The reception of Assassin’s Creed Shadows in Japan, based on Amazon Japan sales and reviews, is brutal


Cause Vikings had horns right? Right!? Female Spartans was a thing too right? Right!?
Thats eqivalent to having female protag in AC:S, having yasuke not as a 3rd option alongside male and female japanese but scraping actual male japanese for black guy in feudal japan is disgrace on a whole other lvl.
Imagine black geralt, or black bj blaskowicz, it simply makes 0 sense.
Would u be ok with black panther being japanese male? Coz probability of finding japanese man in wakanda is probably higher than finding black samurai in feudal japan :p


So ubi could do proper diligence and represent asian male as a samurai, which 99,999999% were, or fuck up and claim yasuke was samurai, and they chose him instead.
Its like they would do slave plantation simulation and decided protag not gonna be black slave, but that extremly rare poor white man that got enslaved coz of debts... hypocrysy is crazy here.

Btw, yosuke had black privilege in japan, according to wiki, his life was spared coz he wasnt japanese

Which means where his brothers in arms got defeated by overwhelming force, only yasuke, and only coz of being black, got spared- so others were killed/slaughtered, he got sent back to jesuits, like a lil bitch, unworthy of samurai's name, a coward, a disgrace...
Ey Polski, kurwa, just say you racist and be done with him Braté. Ja pierdole hahah


Thats eqivalent to having female protag in AC:S, having yasuke not as a 3rd option alongside male and female japanese but scraping actual male japanese for black guy in feudal japan is disgrace on a whole other lvl.
Imagine black geralt, or black bj blaskowicz, it simply makes 0 sense.
Would u be ok with black panther being japanese male? Coz probability of finding japanese man in wakanda is probably higher than finding black samurai in feudal japan :p
Oh now we are comparing actual fiction with historical fiction with proof. Yeah, your Polish brain is cooked xD
Nah, fam. I said why is it disrespectful/distasteful to you.
lol, this guy. You’re either being intellectually dishonest or you didn’t read my initial post. You seemed baffled, so I was pointing out why people in Japan(or any other culture) may take offense about having their cultural icons do things counter to their character. Wasn’t about me, and if you hadn’t been so quick to blow your load about “grifters”, you would have known this.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Your tag makes sense.

bathroom GIF


I want an AC Africa next, with your character being the smartest African that contributed the most to society to truly celebrate African culture . . .

Elon Musk GIF
You... Think Elon Musk is the msartest African? And not the ones that built the pyramids which still stumble modern archeologists? Just say you racist man...


Longer than any Polish Samurai moj Braté ;)
We got our own beatiful history here, altho pretty tragic, for example at one time in history we lost our independence for 123 years and only got it back after end of 1st world war, only to stop red army 2 years later .
We are also only nation who managed to conquer and occupy moscow for 2 straight years, hitler didnt make it, napoleon didnt make it either, but polish hussars did, back in 17th century =P

Edit: i bet Ubi would make polish hussars either black as night or brown skinned muslims, with their current take on faking history, if they ever make AC game happen in poland ;)
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We got our own beatiful history here, altho pretty tragic, for example at one time in history we lost our independence for 123 years and only got it back after end of 1st world war, only to stop red army 2 years later .
We are also only nation who managed to conquer and occupy moscow for 2 straight years, hitler didnt make it, napoleon didnt make it either, but polish hussars did, back in 17th century =P
I know about Polish history, I have studied it. I even know why you guys call the Weekend Weekendu. Don't try to play this game with me. You are upset because internally you are broken and the world must know so you don't feel alone.


I know about Polish history, I have studied it. I even know why you guys call the Weekend Weekendu. Don't try to play this game with me. You are upset because internally you are broken and the world must know so you don't feel alone.
It always feels good when outsiders know polish history, u called me out on being jelly of yasuke samurai episode so i simply gave u some(we got many more, but i think no reason to tell more) example of extraordinarry polish battle/military achievements, no harm meant, bro ;)


It always feels good when outsiders know polish history, u called me out on being jelly of yasuke samurai episode so i simply gave u some(we got many more, but i think no reason to tell more) example of extraordinarry polish battle/military achievements, no harm meant, bro ;)
Sure, but that never answered that question. Now Imagine if a Polish guy was a samurai in Japan, then that would be cool no? People love Shogun the Tv show! So I really don't see why people are up in arms. Poland is cool, perhaps they need to cool it little with the islamophobia but other than that, I generally like Polish people. They are hard working folks, great music, especially rap (Big fan of Bonus RPK)


