenty to bloody eleven the night before the damn thing is released, with it being "preparing to dispatch" for, oh, about 12 hours now?
To say I was worried would be a bit of an understatement... I think I've probably been the person taking up 97% of the sites hits all day...
Not really very good, when my friend ordered one last WEEK, with no Prime account, and his was dispatched already...