The reception of Assassin’s Creed Shadows in Japan, based on Amazon Japan sales and reviews, is brutal

Kings Field

Can’t we all just get along…

national hug day GIF by WTA


Identifies as young
To be fair to mana, he’s in an extreme emotional state right now. He’s just blowing off steam.

Just wish the guy could drop the constant agitated state he’s always in. Not sure why he feels like it’s his job to defend every piece of entertainment.

The personal crusades and the absurd gaslighting that went along with it were just too much. I learned really early in my time here on GAF to fact check everything manabyte said because more times than not, it was bullshit.


Gold Member
The personal crusades and the absurd gaslighting that went along with it were just too much. I learned really early in my time here on GAF to fact check everything manabyte said because more times than not, it was bullshit.
pittsburgh pirates GIF by MLB

Manabyte is a fucking clown.

I'm glad he's gone.

He was my favorite person to bring up his old posts, basically everything he said was bullshit.

He would lie and mislead people constantly....I hate that shit.


Neo Member
I still remember that in 2006 when the woke/sjw mob rear it's ugly head and called Capcom a racist and imperialist company for having Chris Redfield kill a bunch of black zombies in that RE 5 trailer. It was shitstorm on the internet, one of the biggest stories in gaming along with the Wii being released and a trailer of MGS4.

Ahh, good times, now it's "Hey that never happened! Why would anyone have any problems with kllling black zombies! Its just a game!"
I think this may be a bit of an over-exaggeration of the truth though I could be wrong. I remember Ngai Croal writing an article about the RE5 trailer. In his analysis he expounded on the IMAGERY presented and how it evoked a certain emotional response especially when examining it from a historical context. I don't remember him claiming it was racist. Now as a black guy I understood exactly where he was coming from even at that young of an age but not once did I nor any black gamers I know or personally been in contact with thought of Capcom as racist. If anything it was the reactionary crowd that seemed the most vocal. Again, I could be mistaken.


It’s a video game. It’s about as dumb as getting upset at the movie The Last Samurai. Very few people gave a shit about history being rewritten when it came to other Samurai games, despite them taking far more liberties with history. Because they are all fiction.

The Last Samurai is actually a rather nuanced and respectful film.

The ignorant or lazy think it's just Tom Cruise LARPing as a samurai with Ken Watanabe as a token Japanese actor, but it's far from it.


The Last Samurai is actually a rather nuanced and respectful film.

The ignorant or lazy think it's just Tom Cruise LARPing as a samurai with Ken Watanabe as a token Japanese actor, but it's far from it.
I also enjoy the movie. I’m just pointing out it would be a bit dumb to write it off just because of the main characters race.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
I don’t know about DEI or all that, but NOT having a Japanese man being represented in a game about feudal Japan seems like a departure for the series.

AC1- middle eastern man, set in the Middle East.
AC2- Italian. Set in italy.
Ac3- half white half Native American. Set in the US
AC:Black Flag- English. Set in the Caribbean, but pirates were well known to be English (in large part)

So you tell me what sticks out to you?

rise of the footsoldier essex GIF

He wasn't English.


Gold Member
From this

To weak menchildren complaining about a video game in just 55 years :messenger_pensive:

They can cry all they want, but if a politician isn't ready to commit seppuku in the blink of an eye when his demands aren't met, he is not japanese.

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M ManaByte decided to sacrifice for this game? Fucking LMAO... What a waste, should have taken the W as the game isn't flopping and be happy with that 🤷‍♂️
Mana has a habit of manipulating the truth or just outright lying when he gets obsessively defensive about something, then plays the victim when called out on it. No point entertaining a discussion with someone who enters it in bad faith.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
sigh, hate to see veteran members go out over stuff like this.
He had it coming anyway. Mana's been banned more times than most members. At some point you got to release.

Take care of your apple adam. You may need to swallow something larger now.
Yeah. It's good to have these long time posters here around. There should be other options than perma bans in these cases.

Rip Pour One Out GIF
Would you trade in your account to have Mana back for 30 mins?

Why should the rules bend differently because he were a veteran member? Do you even realize what you are saying?
To be fair to mana, he’s in an extreme emotional state right now. He’s just blowing off steam.

Just wish the guy could drop the constant agitated state he’s always in. Not sure why he feels like it’s his job to defend every piece of entertainment.
Why does anyone need to defend anything, especially to the point Mana did it. Dude's been active for over 20 years doing this thing, that's not healthy.

If i did what Mana did (but better), i would be the most known user on NeoGAF. Is that something one want to aspire to?

If anything, maybe he can now just lead a semblance of a more healthy life - No more NeoGaffians to think about.

Damn, the biggest legacy this game will have on this forum is that it was the game that got M ManaByte banned.
One could say he is now in the Shadows, per the game's title.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
M ManaByte died on this hill?
sigh, hate to see veteran members go out over stuff like this.
Being Veteran member doesn't mean you're immune to the rules of the site, it means he should know better.
You can say pretty much what you like on here but gotta know when to nip it in the bud and not go on a personal crusade.
That doesn't mean you can't be passionate or stand your ground.
Just that we should talk to eachother like friends and colleagues.
And that includes calling them an dumb shit or taking the piss out of them.
But Throwing malicious insults and accusations like the member is the enemy isn't the way.
Sadly Manabyte somehow lost his way along the road.
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