Sure, but that never answered that question. Now Imagine if a Polish guy was a samurai in Japan, then that would be cool no? People love Shogun the Tv show! So I really don't see why people are up in arms. Poland is cool, perhaps they need to cool it little with the islamophobia but other than that, I generally like Polish people. They are hard working folks, great music, especially rap (Big fan of Bonus RPK)
We prefer our country homogenous, preventing economic migrants, young males at that, to access our country isnt sign of islamophobia, its a sign of common sense- on top those "surgeons and engineers" arent stupid, they rather go to western countries with 5x higher salaries and strong wellfare, we actually took in 70k of chechens back in the days after 1st and 2nd chechen war, only 1k of them are left by now, since we live hard lifes here compared to the west, everyone else emigrated to the west :)
We took those guys in tho coz they were genuine war refuges, not economic migrants, and they were muslim ;)
That is one of chechens we took in, after 1st chechen war, pretty famous bloke actually top mma fighter, he came to my smalltown prison once even, as a motivational speaker for inmates


We prefer our country homogenous, preventing economic migrants, young males at that, to access our country isnt sign of islamophobia, its a sign of common sense- on top those "surgeons and engineers" arent stupid, they rather go to western countries with 5x higher salaries and strong wellfare, we actually took in 70k of chechens back in the days after 1st and 2nd chechen war, only 1k of them are left by now, since we live hard lifes here compared to the west, everyone else emigrated to the west :)
We took those guys in tho coz they were genuine war refuges, not economic migrants, and they were muslim ;)
That is one of chechens we took in, after 1st chechen war, pretty famous bloke actually top mma fighter, he came to my smalltown prison once even, as a motivational speaker for inmates

So you mean to tell me the rest of Europe shouldn't have taken in the massive droves of Polish people that migrated around Europe, that live 13 people in a 2 bedroom apartment working constructions/truck work that send money home to their family? Am I hearing you right?


So you mean to tell me the rest of Europe shouldn't have taken in the massive droves of Polish people that migrated around Europe, that live 13 people in a 2 bedroom apartment working constructions/truck work that send money home to their family? Am I hearing you right?
Oh they for sure didnt want to, but had no choice since EU= free travel labor market, but i remember back when we joined EU many countries had "grace periods" of few years before their job market was avaiable to our workers ;)


Oh they for sure didnt want to, but had no choice since EU= free travel labor market, but i remember back when we joined EU many countries had "grace periods" of few years before their job market was avaiable to our workers ;)
You mean like Sweden, who actually travelled to Polen for work recruits and the likes? Or perhaps the dislike came afterwards, but you know? Those who complain are just dickheads and discriminated against the Polish people, much like what is happening in Poland now against the young Muslim men?
The joke is that he doesn't really think Elon is smart or celebrates African culture. Keep thinking, you'll figure it out.

No, I meant the joke being AC ends up having a white protagonist in Africa just like they have a black protagonist in Asia.

Elon is definitely the smartest and contributed the most.


The joke is that he doesn't really think Elon is smart or celebrates African culture. Keep thinking, you'll figure it out.
Are you sure about that? Reading what he posted now...

No, I meant the joke being AC ends up having a white protagonist in Africa just like they have a black protagonist in Asia.

Elon is definitely the smartest and contributed the most.
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Considering this forum, it's a bit hard to know lol

You missed the part when Elon is a stand-in for Yasuke. His point is that in both cases the protagonist doesn't represent the location well. He's saying it's a natural fit for the next AC because they just did the same crap on this one. You need a coffee or 7 for this to go over your head.


You missed the part when Elon is a stand-in for Yasuke. His point is that in both cases the protagonist doesn't represent the location well. He's saying it's a natural fit for the next AC because they just did the same crap on this one. You need a coffee or 7 for this to go over your head.
No, I meant the joke being AC ends up having a white protagonist in Africa just like they have a black protagonist in Asia.

Elon is definitely the smartest and contributed the most.
Right... Sure Tron...


You mean like Sweden, who actually travelled to Polen for work recruits and the likes? Or perhaps the dislike came afterwards, but you know? Those who complain are just dickheads and discriminated against the Polish people, much like what is happening in Poland now against the young Muslim men?
Polish men earned their right to work in other EU countries tho, we do it legally, thats the difference, we also accept european culture/rules, u wont find no-go zones coz of polish workers, we can be loud/drunk/agreesive to a point sometimes, but thats kinda it, huge difference vs african/middle east men who have no right to live/work in our country, nor get any kind of wellfare- if they running from war, let them sit it out in closest neighbouring country- simple as that ;)

My personal pov is- fk emigration, polish ppl get free college degrees, even in very big demand jobs like doctors/engineers, and then they leave country to make big buck in the west, so its actually big net loss for our country- poland.

