Maybe to your mind. She's been good at best to me; and most of her stuff is a big fat miss. I'm hearing very bad things about her Uncanny X-Men.
And unfortunately, I think the fact that her highest selling books were the Burnside Batgirl shit from over 11 years ago and happened to top out at <79k says something about her wider appeal.
Yeah, sure. The second most popular Green Lantern needs notes from Simone.
It's great to circumnavigate tired cliches, but it didn't stop at Rayner's girlfriend in the fridge, did it? It quickly spun out to a point where male heroes who have masculine traits are routinely made to look like jobbers and/or toxic losers for the sake of uplifting the female ones. The comic book space is male oriented, simple as. You don't see dudes waltzing into a romance novel publisher and yapping about how they would change the dozens of cliches that pop up there.
That's nice (although I think it's more true of her early career than her more recent stuff, and all feminists love homoeroticism, so moot point) but guess what? It goes way beyond fanservice. It's an overall attitude to human nature and how social dynamics should be.
The proof is in the pudding here. She opened the door for a slew of ideologues similar to and more zealous than her. These people have tanked the American comic industry. That she is one of the bigger names still working in comics today is an indictment.
I will not because I've not read much with her art. Power Girl isn't exactly the most relevant book DC has going.
-you flat out called her one of the worst things in comics. Now she’s capable of some good stuff. Where’s the consistency?
Sales hardly equate quality. You saying a cheeseburger from McDonald’s is better than one from Five Guys?
I’m sure Superman was selling much more than Batgirl of Burnisde despite the main Superman title being mostly shit during the New 52 era in most fans’ eyes. Whereas Batgirl (NOT Burnside, that was a different creative team) was generally considered good if unremarkable.
And some of what are now considered among easily the best New 52 titles were also low sellers: Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Demon Knights. Shocker: sometimes good stuff goes unnoticed for a while because plenty of casuals just want to grab the burger they know without actually spending effort into seeing if there are better options.
Also, funny you would use the New 52 as your example. See, a few months back I watched a several episode series from a podcast that did a deep dive history look at the New 52 era. They talked about how within the first year, a woman was mocked by some other attendees at a convention in a DC panel when she asked if there could be more female-led titles as only 8 of the initial New 52 titles had a female lead (and she was asking not as a reader herself, but because her daughter was reading the New 52 as a new fans and said daughter likes to cosplay and was hoping for more books to feature lead characters she could dress up as, so really speaks volumes on the sort of assholes who would mock such a request).
Well, see it’s funny, New 52 was no stranger to cancelling a ton of titles, and bringing in a ton of new titles to replace them (as they were pushing the concept of having 52 active titles always), and many of those got cancelled too. The three replacement titles that did last to the end of the New 52 (and two of them beyond it)? Batgirl of Burnside, Gotham Academy, and Harley Quinn. All of which were female-led titles.
Guess that woman wasn’t as much of a dumbass as those certain “fans” treated her, hmm?
-routinely? Yeah, I’ve seen little evidence this is that common. The male heroes are still frequently kicking ass, and still make up the majority of Marvel and DC titles’ focus.
-so now we’re blaming her for OTHER PEOPLE with more extreme ideologies? That’s fucking bonkers, come on.
Also, not a good indictment because Gail is NOT one of the biggest names in Marvel and DC currently, she kind of took a step back the last decade mostly and her X-men run is her first big project in a long while. Scott Snyder, Tom King, Mark Waid, Tom Taylor, Kelly Thompson, Jonathan Hickman, Jed Mackay, Al Ewing, etc. are the ones who are the biggest names in the big 2 right now. So your point suffers a lot there actually.
-your loss, everything she and her husband Jimmy Palmiotti have done together is pure fun