Who benefits most is foreign companies who have their business here in poland and pay extremly low taxes(comapared to their polish competitors- those gotta pay proper taxes), and companies in western europe get access to cheap polish labor aka they can afford to lower salaries for every1, including native western europeans, cant help about that thing personally here but im not blind to it, just cant change it even tho it pisses me off.

I know it wont change at least in next few decades (and by then who knows how european landscape gonna look like, we might have ww3/nuclear destruction here even)simply coz amount of wealth/difference in salaries is still pretty huge when we talking richest vs poorest EU countries(not saying poland is alone there, pretty sure for example greece or portugal, even tho they are "old" EU members, arent that great, salary wise.


Polish men earned their right to work in other EU countries tho, we do it legally, thats the difference, we also accept european culture/rules, u wont find no-go zones coz of polish workers, we can be loud/drunk/agreesive to a point sometimes, but thats kinda it, huge difference vs african/middle east men who have no right to live/work in our country, nor get any kind of wellfare- if they running from war, let them sit it out in closest neighbouring country- simple as that ;)

My personal pov is- fk emigration, polish ppl get free college degrees, even in very big demand jobs like doctors/engineers, and then they leave country to make big buck in the west, so its actually big net loss for our country- poland.

Who benefits most is foreign companies who have their business here in poland and pay extremly low taxes(comapared to their polish competitors- those gotta pay proper taxes), and companies in western europe get access to cheap polish labor aka they can afford to lower salaries for every1, including native western europeans, cant help about that thing personally here but im not blind to it, just cant change it even tho it pisses me off.

I know it wont change at least in next few decades (and by then who knows how european landscape gonna look like, we might have ww3/nuclear destruction here even)simply coz amount of wealth/difference in salaries is still pretty huge when we talking richest vs poorest EU countries(not saying poland is alone there, pretty sure for example greece or portugal, even tho they are "old" EU members, arent that great, salary wise.
I can respect that opinion except for the No-Go-Zone because I know for a FACT that there are the same one's in Poland and it's not because of foreigners. No-Go-Zones are created due to gang activity and that is a huge problem because of other social economics that are far removed from this conversation. You are not a dumb person, but you do seem to be pulled along by grifters who are planting hatred in your heart. A Polish man per standard has been shitted on by the rest of Europe so it's very disappointing to see what's happening in that country and the fellow Poles.


i mean, it's a bit *off* that you can take a countries icons force them into gay sex scenarios on the world stage in complete opposition with how they acted historically. Player choice and all that, but it's still kinda messed up. Two samurais banging/kissing/heavy petting on screen? I mean... Imagine doing that with other cultural icons, you can do it, but it's distasteful/disrespectful, no?

Are your refering to Yasuke?
We have no record of him being straight, and him being gay would in no way be an insult unless you see something wrong with him being gay?? They certainly wouldn't have when he was in Edo Japan, where being gay was extremely common.
One of the first historical figures you meet would have be Nobunaga know for being in love with a 17 year old dude.
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With how blacks have been acting in japan you can't blame japan for not wanting to play a game where a black man kills Asian people. Like most people they're fed up with this shit.

Ah yes, a couple foreign youtuber did bad thing so obviously the Japanese are stupid enough to now have a bias against all black peeople ans stop thinking rationally


Maybe not everyone is as racist as you?
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There are people who have been here for years who do just enough to not get banned, for the most part, but enough to be on the radar of the mod team.
Hell yeah that's my sweet spot. Like okay I did eat a recent uhhh non-consensual rebranding but looks like I can maybe change my name in April so I feel like I'm still right in the pocket.
Lol no, the guy is probably close to 60 by now.

He’s having a meltdown on twitter


What if you are a man playing as a female character and actively pursue a female character?
That's just proper gaming


The people that are upset about Yasuke, were you equally upset by Nioh and the choice of protagonist it went with? Because nobody has actually answered that question, only some mumbling about AC and historical accuracy.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
With how blacks have been acting in japan you can't blame japan for not wanting to play a game where a black man kills Asian people. Like most people they're fed up with this shit.
Tourists in general have been acting like jackasses in Japan lately, not just black people. There has been a boom in foreigners due in part to the weak value of the yen.

Just because you hate black people doesn’t mean people don’t want to play the game because of that.


Lol no, the guy is probably close to 60 by now.

He’s having a meltdown on twitter

This is how you know you are obsessed with the internet.

Not that i want to but if i was banned from here i just would simply go on living and not feel the need to tell anyone let alone "find a new community".

Knowing that Mana probably still lurks, dude, find a real-life community with actual IRL people you meet and spend time with, forget about internet people, nothing good is gonna come from twitter, bluesky, or if you like diddling kids resetera.
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